@Ryan Butler , at the first contact you'd want to talk less and listen more. Focus on connecting with the seller particularly by building rapport. This will give you a bigger chance of getting a second contact or better yet, a possible deal.
Don't ask too many questions about the property or talk a lot about what you do yet. What you're primarily after is determining their motivation and knowing their situation...so you know if you it's the kind of seller and deal you are looking for. So you know if you can also provide a solution to their problem.
There's no special formula or secret on how you can end up having the seller say yes to your offer. Basically, you just have to win people's trust that you're not a phony, that you can actually offer a solution to their problem and that you mean business.
I wouldn't consider a lead dead unless the person is literally dead, has clearly told me to never call him again, or has already sold the house. If it's none of the three, I keep the lead and call them after a while, few weeks, months...depending on where we left off. That's why it's so important to build rapport from the start. You'll be surprised how they can still remember your name the next time you call.