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Property Management & Landlording

Property management involves a lot of work. You have to screen tenants, handle maintenance requests, manage security measures, and manage lease agreements. 


Property management is a skill necessary for anyone with investment properties, from the seasoned investor looking to optimize their portfolio to the newcomer eager to learn how to manage rental properties.


We’ll provide you the tips and insights you need to successfully run your rental property, whether you are a self-managing landlord or hiring a property management company.

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Fundamentals of Property Management (How To Be a Landlord)

Property management fundamentals are essential for any landlord’s success. From acquiring your first rental to setting optimal rent prices, these basics cover the core aspects of managing a rental property. Understanding these principles lays the groundwork for a thriving rental business.

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aerials of rental properties in a neighborhood

6 Landlord Tips for More Passive Income

New landlord? Don’t worry! If you follow these six landlord tips, you’ll be running your rental properties like a well-oiled machine, which means more passive income for you! Mindy Jensen, host of the “BiggerPockets Money” podcast, is here to share her decades of landlording experience, reviewing some not-so-obvious landlord tips and tricks to minimize your midnight toilet calls and maximize your real estate cash flow.

Getting Your Property Ready for Tenants

Preparing your property for tenants is crucial for successful management. Strategic upgrades and thorough inspections attract quality tenants and protect your investment. Following a comprehensive checklist ensures no detail is overlooked, setting your rental property apart in a competitive market.

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rental property

Listing & Marketing Your Rental Property

A great marketing strategy will get your rental properties in front of your ideal tenants. Taking stellar photos, writing exceptional descriptions, and utilizing marketing tools and social media will have your units booked quickly.

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marketing a rental property

Tenant Screening & Selection

Tenant screening may be the most important step in the property management process. You’re looking for high-quality, responsible, and reliable tenants who will respect your property and your lease terms.


The search for these tenants may seem daunting, but a comprehensive screening process helps mitigate risks such as property damage and evictions.

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tenant screening

Lease Agreements & Tenant Onboarding

A solid lease agreement and smooth tenant onboarding are crucial for a successful rental experience. A well-crafted lease protects all parties, while proper handling of security deposits and thorough move-in procedures prevent future disputes. Also, understanding lease termination ensures a professional, legally sound start to the landlord-tenant relationship.

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lease agreement

Save time and money with this refreshing guide to managing your own properties.

In The Self-Managing Landlord, Amelia McGee and Grace Gudenkauf share the secrets of efficient property management, tenant screening and onboarding, and scaling your business—all to help you break free from the 9-to-5 grind and create lasting wealth through real estate.

Managing Tenants & Dealing with Problems

You now have tenants and need to learn how to manage them. Learn how to collect rent efficiently, what to do about lease violations, how to prepare for move-outs, and more.

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managing tenants

Rental Property Maintenance & Upkeep

Property maintenance and upkeep are essential to your rental business’s long-term success. Equipped with a strategy and checklists, you can ensure your properties are in check with a lower likelihood of needing expensive repairs.

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rental property maintenance

Property Management Tips & Tricks

Smart property management extends beyond basic landlord duties. From navigating taxes to protecting your investment, these insider tips will boost your success. Streamline operations, maximize returns, and tackle unexpected challenges with confidence.

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house keys

Hiring a Property Manager

If you’re ready to be hands-off, it’s time to consider outsourcing your tasks to a property management company. 


A property manager can handle tenant screening, lease agreements, rent collection, property maintenance, financial reporting, listing and marketing properties, tenant communications, inspections, and more. 

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hiring a property manager

The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Property Manager (Is It Worth It?)

“Should I hire a property manager?” That’s the question on most new real estate investors’ minds once they close on their first rental property. So, what are the pros and cons of hiring a property manager, and is the extra fee worth less stress? Or should you start self-managing your own rental properties and pocket that extra ten percent of rent? We asked financially free real estate investor Michael Glunk for his take.

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