@Account Closed , I think you may just be bored. If the part-time job provides you that diversity and helps you unwind, doesn't sound like a job to me at all. Seems more like relaxation or you're right, keeps you social and sane and even grounded.
I'm not in the same situation exactly but I understand what you mean. It's one of the downside to self-employment that's not often discussed but yeah, there's that challenge. You get bored, you're often too busy running your business but once established, you might reach a point where you have too much time on your hands that you know would not be effective spent on your business but on something else. For me, it's about taking up new hobbies, working out, making time to go out and meet people, especially those who I know would not only be good social companions but also share my interest for running a business particularly marketing.
Just as long as it's something I am interested in, would make me a better person/entrepreneur, I do it. :)