Use these google searches (change the phrase "real estate" to whatever you want to rank for:
{real estate} "Notify me of follow-up comments?"+"real estate"
{real estate} "powered by disqus"+"real estate"
{south carolina} "Notify me of follow-up comments?"+"real estate"
"real estate" "powered by wordpress" "leave a comment" -"no comments"
{real estate} “powered by WordPress”
“real estate” "Remember my personal information" "Notify me of follow-up comments"
"powered by wordpress" + "Mail (will not be published) (required)" + "real estate"
“Top Sites for Researching {real estate}” inurl:blog “wordpress” “comment” “real estate” inurl:blog “wordpress” “comment” “real estate”
inanchor:"real estate"
allinanchor:real estate "real estate"
"Powered by Phbb" real estate
"Powered by vBulletin" real estate
"Powered by SMF" real estate
Phbb real estate
"Powered by Phbb" real estate
"Powered by vBulletin" real estate
"Powered by SMF" real estate
Phbb your real estate
"powered by IPB" real estate
"[real estate]" "Post A Comment" INURL:blog name email website
"Recent Comments" "[real estate]" "Post A Comment" INURL:blog name email website
Be aware that leaving comments is an art. Some will say you can automate the process but this will open you up to getting labeled a spammer. Which will hurt your website.
I also would caution against using keywords as your name. I delete all comments from jerks that do this. If someone is nice enough to let you have a link, be nice enough to follow their comment policy.
Comments such as "Great post" are NOT what you want to leave. Actually read the articles and leave a comment directly related to the topic. Asking a question is a great way to comment.
If you only concentrate on Do Follow Links, Google will know. Mix it up. You want links but you also want people to follow the links.