@Tyson Cross , yes I have them follow a script at first, mainly to have a flow to follow all through the call. You'd want to make sure you hire someone articulate and well-versed in English. You'd be surprise how there's alot of them....then they don't have to sound scripted. In a few weeks time, I notice that they sound more natural and conversational once they've get the hang of things. I have all calls recorded using mp3 skype recorder and for the first month I check on some calls to see how they're doing and maybe do some coaching.
I don't really tell them to keep calls short. They have to understand that it's a big part of their job that they know how to gauge each lead's level of motivation. So ultimately, it's their call every time. They decide which ones should be forwarded to me at the end of the day. For certain situations where they can't decide on something or not familiar, I always make myself available through skype chat or email.
At the end of the day, the VA forwards the motivated leads to me with all the details gathered from the conversation. I run comps and come up with the offer and tell her so she can call them back.
I set my VA's up with their own Googlevoice and Skype accounts. The GV number for the area I'm marketing. We're able to access it simultaneously. That number is what's listed on the postcards mailed to sellers. If leads call outside of the VA's shift, VA returns all missed calls. If she gets a call while on her shift, she can pick it up live. My VA's also do cold-calling, if it's not too busy and I haven't mailed a new batch, I can make her look up leads in Craigslist and FSBO's.
Sorry this is long but I hope it helps. :)