With plug ins remember that more is not always better. But some that I use and have liked
Akismet to cut down on spammy comments
SEO Auto Linker awesome
All in One SEO Pack for SEO naturally
Broken Link Checker but some people say it puts a load on your server, in your setting you can make it only run at certain times such as when you are signed into your admin
Comment Luv
Fast Secure Contact Form some people like other contacts forms but this one has built in captcha
GrowMap Anti Spambot Plugin little check box to confuse bots
Tim Thumb Vulnerability Scanner helps to prevent a commonly used way for hackers to get in
W3 Total Cache
Yet Another Related Post Plugin
These are just a few I like and there are some for security that I did not mention that I use. Strongly suggest you look at security plug ins first.
Some that I just learned about this week while at RETSO, the real estate technology conference in Atlanta that I will be investigating:
WP Touch
inbound writer
Custom post type UI
Also very important that BEFORE you install plug in that you check how many times it has been downloaded, does it work with your version of WP, how is it rated, how recently was it updated.
Some plug ins will conflict with each other.
Remember to keep your plugins and themes updated just like I am sure you are doing with your WP install.