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Pro Members Get Full Access
Succeed in real estate investing with proven toolkits that have helped thousands of aspiring and existing investors achieve financial freedom.
$32.50/month, billed annually after your 7-day trial.
Cancel anytime
Find the right properties and ace your analysis
Market Finder with key investor metrics for all US markets, plus a list of recommended markets.
Deal Finder with investor-focused filters and notifications for new properties
Unlimited access to 9+ rental analysis calculators and rent estimator tools
Off-market deal finding software from Invelo ($638 value)
Supercharge your network
Pro profile badge
Pro exclusive community forums and threads
Build your landlord command center
All-in-one property management software from RentRedi ($240 value)
Portfolio monitoring and accounting from Stessa
Lawyer-approved lease agreement packages for all 50-states ($4,950 value) *annual subscribers only
Shortcut the learning curve
Live Q&A sessions with experts
Webinar replay archive
50% off investing courses ($290 value)
Already a Pro Member? Sign in here
Take Action with BiggerPockets Pro
Our comprehensive suite of tools and resources minimize mistakes, support informed decisions, and propel you to success.
Advanced networking features
Market and Deal Finder tools
Property analysis calculators
Landlord Command Center
$32.50/month when billed annually.
7 day free trial. Cancel anytime.

Make Informed Decisions & Avoid Mistakes with BiggerPockets Pro

No matter where you are in your investing journey, Pro is here to support you.

Step 1
Invest in the Right Markets and Deals
Use our Market Finder and Deal Finder tools to discover high-potential markets and investment properties tailored to your specific criteria.

Identify Top Markets: Find the best locations for investment with detailed market insights

Find On or Off-Market Deals: Use our Deal Finder for MLS listings or tap into Invelo’s off-market deal finding tool.

Deal Finder: Set your investment criteria and receive notifications for new listings that match.
Invelo: Find off-market properties with investment potential and launch direct mail campaigns to owners.
Step 2
Avoid Costly Mistakes with Analysis Tools
Quickly analyze potential investments with our powerful suite of calculators, designed to help you make informed decisions, avoid mistakes, and maximize your returns.

Analysis for Any Strategy: Use our most popular tool—the Rental Property Calculator—or focus on a different strategy with our BRRRR, Flipping, or Wholesaling tools.

Estimate Rent Prices and Rehab: Pull data-driven rental comps or estimate your rehab costs.

Step 3
Manage Your Portfolio with Ease
Streamline your property management process, optimize your portfolio, and save on maintenance with Pro Features.

Lease Agreements: Protect your investments with lawyer-reviewed lease agreement packages for all 50 states. *annual subscribers only

Efficient Property Management: Secure new tenants, sign leases, collect rent, field maintenance requests, and much more with RentRedi–included with Pro.

Portfolio Tracking and Accounting: Use Stessa to track and optimize your portfolio for free. Make tax season a breeze with downloadable tax documents.

Maintenance Cost Savings: Get exclusive discounts on materials like flooring and appliances from The Home Depot.

Don't Take Our Word for It

Start Building with BiggerPockets Pro Today

Our comprehensive suite of tools and resources minimize mistakes, support informed decisions, and propel you to success.

    Advanced networking features
    Market and Deal Finder tools
    Property analysis calculators
    Landlord Command Center
7 day free trial. Cancel anytime.