if i was you, i would start eating less, wear same clothes and drive less, perhaps sell a car (if it's exotic enough) and buy a cheap one. Pay off one debt at a time, starting with debt at highest interest rate first and going down, or you can use Dave Ramsey's method of paying of smallest debt first (kinda illogical but works for tons of people). Oh and don't forget, extra job will do two things, decrease Debt to income, plus you can use extra cash for debt payoff or down payment.
If you still fall short, you can always sell couple of bottles of blood a month or/and if you still have any energy left, get a third weekend job.
I honestly would do all that, not because i want to get into my own house so bad, because getting my first property will give me the taste of blood that real estate investing is. This will change you life and family tree forever, if you do it right and repeat it over & over.
I still remember when i was 18 and was running around looking for electrician at 2 Am (long story)