Hello everyone,
I started my own marketing in Houston about 6 weeks ago, working a 1200 people list that I built using Real Acquisition .com and sending yellow letters.
I have used a filter called "Loan modification" in real acquisition, using both absentee owner and owner occupied. That filter is supposed to be people that have had possible issues making their payment and have discussed modifying their loan payment with their bank, sounded like it could be good leads.
I mailed the full list once, 1200 leads, got 3 responses. Pretty weak but to be expected for the first wave, I was not worrying too much. But I took a harder look at the list and something did look funny :
The list is all like that, 5 to 10 results on the same street ! and those street are not big streets at all. Which sounded weird to me since I was targeting many zip codes.
I need your guys experience to kind of make sense to all that. I do not mind doing my own marketing but it would be annoying to mail a bad list. What do you guys think of all that ? Have you used real acquisition before ? any advice ?
Thanks a lot for your help.