@Jessica H. Yes I believe that your current LLC partner WOULD feel cheated. And that is why I believe @Rob Caldwell and a few others are suggesting to @John Geldert to NOT make a money partner 50/50 in the business.
For what it is worth I suggest that YOU own your business (not you and the money guy)... in the beginning the value is not "in" the business or the partnership the value is in the deal you can find. The deals are the only way the business makes money. Then money or partners will show up when they see you have value (deals).
You have heard the saying: "you make money when you buy". Well that is true and partners are easy to find when you have a great deal, trust that. Go find the deal!
Getting "out" of a partnership like Jessica is hinting at WILL become a reality when you need to and want to keep more of the profits. Otherwise you might burn the bridge of a great money partner.
Find a partner that is willing to loan based on a 50/50 arrangement... PROPERTY SPECIFIC... but focus FIRST on finding the deal.
This has worked VERY well for me... I have done a ton of 50/50 deals when I needed the money partner and lacked the funds. But the same money partner was/is very willing and very happy for me when I take down deals on my own and use him for hard money.
I can not fund all the deals I find and it is very nice to take one or two on my own then go to the money guy and say "how about 50/50 on this ONE" because I can't do it on my own.
That is WIN-WIN and your protecting everyone and maximizing YOUR profits.