The Truth About Full-Time Real Estate Investing
Want to go full-time into real estate investing? In only a few short years, you’ll be able to make millions of dollars, own a mansion on the beach, and ride your gold-plated jet ski into the sunset without ever having to work again…Of course, none of that is true. But, it’s precisely what the online “gurus” have been peddling for years, seductively luring in burnt-out workers by promising unimaginable income without much upfront work.
Podcasts- 22 May 2023
How to Buy Your FIRST Rental Property in 2023
Ready to buy your first rental property in 2023? If you’re going to reach financial independence, retire early, and own your time, you better get started.
Podcasts- 18 Apr 2023
HELOCs, Hard Markets, and The 10-Year Real Estate Retirement Plan
What’s your real estate retirement plan? How should you fund your rentals? And why is today’s housing market so hard to cash flow? These are just some of the questions that regular real estate investors ask themselves.
Podcasts- 19 Jan 2023
Financial Freedom in 2 Years By ONLY Buying Off-Market Rentals
Financial freedom in two years? How can that be possible with high interest rates and higher home prices?
Podcasts- 21 Oct 2022
How High Will Mortgage Rates Get in 2022?
Mortgage rates went from being a nap-inducing topic to becoming one of the most talked about, researched, and debated subjects of 2022.
Podcasts- 6 Sep 2022
Buying Opportunities & Low Interest Rate Rental Property Loans
Interest rates are up, but you can still get rental property loans at a good price if you’re able to act quickly.
Podcasts- 8 Jul 2022
6 Bite-Sized Steps to Buying an Investment Property
Buying an investment property is a lot like exercising.
Podcasts- 24 May 2022
How to Get Ahead of the Housing Market with Real Estate Data
The housing market is confusing, and it seems like the standard fundamentals of real estate investing are becoming less and less reliable as home prices rise and cash flow continues to get crunched.
Podcasts- 6 May 2022
Why The “Right Way" to Invest in Real Estate is Wrong
If you want to invest in real estate, you’re probably taking a safe, slow approach to building a rental property portfolio.
Podcasts- 29 Apr 2022

BiggerPockets Podcast 533: No Tenants, Toilets, or Trash? It’s Possible, Through Self Storage w/ Paul Moore
Self storage investing could be the most slept-on opportunity in the real estate investing world.
Podcasts- 18 Nov 2021
- 1:04:22

BiggerPockets Podcast 532: Is 2022 the “Perfect Storm” For Multifamily Investing? | J Scott Takeover
Multifamily real estate can be a massive wealth creator, but you have to be willing to make the jump.
Podcasts- 16 Nov 2021
- 1:30:52

BiggerPockets Podcast 531: Can’t Find a Deal? Here’s How to “Make a Deal” with Daniel Harvey
Real estate property zoning allows those with a keen eye, creative mind, and delayed gratification to transform a once-vacant warehouse into a massively profitable multifamily deal.
Podcasts- 14 Nov 2021
- 56:20

BiggerPockets Podcast 530: Finding the “Hidden Gold” Most Investors Miss Both On & Off-Market
Buying rental properties is a way for us to protect our families in case anything were to ever happen to us
Podcasts- 11 Nov 2021
- 1:06:31

BiggerPockets Podcast 529: “Free Real Estate”, Negotiations, & Market Cycles | ‘Takeover’ Ep w Pace Morby
Don’t have enough cash? Try creative financing! No credit? Try creative financing!
Podcasts- 9 Nov 2021
- 42:13

BiggerPockets Podcast 528: 5 Questions to Ask EVERY Seller & Finding the “Bunnies” To Close the Deal
Closing on off-market real estate deals is one of the best ways to start stacking your portfolio, especially while the housing market is so hot.
Podcasts- 7 Nov 2021
- 1:03:14

BiggerPockets Podcast 527: 300 Doors, 100% Creative Financing with Pace Morby
Pace Morby has become synonymous with creative financing, subject to deals, and flipping.
Podcasts- 4 Nov 2021
- 1:16:52

BiggerPockets Podcast 526: BiggerNews November: Congress’s $40B Sucker Punch to Real Estate Investors (See Update!)
Is Congress trying to curtail real estate investing? Will inflation eat up your profits while you sleep? Is now a good time to buy rentals, and if so, why?
Podcasts- 2 Nov 2021
- 1:11:31

BiggerPockets Podcast 525: Stop Planning Goals Around Results, Do This Instead with Geoff Woods
Achieving goals can be difficult, and accomplishing them may seem impossible at times. Maybe we’re looking at goal setting and achieving goals all wrong.
Podcasts- 31 Oct 2021
- 1:15:24

BiggerPockets Podcast 524: 3 Sales Secrets That Will Help You Close Your First or Next Deal
Chandler David Smith is a sales technique master! Yet, a decade ago, he was a broke college student.
Podcasts- 28 Oct 2021
- 1:09:48

BiggerPockets Podcast 523: Meet Max Maxwell: Broke at 30, Millionaire at 33 | ‘Takeover’ Ep w Nasar
You wouldn’t know how far Max Maxwell has come at first glance. Looking at his Instagram, you’ll see private planes, a wealth of knowledge on real estate, and seriously shiny Rolexes
Podcasts- 26 Oct 2021
- 51:15

BiggerPockets Podcast 522: From “No Comma Paychecks” to 7-Figures Using These 5 Skills w/ Nasar El Arabi
Starting a real estate business didn’t seem like something Nasar El-Arabi was cut out for. He was a self-proclaimed “failure” when it came to being employed.
Podcasts- 24 Oct 2021
- 1:06:58

BiggerPockets Podcast 521: Leukemia & Bankruptcy to Retired with 250 Units in 7 Years
With the goal of financial freedom and an outlook of positivity, Jeffrey Holst was able to fight cancer, get out of bankruptcy, and retire in only seven years.
Podcasts- 21 Oct 2021
- 1:10:37

BiggerPockets Podcast 520: $47k/Month in Rent, 0 Doors Owned | Rookie Takeover w/ Rafael Loza
Rental arbitrage is a form of subletting that allows long-term tenants to make massive cash flow off of short-term rentals. Someone who’s done this to an extreme is Rafael Loza.
Podcasts- 19 Oct 2021
- 54:34

BiggerPockets Podcast 519: 5 Keys to Becoming a Millionaire on Less Than $100k Per Year
If you’re wondering how to become a millionaire, but don’t have the six-figure salary, you should talk to Ashley Kehr.
Podcasts- 17 Oct 2021
- 1:17:10

BiggerPockets Podcast 518: The Biggest Takeaways from BPCon 2021 | Live Host Panel from NOLA
The real estate market is looking strong, and for many BiggerPockets subscribers, that’s something worth celebrating!
Podcasts- 14 Oct 2021
- 1:30:03

BiggerPockets Podcast 517: 5 Pitfalls When Buying These “Crazy Cash Flow” Properties
Avery Carl is the go-to contact for short-term rentals
Podcasts- 12 Oct 2021
- 1:10:07

BiggerPockets Podcast 516: Are You an Asset or Liability to Those in Your Life? w/ Earn Your Leisure
Earn Your Leisure began as a way to teach children about the importance of financial literacy.
Podcasts- 10 Oct 2021
- 1:09:04

BiggerPockets Podcast 515: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Buying Out-of-State Investment Properties
Buying out-of-state rental properties may be common for some investors, but it's not uncommon for many investors to start out buying properties in their home markets.
Podcasts- 7 Oct 2021
- 1:11:43

BiggerPockets Podcast 514: BiggerNews, October: How Small Landlords Can Beat the Hedge Funds
Hedge funds were well prepared for the last housing market crash. When the housing market started to slide in 2007, smart investors began buying, and waiting, for rock-bottom prices to kick in
Podcasts- 5 Oct 2021
- 1:12:49

BiggerPockets Podcast 513: Seeing Greene: BRRRR 101 – Loans, Deals, & Cash Flow
Since the BRRRR method is such a popular strategy among real estate investors, we thought it best to have an episode that touches on so many aspects of the BRRRR strategy with BRRRR book author, David Greene
Podcasts- 3 Oct 2021
- 58:47

BiggerPockets Podcast 512: From Losing $150k at the Blackjack Table to 7-Figure Profits in Real Estate
The road to real estate millions isn’t a simple path, and Jude Bernard knows this.
Podcasts- 30 Sep 2021
- 1:20:56

BiggerPockets Podcast 511: Getting Your Market, Money, and Mindset Right | 3 Coaching Calls!
David Greene, your real estate mentor and coach is back with some more knowledge for new real estate investors! On today’s coaching call, David talks to Carly, Michael, and Katie about three different problems that present three specific solutions.
Podcasts- 28 Sep 2021
- 50:41

BiggerPockets Podcast 510: Work Less and Make More by “Working the System” with Sam Carpenter & Josh Fonger
Everyone wants to make more money. But, as an entrepreneur, you may be used to putting in hours of work learning new tactics, skills, and strategies.
Podcasts- 26 Sep 2021
- 1:25:43

BiggerPockets Podcast 509: Cars & Cashflow: Manny Khoshbin’s Story from Homeless to $1B
If you scroll through Manny Khoshbin’s Instagram, you’ll see wealth, success, and a lot of very nice automobiles. You may look at his life and say “well, that must be nice”, but there is much more to Manny than Ferraris and private planes.
Podcasts- 23 Sep 2021
- 1:02:14

BiggerPockets Podcast 508: How to 10x Your Deal Flow Using “Evergreen Content”
Everyone wants more real estate deal flow and leads. Agents, wholesalers, and investors are all trying to get more deals under contract in less time. But, what do you do when everyone and their mother is out there pounding the pavement trying to find off-market deals?
Podcasts- 21 Sep 2021
- 1:26:39

BiggerPockets Podcast 507: Sacrifice, Failure and Pain, A 100 Days of Hell Success Story with The Iron Cowboy
James Lawrence aka “The Iron Cowboy” wondered, “What would it take for someone to finish not one ironman, not two, not ten, not twenty, but 100 consecutive Ironman races, back to back?”
Podcasts- 19 Sep 2021
- 1:09:31

BiggerPockets Podcast 506: Achieving Financial Freedom Through Small Multifamily Investing
Small multifamily investing is a phenomenal way to hit financial freedom faster. You may be making $100 profit per month on each single-family home you buy, but what if you could multiply that profit?
Podcasts- 16 Sep 2021
- 1:23:28

BiggerPockets Podcast 505: “Act Like You Have 100+ Units” | Coaching Calls w/ Brandon Turner
Ever wanted to get in on a real estate coaching call? Fortunately, you don’t need to pay for a $20,000 course to hear this one! T
Podcasts- 14 Sep 2021
- 1:06:48

BiggerPockets Podcast 504: The Millionaire Formula: 10 Steps to Hit 7-Figure Net Worth (Part 2)
Want to become a real estate millionaire? Sitting under a palm tree, relaxing, with plenty of money set aside for you. To be in that position you not only have to escape the rat race but pledge to live a life of continual improvement, always looking for ways you can be better.
Podcasts- 12 Sep 2021
- 1:06:20

BiggerPockets Podcast 503: The Millionaire Formula: 10 Steps to Hit 7-Figure Net Worth (Part 1)
Want to know how to become a millionaire in real estate? You better ask the experts!
Podcasts- 9 Sep 2021
- 1:07:36

BiggerPockets Podcast 502: BiggerNews, September: Will Anything Slow Down this Housing Market? with Dave Meyer & Kathy Fettke
Want data on the housing market? BiggerPockets has got you covered!
Podcasts- 7 Sep 2021
- 1:01:31

BiggerPockets Podcast 501: Seeing Greene: How Soon Can I Refi? + 11 Other Real Estate Questions
We got A LOT of frequently asked real estate questions. So, we’re back with another episode of “Seeing Greene” with David Greene!
Podcasts- 5 Sep 2021
- 1:00:27

BiggerPockets Podcast 500: Robert Kiyosaki: America’s ‘Rich Dad’ Sees a Real Estate Crash Coming
Robert Kiyosaki is arguably the most influential author in the finance, real estate, and investing space. His book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, has sold over thirty million copies and has been translated into forty different languages across forty different countries
Podcasts- 2 Sep 2021
- 1:12:22

BiggerPockets Podcast 499: The Death of The “Entrepreneur”: Experience from an 8-Figure CEO
James Wedmore understands the difference between entrepreneur and business owner. While an entrepreneur can start businesses, a business owner can build, enhance, and delegate out a business.
Podcasts- 29 Aug 2021
- 1:24:02

BiggerPockets Podcast 498: Real Deal: BRRRR Deep Dive w/ Joe Asamoah (Pt 1)
Most people don’t associate the BRRRR strategy with section 8 rentals. When most people think about section 8 rentals, they think of run-down homes, troublesome tenants, and negligent landlords.
Podcasts- 26 Aug 2021
- 1:18:40

BiggerPockets Podcast 497: Bigger Deals, Better Profits: 10 Steps to Your First Large Multifamily w/ Brian Murray and Brandon Turner
Are you looking for bigger real estate deals? Maybe you want to tackle a large property as your first deal. If so, this may be the perfect episode for you (and probably ever other real estate investor as well).
Podcasts- 22 Aug 2021
- 1:27:11

BiggerPockets Podcast 496: Become a (Small) Multifamily Millionaire in 7 Steps w/ Brian Murray and Brandon Turner
Small multifamily investing is what allowed Brandon Turner to reach financial freedom.
Podcasts- 19 Aug 2021
- 1:30:25

BiggerPockets Podcast 495: The Science Behind Taking Risks (and Why They Definitely Pay Off)
Taking risks may be the greatest key to success. There’s no surprise that at one point, billionaire entrepreneurs were given the choice to either stay where they stood or leap for something greater.
Podcasts- 15 Aug 2021
- 56:13

BiggerPockets Podcast 494: The Five F-Words Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Master
Every real estate investor needs mastery of five “F-words. Before you jump to conclusions, this is a family-friendly show, the F-words we’re talking about are fear, fundamentals, focus, funnel, and follow up.
Podcasts- 12 Aug 2021
- 1:05:12

BiggerPockets Podcast 493: How COVID Changed Real Estate Forever (+How it Didn’t!) with Ken McElroy
Ken McElroy has been in the real estate investing game for decades, starting as a property manager in college, becoming a landlord with a sizable portfolio, then meeting Robert Kiyosaki and working on books, education, and systems with some of the biggest names in real estate.
Podcasts- 8 Aug 2021
- 1:09:52

BiggerPockets Podcast 492: Robuilt’s Tiny Houses That are Cashing in MASSIVE Profits Every Month
Rob Abasolo (Robuilt) is known for his tiny houses. Not the house he lives in, but the houses he rents out on Airbnb. But how did he build a short-term rental empire, so quickly with no prior construction, hospitality, or real estate experience?
Podcasts- 5 Aug 2021
- 59:15

BiggerPockets Podcast 491: 5 Rules of Health & Wealth to Become the Millionaire with a Six Pack
Want to become a millionaire with a six pack? Join the club! For many of us, wealth isn’t the only destination we want to reach, physical health is also a crucial part of enjoying life. But why are we striving for success?
Podcasts- 1 Aug 2021
- 1:35:42

BiggerPockets Podcast 490: 7 “Ninja Tips” From One of Hawaii’s Largest Real Estate Investors
Many real estate investors steer clear of Hawaii's due to its high prices and lack of land, but one investor, Indar Lange, has proven those critics wrong.
Podcasts- 29 Jul 2021
- 1:26:26

BiggerPockets Podcast 489: How Are You Preparing to “Exit Rich” in Real Estate? with Sharon Lechter & Michelle Seiler Tucker
Sharon Lechter & Michelle Seiler Tucker have spent their careers focusing on one main goal: exiting rich.
Podcasts- 25 Jul 2021
- 1:16:56

BiggerPockets Podcast 488: From 4 Units to 2,000 and Why Large Multifamily “Isn’t So Scary”
If you feel scared to jump into large multifamily investments, this may be the episode for you!
Podcasts- 22 Jul 2021
- 1:19:35

BiggerPockets Podcast 487: 10 Common Real Estate Investing Questions Answered by David Greene
Have real estate investing questions you need answered? It’s your lucky day! David Greene is back and we’re “Seeing Greene” as he answers some of the most common real estate investing questions.
Podcasts- 18 Jul 2021
- 55:14

BiggerPockets Podcast 486: The Key to Scaling that Most Real Estate Investors Miss Out On (+New Podcast!) w/ Liz Faircloth & Andresa Guidelli
Is the hidden key to scaling real estate...partnerships? It’s understandable why so many real estate investors don’t want to partner up.
Podcasts- 15 Jul 2021
- 1:06:45

BiggerPockets Podcast 485: Atomic Habits That Help You Achieve Unthinkable Success w/ NYT Best Selling Author James Clear
Three years ago, Atomic Habits was released. James Clear, the author, asks a complex question “why do we continue our bad habits while neglecting good habits?”
Podcasts- 11 Jul 2021
- 1:07:09

BiggerPockets Podcast 484: 3 Ways to Simplify Your Real Estate Investing with Brandon Turner
Simplicity is key in real estate investing. At least that’s what Brandon Turner has learned throughout more than a decade of massively successful real estate investing.
Podcasts- 8 Jul 2021
- 43:11

BiggerPockets Podcast 483: The 5 Things You Need to Build a $1,000,000+ Rental Portfolio
Scaling your real estate portfolio can seem like a challenge to someone who is just starting. In reality, once you have five key roles in place, you can scale faster and start acquiring more and more properties.
Podcasts- 4 Jul 2021
- 1:07:45

BiggerPockets Podcast 482: Full-Time Fireman Does 300 Deals While Working 40 Hours/Week
Building a rental portfolio is hard work, and many investors think they need to quit their jobs and go straight into real estate after only a couple of smooth deals. Mike Webb, firefighter, investor, flipper, and wholesaler argues the opposite.
Podcasts- 1 Jul 2021
- 59:20

BiggerPockets Podcast 481: Build an Unstoppable Real Estate Portfolio with the “Core 4”
The best real estate portfolio relies on the best real estate teams. Today we talk about the “Core 4” of any successful real estate investor's team
Podcasts- 27 Jun 2021
- 1:08:30

BiggerPockets Podcast 480: Making $200k a Month After Being on the Verge of Bankruptcy
Dan Brault was very close to filing for bankruptcy. He went over budget and over the timeline on a large construction project, leaving him $400,000 in debt.
Podcasts- 24 Jun 2021
- 1:11:24

BiggerPockets Podcast 479: 10 Powerful Lessons Brandon Learned Building a $50M+ Rental Portfolio
Brandon Turner, host of the BiggerPockets podcast, was complacent a few years ago, even after acquiring a decade worth of real estate, with enough passive income to live his life how he saw fit. There was still something missing.
Podcasts- 20 Jun 2021
- 51:19

BiggerPockets Podcast 477: Discomfort & Uncertainty Lead To Victory with BJJ Black Belt Ryron Gracie
So many new real estate investors come into this space being scared of discomfort, wanting to be hand-held, and feeling like there is no way to hit their investing goals. That is until they’re put in the proper position, scenario, or matched up with a great teacher. These are the exact lessons that Ryron shares with us today.
Podcasts- 13 Jun 2021
- 1:26:31

BiggerPockets Podcast 476: Using Partners to Scale & Killing it With Airbnbs w/ Tony J Robinson
Today we discuss Short-Term Rental Markets! We welcome Tony J Robinson, host of the BiggerPockets Real Estate Rookie Podcast, to the show!
Podcasts- 10 Jun 2021
- 1:01:31

BiggerPockets Podcast 475: 50x Your Revenue By Focusing on ROR (Return on Relationships) with John Ruhlin
John Ruhlin of Giftology doesn’t like stress balls, branded pens, or company sweatshirts
Podcasts- 6 Jun 2021
- 1:10:13

BiggerPockets Podcast 474: How this Busy Mom of Three Bought $75M of Real Estate w/ Pili Yarusi
From bartending to house flipping to becoming a real estate agent, Pili Yarusi's journey to super-succesful investor, home school teacher, and busy mom of three is inspiring -- and full of systems
Podcasts- 3 Jun 2021
- 1:14:35

BiggerPockets Podcast 473: Quitting the Police Force, Wholesaling, & Buying Notes with David Greene
Have questions? David Greene is here to answer. A couple weeks ago, we asked listeners to send in some questions for David to answer, and we got a lot of them!
Podcasts- 30 May 2021
- 1:10:46

BiggerPockets Podcast 472: Here’s What You SHOULDN’T Do When Long-Distance Investing
Is it even possible to make $100k profits in 90 days? Nick Lamagna has a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu, and he probably would have one in real estate investing as well.
Podcasts- 27 May 2021
- 1:19:32

BiggerPockets Podcast 471: What Michael Jordan and Kobe Taught Tim Grover about “Winning”
Are you motivated to win? After hearing from Tim Grover, you probably will be. Tim was the trainer and consultant for Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and other greats in the sports world and business world. He's dealt with the best of the best, and seen what sets them apart from average. Tim talks about developing a winning mindset, overcoming adversity, and finding the motivation to conquer the greatest tasks set out for you.
Podcasts- 23 May 2021
- 1:11:06

BiggerPockets Podcast 470: The 7 Tips @investorgirlbritt Used to Go from Amateur to Pro Investor
Million Dollar deals take time and perseverance, and so does going from an amateur to a pro Investor. Today we talk to professional DIY-er and real estate investor, Brittany Arnason (AKA @investorgirlbritt) who began her journey at 18 years old
Podcasts- 20 May 2021
- 1:07:18

BiggerPockets Podcast 469: Why Do Investors Lie to Themselves? +More Audience Q&A (Pt. 2)
Welcome to part 2 of the real estate investing Q&A! Today we talk to more live listeners, specifically about their mindset when it comes to real estate investing. We'll talk about scaling, finding balance, and the things Brandon and David wish they had done differently. This advice could save you LOTS of money and time in your future real estate endeavors!
Podcasts- 16 May 2021
- 1:06:30

BiggerPockets Podcast 468: You Asked, Brandon and David Answered: Real Estate Q&A (Part 1)
You asked, Brandon and David answered! Today we’re taking real estate investing questions from some of our most loyal listeners. You’ll hear from different real estate investors at different stages in their journey talk about scaling portfolios, leveraging financing, getting mentors, targeting niches, and much, much more. If you liked this episode, we’ll be releasing a mindset FAQ show this Sunday, so stick around for that!
Podcasts- 13 May 2021
- 1:03:01

BiggerPockets Podcast 467: #1 NYT Bestselling Author Adam Grant on the Need to “Think Again
Today we talk to Adam Grant, #1 NYT Bestselling author, on why we have so many preconceived notions running through our heads. Which push us to fail and which push us to succeed? Could these subconscious mindsets be pushing us in the wrong direction, or even towards death?
Podcasts- 9 May 2021
- 1:15:00

BiggerPockets Podcast 466: Buying “Lottery Ticket” Investment Properties with Alan Corey
On this episode, we talk to Alan Corey about real estate, retiring early, and house hacking! Alan repeated a simple real estate strategy over and over again, becoming a millionaire before 30 years old, with a lot of property and “good debt”. Alan is part of the FIRE (financial independence retire early) community, but instead of investing in stocks, he does so in real estate.
Podcasts- 6 May 2021
- 1:19:10

BiggerPockets Podcast 465: How Ryan Serhant Uses “Big Money Energy” To Make Millions
If you don’t feel amped up to accomplish your goals, you definitely will after this episode. Today we talk to real estate agent, entrepreneur, author, and Million Dollar Listing New York star, Ryan Serhant. You’ve probably seen Ryan selling ridiculously nice (and expensive) homes on TV, but today you’ll be the private audience to hear his backstory, his work ethic, and how he developed his big confidence.
Podcasts- 2 May 2021
- 1:11:14

BiggerPockets Podcast 464: Scammed, Cheated, But Still Coming Out with 50 units with Welby Accely
Many people give up on real estate investing after one bad deal, one bad tenant, or one bad flip. If you lost all you had from bad deals, would you still be willing to bet on real estate?
Podcasts- 29 Apr 2021
- 54:31

BiggerPockets Podcast 463: How to Get Your First or Next Property (Step-by-Step) in 90 Days
We often have famous guests come on the BiggerPockets podcast and talk about their real estate deals, their businesses, and their journey. Today you’ll hear from one of the biggest real estate celebrities, Brandon Turner, as he goes through the 90-day challenge, preparing you to buy your first rental property in the next 90 days.
Podcasts- 25 Apr 2021
- 1:14:56

BiggerPockets Podcast 462: The 5 Fundamentals That Lead to $35M of Real Estate in 1 Year with Terrance Doyle
Between 2008 and 2014, Terrance Doyle flipped over 600 properties in different parts of the country. As he learned to build broker relationships, as well as rapport with buyers, sellers, lenders, and contractors through real estate networking, Terrance started taking on bigger and better deals.
Podcasts- 22 Apr 2021
- 1:18:26

BiggerPockets Podcast 461: Defeating the “Enemy of Success” with Steven Pressfield (The War of Art)
It’s daunting to wake up every day and try your best at whatever it is that you do. Maybe it’s your job, maybe it’s real estate, maybe it’s writing a book. When you sit down at your desk, there’s that little voice that says “get another cup of coffee” or “just take a little email break before you start” or “you’re not going to get anything done, who are you kidding?”
Podcasts- 18 Apr 2021
- 1:13:04

BiggerPockets Podcast 460: From Sleeping on a Couch to Owning 20 Units (in 2 Years!) with Robert Charles & Ayoka Moss
If you’re listening to the BiggerPockets podcast, you know that the only way to reach financial success is to climb the corporate ladder, right?
Podcasts- 15 Apr 2021
- 1:25:48

BiggerPockets Podcast 459: The Superpower of Listening: Get More Out of Your Conversations
Have you ever been in a conversation where someone has had to ask you to repeat something multiple times? It’s frustrating when you’re trying to tell someone something and they just won’t listen, but what about all the times you’ve been distracted in a conversation?
Podcasts- 11 Apr 2021
- 1:12:28

BiggerPockets Podcast 458: Ditching “Active Investing” for More Passive Income Streams with Tamar Hermes
Every real estate investor knows that things don’t always go as well as we’d like. What happens when you’re hit with a $16,000 bill to fix a sewer, or when 20 of your tenants call you all at once with problems? Some things, like those examples, make active real estate investors envy passive investors. This is why Tamar Hermes decided to go on a more passive route for real estate investing.
Podcasts- 8 Apr 2021
- 1:02:50

BiggerPockets Podcast 457: How Thinking 5 Moves Ahead Can Make You Millions with Patrick Bet-David
Some people are born into wealth, but none are born into success. Success needs to be earned, through pain, hard work, and perseverance.
Podcasts- 4 Apr 2021
- 59:59

BiggerPockets Podcast 456: 126 Multi-Family Units On a Military Salary with Erika Sleger
Anything over 100 units tends to scare many investors, especially rookie investors. How do you even get to 100 units when it’s already challenging enough to get one? That answer is simple: stack them slowly over time. That’s exactly what today’s guest, Erika Sleger, did. Erika heard about house hacking from a lecture in college, so once she graduated she decided to buy a fourplex, live in one unit, and rent out the others.
Podcasts- 1 Apr 2021
- 52:23

BiggerPockets Podcast 455: Mixtapes to Millions in Real Estate with DJ Envy and Cesar Pina
You’ve probably heard of The Breakfast Club, the morning radio show in over 90 markets that covers everything from hip hop culture, to celebrity gossip, to politics and more. If you've listened, you may recognize DJ Envy’s voice. He’s here today with his partner Cesar Pina, to talk real estate, seminars, and business.
Podcasts- 28 Mar 2021
- 1:01:25

BiggerPockets Podcast 454: Retiring in 2 years Through “Aggressive” Rental Property Investing with Rachel Richards
Retiring via passive income is why most people get into real estate, but rarely does someone accomplish that goal within just two years! Rachel Richards, real estate investor, agent, and author of Money Honey shares her story of aggressive real estate acquisition. All purchased, by the way, with at least 20% down!
Podcasts- 25 Mar 2021
- 57:30

BiggerPockets Podcast 453: Live Q&A with Brandon and David: Risk, Partnerships, Inspiration and Opportunity of Real Estate
We’re taking a bit of a detour from our regular programming to answer some live questions on real estate mindset!
Podcasts- 21 Mar 2021
- 1:03:51

BiggerPockets Podcast 452: Landing Incredible Deals Using This “Scary” Technique with Steve Trang
Steve Trang is all over social media, he runs a real estate brokerage, a sales training business, and a title company, but he didn’t start out as a real estate professional. Steve was actually an engineer at Intel before he made the leap to become an agent. As luck would have it, Steve got in right as the market was about to tank in 2007/2008. Did this stop him from finding success? Of course not!
Podcasts- 18 Mar 2021
- 1:03:18

BiggerPockets Podcast 451: Stop Chasing the “False Summit”: Have Better Relationships and Results with Michael Hyatt
Does it ever seem like working overtime is a competition? We often see people bragging about how they work 60 hour weeks, work on weekends, or spend the most time at the office or in front of their computer. Does this constant overworking actually accomplish something or is it more of a chest-beating competition?
Podcasts- 14 Mar 2021
- 1:06:29

BiggerPockets Podcast 450: How Your First Time Home Buying Decision Affects Long-Term Wealth with Scott and Mindy
First-time home buyer? At some point, all of us were. How do you make sure you’re getting a great deal, how should you pay for it, and what can you do to make sure it’s a purchase that will help you grow your wealth. In today’s episode, you’ll hear from Scott Trench and Mindy Jensen, hosts of the BiggerPockets Money Show. Their new book, First-Time Home Buyer, shows how to buy your first property in a way that sets you up for long-term success.
Podcasts- 11 Mar 2021
- 1:06:03

BiggerPockets Podcast 449: How Emails Are Constantly Destroying Your Productivity with Cal Newport
We’ve known for a long time that humans aren’t great at multitasking. Once distracted, our brains find it hard to let go of the new information we’ve just learnt or seen. This is why the constant onslaught of emails, messages, texts, and phone calls could be killing our productivity and creativity. Cal Newport, author of A World Without Email, has seen this first hand.
Podcasts- 7 Mar 2021
- 1:08:09

BiggerPockets Podcast 448: The Lazy Person’s Guide to Financial Freedom in Less Than 10 Years with Dion Mcneeley
Busy people tend to be...busy, and often, real estate investing is one of the things that they “just don’t have time for”. If you feel that way, listen to today’s guest, Dion Mcneeley as he describes his own system for buying real estate the “lazy” way.
Podcasts- 4 Mar 2021
- 1:03:11

BiggerPockets Podcast 447: Create Your Dream Life in 3-5 Years Using Vivid Visions with Cameron Herold
What do you want out of life? What do you want to accomplish in the next 3-5 years? When asked this question, most entrepreneurs give a pretty simplistic answer. Something like “Oh, we’ll get more clients by this time next year” or “I’ll buy two more houses and then I’ll be happy”. How often do we sit down and paint a picture of what we want our life to look like? Today we’re discussing Vivid Visions with their creator Cameron Herold.
Podcasts- 1 Mar 2021
- 1:07:09

BiggerPockets Podcast 446: Pivoting the Goal and Swapping Doors for Cashflow with Kyle and Lauren Clugston
Have you ever had analysis paralysis? Maybe you have it right now and that’s why you’re listening to this episode! Kyle and Lauren Clugston would call that “productive procrastination”, and the only way to get out of it is to move forward! They should know, it took them over 3 years before they made their first move in real estate investing!
Podcasts- 25 Feb 2021
- 1:00:39

BiggerPockets Podcast 445: When to Quit Your Job and Pursue Your Dreams with Rapper Manafest
The BiggerPockets podcast has quite a diverse group of guests that come on the show. We’ve had writers, speakers, businesspeople, and actors, but this may be the first rapper we’ve had with us. Chris Greenwood AKA Manafest is in the studio, and instead of recording beats, he’s recording the best lessons he’s learned through his music career, real estate investing, and online business.
Podcasts- 21 Feb 2021
- 1:15:04

BiggerPockets Podcast 444: 150 Deals at Age 22 by Putting Relationships Over Profit with Cole Ruud-Johnson
It seems like young real estate investors get more and more impressive every week. Today we talk with Cole Ruud-Johnson, a wholesaler and flipper out of the Seattle area. The impressive part? He’s 22 years old and has done 150+ deals to date! Even at 22, Cole’s journey wasn’t a linear path, he had lots of ups and downs to get him to the level of success he achieves now.
Podcasts- 18 Feb 2021
- 1:01:23

BiggerPockets Podcast 443: 10 Ways to Learn Anything Faster with Jim Kwik
During childhood, Jim Kwik experienced a traumatic brain injury. As a result, he lacked focus in school, wasn’t able to read properly, and at one point, a teacher told him that he had a “broken brain”. So how did a kid with a “broken brain” become the leading mental coach for athletes, CEOs, and movie stars?
Podcasts- 14 Feb 2021
- 46:52

BiggerPockets Podcast 442: Taking “Bite-Sized Steps” to Go from Broke to $20,000/Month with Bryce Stewart
Hearing Bryce Stewart’s story may sound familiar to long-time BiggerPockets Podcast listeners. That’s because Bryce was on Episode 276 where he gave the great metaphor “vacuuming out the truck” relating to real estate investments.
Podcasts- 11 Feb 2021
- 1:23:03

BiggerPockets Podcast 441: House Hacking as an NFL Player? How Former Tight End Hakeem Valles Grew His Real Estate Portfolio
When most people think of professional athletes, they usually think of superstars being paid millions every month (or even every week). Most people don’t come to realize that for everyone on an NFL team, that pay grade isn’t as high. That too, is what Hakeem Valles found out after being signed on by the Cardinals.
Podcasts- 7 Feb 2021
- 1:15:43

BiggerPockets Podcast 440: How a 25 Year Old Bought $1M of Real Estate in 1 Year with Daniel Iles
Believe it or not, TikTok isn’t just teenagers doing dances; there are actually some pretty influential investors on the platform. Meet Daniel Iles, a TikTok and Youtube creator who bought a staggering $1,000,000 in real estate during his first year of investing. Daniel was able to amass this serious sum of real estate while only putting $23,000 down. Now that’s impressive!
Podcasts- 4 Feb 2021
- 49:07

BiggerPockets Podcast 439: How Are You Marketing Yourself? with BiggerPockets Producer Kevin Leahy
Last week’s show with Marie Forleo was so good that Brandon and David are back with a special guest, BiggerPockets’ senior producer Kevin Leahy, to unpack all the wisdom from the “figureoutable” show.
Podcasts- 1 Feb 2021
- 41:27

BiggerPockets Podcast 438: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Finding GREAT Deals in ANY Market with Anson Young
Anson Young’s voice may sound familiar to you, that’s because he’s been on the podcast four times! Every time he’s back we learn something new, and today, Anson is talking about how to find and fund great deals, regardless of your schedule, or budget. You don’t need to be a full-time real estate professional to find great deals, just be sure to follow Anson’s advice.
Podcasts- 28 Jan 2021
- 57:06

BiggerPockets Podcast 437: How Your “Worst Case Scenario” Can Set You Free From a Job You Hate with Marie Forleo
Marie Forleo, world class coach, marketer, and author, grew up with a mother that did everything. Whether it was retiling the bathroom, fixing a leak in the roof, or performing electrical engineering on small appliances, her mother seemed to be able to figure out almost anything. One day she told Marie “everything is figureoutable”, which became the mantra for her career.
Podcasts- 24 Jan 2021
- 1:06:40

BiggerPockets Podcast 436: Going Into Multifamily When You’re Fairly New to Real Estate with Jamie Gruber
There’s a limiting belief that many people have: “I can’t do this thing because I have no experience”. Jamie Gruber disagreed with this line of thinking. Even with no multifamily experience, Jamie decided he wanted to be a multifamily investor. So what did he do? He started the Multifamily and More meetup to network with existing multifamily investors.
Podcasts- 21 Jan 2021
- 1:07:31

BiggerPockets Podcast 435: Why Successful People HATE Losing, But Aren’t Afraid to Lose with Scott McGillivray (Part 2)
Scott McGillivray is back for this second part of his amazing interview. Last time we talked about the nitty gritty of Scott’s investments, how he started to acquire houses, and building his empire. Now we’re touching more on the mindset of what makes Scott so successful, and how you can put yourself in his shoes.
Podcasts- 17 Jan 2021
- 1:14:07

BiggerPockets Podcast 434: How HGTV’s Scott McGillivray Started a Real Estate Empire with No Job, No Money, and No Experience (Part 1)
Do you like watching home improvement shows such as Income Property, Vacation House Rules, and Buyers Bootcamp? If so, you’re in luck! Joining us on the podcast is HGTV host Scott McGillivray! Scott has been hosting some of the best real estate investing and construction shows for over a decade now, and if you like BiggerPockets, you’ve probably seen an episode of one of Scott’s shows!
Podcasts- 14 Jan 2021
- 1:13:18

BiggerPockets Podcast 433: You Get Your Standards, Not Your Goals: Ed Mylett on Success, Faith, and Building $100M+ Businesses
You may have heard a speech from Ed Mylett (AKA the greatest speaker of today) sometime before this episode, but maybe not like this. For those who don’t know, Ed Mylett is a renowned speaker, entrepreneur, real estate investor, author, and podcaster. He has started businesses worth millions and continues to teach entrepreneurs through his personal brand.
Podcasts- 10 Jan 2021
- 1:11:06

BiggerPockets Podcast 432: From $0 to $1,000,000 in 5 Years: The 4 Steps to Gain Millionaire Net Worth with Brandon and David
Everyone wants to be a millionaire, and if you’re listening to this episode, you probably want to be one as well! With so many online gurus trying to sell their secret to success, it can be hard to distinguish the real from the...not so real.
Podcasts- 7 Jan 2021
- 59:41

BiggerPockets Podcast 431: How to Make Trade-offs in Your Life (Before Others Do it For You) with Greg McKeown
Your agent is calling you to show you houses, your boss is emailing you about some work to do, your partner wants to grab dinner, and you want to take a nap. How do you prioritize things in your life when everything seems so important? The key is essentialism.
Podcasts- 3 Jan 2021
- 1:07:41

BiggerPockets Podcast 430: Best of 2020: Brandon and David’s Favorite Pieces of Advice from 2020 Guests
Another year of the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast is in the books! This time, we’re joined by co hosts, David and Brandon, live from the Sea Shed in Maui!
Podcasts- 31 Dec 2020
- 48:36

BiggerPockets Podcast 429: Pursuing Self-Sovereignty and Why Life is More Meaningful When It’s Hard with Ryan Michler
How many times has something happened in life where we blamed someone besides ourselves for the outcome? Didn’t get a promotion: it’s your bosses fault for being greedy! Ran late to work: it’s all the other drivers faults, not yours! Investment property having problems: it’s the tenant doing all the damage!
Podcasts- 27 Dec 2020
- 1:09:15

BiggerPockets Podcast 428: Using Simple Conversations to Get Deals Others Can’t with Investor Rodney Ross
Rodney Ross didn’t have the most gracious entrance to the real estate space. He bought a house while in college, with only $8,000 down and not a lot in the bank. The house ended up getting de-authorized for tenants to live in so Rodney had to go back on his loan. Game over right? Time to give up? Not for Rodney!
Podcasts- 24 Dec 2020
- 1:05:25

BiggerPockets Podcast 427: The 12 Week Year and The Danger of Long-Term Goal Setting with Brian Moran
We’re joined today by author, consultant, and entrepreneur Brian Moran, author of The 12 Week Year. Brian holds a view that many BiggerPockets listeners subscribe to: you are more capable than you think. Through short term sprints, Brian has found that we can all accomplish long-term goals, regardless of the difficulty.
Podcasts- 20 Dec 2020
- 1:02:27

BiggerPockets Podcast 426: Using the “Sunflower Method” To Buy 18 Properties in Just a Few Years with Teacher Jon Wooten
Many new investors find excuses for why they can’t buy properties. Either they don’t have the money, the deals, or the experience. Our guest today, Jon Wooten, had none of these three, but found a way to acquire 18 units (and become financially free) in only a few years.
Podcasts- 17 Dec 2020
- 1:09:57

BiggerPockets Podcast 425: Focusing On Your $10,000/Hour Tasks (And How to Outsource the Rest!) with Benjamin Hardy
On last week’s episode, we talked to Dan Sullivan, author of Who Not How. This week, we’re joined by his co-author, Benjamin Hardy. Benjamin has spent the last few years getting his PhD in organizational psychology, writing books such as Personality Isn’t Permanent and Willpower Doesn’t Work. These tie perfectly into his new book Who Not How, and will help you get to the business, personal, fitness, or other goals you’re trying to reach.
Podcasts- 13 Dec 2020
- 1:20:42

BiggerPockets Podcast 424: Make More Money, Build Your Portfolio, and Get Greater Tax Deductions in 2021 with J Scott, Amanda Han, & Matt MacFarland
We have a real estate and investing mastermind session in this episode of the BiggerPockets Real Estate podcast! J Scott, Amanda Han, & Matt MacFarland join David and Brandon to discuss what investors should do to maximize their wealth (and opportunities) in 2021.
Podcasts- 10 Dec 2020
- 1:41:51

BiggerPockets Podcast 423: Who Not How: Stop Doing the Things You Hate, Free Up Time, Be Happier and Richer with Dan Sullivan
Has anyone ever told you “you’re really good at that, you should make a business out of it”, if so, you may have inadvertently found your “unique ability”.
Podcasts- 6 Dec 2020
- 1:27:56

BiggerPockets Podcast 422: From W2-Job Single Mom to Flipping Real Estate Rockstar with Amanda Young
Amanda Young stumbled into real estate. After being let go from a job, dealing with a family emergency, and homeschooling her son, Amanda knew that she had to find a way to provide for her family, but also allow her to discover her hidden edge.
Podcasts- 3 Dec 2020
- 55:13

BiggerPockets Podcast 421: Family Over Everything: How Life Forced BP Founder Joshua Dorkin to Reevaluate His Choices
Many avid members of the BiggerPockets forum, listeners to the podcast, or readers of our articles may know our founder, Joshua Dorkin. What you may not know is Joshua’s journey in founding, building, scaling, and finally leaving BiggerPockets. It was a hard decision for Joshua to leave, but thanks to his amazing team, he was able to (even during a time of tribulation in his personal life).
Podcasts- 29 Nov 2020
- 1:29:03

A “Sweet Spot” in Multifamily: Scaling to 150+ Units with David Grabiner | BiggerPockets Podcast 420
David Grabiner takes the term “long distance investor” to the extreme. While he was a hospital administrator in the Democratic Republic of Congo, he was calling real estate agents in Chattanooga, Tennessee trying to scoop up multifamily deals.
Podcasts- 26 Nov 2020
- 1:12:40

BiggerPockets Podcast 419: Defeating Distraction and Why “To-Do” Lists are Dangerous with Nir Eyal
Ever missed out on an important moment because you were staring at your phone, distracted by TV, or just zoning out? Nir Eyal, author of Indistractable, felt the same way when he missed an important moment with his daughter because he was locked in on his phone.
Podcasts- 22 Nov 2020
- 1:02:58

BiggerPockets Podcast 418: 14 Deals in 16 Months: How Alex Camacho Found his Mastery in Deal Finding
Alex Camacho has had quite an interesting career path, and he’s just getting started! From a bank teller, to the mortgage business, to property management, and even Airbnb arbitraging, Alex took his time in acquiring the skills to succeed in real estate.
Podcasts- 19 Nov 2020
- 1:01:18

9 Ways to Tweak Your Mindset To Lock Down Deals with Brandon and David | BiggerPockets Podcast 417
Are you a new or aspiring real estate investor who hasn’t locked down your first deal? Or maybe you haven’t hit your personal goal or unit count yet. If so, you may need to tweak your mindset to reach new heights.
Podcasts- 14 Nov 2020
- 48:48

BiggerPockets Podcast 416: 29-Year Old Making Nearly $1M in Passive Real Estate Income (3 Years In!) with Matt Onofrio
Matt Onofrio, a 29-Year Old health care professional, is making nearly $1.000.000 in Passive Real Estate Income
Podcasts- 12 Nov 2020
- 1:02:28

BiggerPockets Podcast 415: Studying Billionaires: The 3 Timeless Principles for Wealth with Stig Brodersen
Ever wanted to know how Mark Cuban, Richard Branson, and Warren Buffett seem to invest with ease? Or how you can leverage and measure your risk to make billionaire financial decisions?
Podcasts- 8 Nov 2020
- 58:35

1300 Units in Real Estate Development at 30 years old with Evan Holladay | BiggerPockets Podcast 414
The harder the problem, the bigger the reward... and real estate developers who can solve affordable housing problems can do very, very well.
Podcasts- 5 Nov 2020
- 1:07:05

Matthew McConaughey on Vision, Preparation, and Balancing Ambition with Family & Freedom | BP 413
You, BiggerPockets listener, may have more in common with Matthew McConaughey than first realized... Changing careers. Wondering how family life fits in with a hard-driving work ethic. Embracing spontaneity, but learning that success comes from making the choice today to "be kind to your future self."
Podcasts- 1 Nov 2020
- 1:08:35

BiggerPockets Podcast 412: Start Investing in Large Multifamily? How to Do it, and Why (or Why Not) with Ashley Wilson
Ashley "BadAsh" Wilson is back today to discuss how she's shifted strategies since her popular first appearance on the show two years ago.
Podcasts- 29 Oct 2020
- 55:34

BiggerPockets Podcast 411: The Life-Changing Power of a Goal-Setting Retreat (+ Live Demo with Husband/Wife Investors Matt & Melissa) with Geoff Woods
Have you ever bought a whiteboard or a journal and thought, this is it... This is the moment when I REALLY commit to goal-setting... and then (as it tends to do) life just kind of gets in the way?
Podcasts- 25 Oct 2020
- 1:20:45

Life-Changing Deals: 5 Traits They Have in Common with Ken Corsini | BiggerPockets Podcast 410
What does it take to pull off a home run real estate deal? Today, we put that question to Ken Corsini, HGTV star and author of Profit Like the Pros: The Best Real Estate Deals That Shaped Expert Investors.
Podcasts- 22 Oct 2020
- 1:06:03

Giving Yourself Permission to Go BIGGER: the "Bluefishing" Mentality with Steve Sims | BP 409
Today's a special episode featuring the author of a book we can't get enough of: Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen by the man, the myth, the legend - Steve Sims.
Podcasts- 18 Oct 2020
- 1:21:46

Full-Time Income on a Part-Time Schedule with Emma Powell | BiggerPockets Podcast 408
Ever wonder how your family would manage if you or your spouse lost your job? Emma Powell faced that reality head-on. She knew she needed "full-time income" while continuing to spend time with her family... and she knew real estate investing would be the vehicle to get her there.
Podcasts- 15 Oct 2020
- 1:11:11

BiggerPockets Podcast 407: Buying 100+ Houses/Year in 4 Hours/Week Using Teams, Traction, and (Get this…) TikTok with Ryan Pineda
Want to think like a high-level investor and business owner who is seizing the moment and enjoying his best year ever? Listen up!
Podcasts- 11 Oct 2020
- 1:05:52

BiggerPockets Podcast 406: 51 Units and $900/Month in Pure Cashflow on a “BRRRRnB” with Shelby Osborne
"Systems, People, and Positive Vibes" are what powers Shelby Osborne's business, and today she breaks down exactly how she's used those 3 forces to go from 0 to 51 units in just a few years.
Podcasts- 8 Oct 2020
- 1:05:25

BiggerPockets Podcast 405: Investing in the Only True Recession-Proof Asset: Yourself! with Lewis Howes
Do you have fears and insecurities that hold you back from the life you envision? No? OK, well we'll see you next week... But really: this topic gets to the heart of why so many real estate investors quit, fail, or never even get started at all.
Podcasts- 4 Oct 2020
- 1:23:25

How a Mailman Was Able to Quit His Job Through Real Estate Investing with George Gipson | BP 404
We frequently talk about networking as a real estate investor: for example, talk to your mail carrier because they likely have seen opportunities in your neighborhood. But what if you are the mail carrier? Today’s guest, George Gipson, worked for the USPS when he started investing, which seems like the perfect opportunity for finding deals. But as with any start in real estate investing, it isn’t always as easy as it seems.
Podcasts- 1 Oct 2020
- 1:03:50

BiggerPockets Podcast 403: Developing a Millionaire’s Mindset and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs with Performance Coach Jason Drees
Today we have the man Brandon credits with helping him "go big" in business and life: his performance coach, Jason Drees. In fact, Jason works with a bunch of real estate investors... and today he shares tools for getting your mindset right and getting out of your own way as you grow your portfolio!
Podcasts- 27 Sep 2020
- 1:00:31

BiggerPockets Podcast 402: Identifying Your Best Market, Neighborhood, and Property in 8 Steps with Brandon and David
When it comes to pulling the trigger on a rental property, what we have is a "paradox of choice." So. Many. Options. It's easy to suffer from Fear of Missing Out, and it's even easier to get overwhelmed by the vast array of options out there.
Podcasts- 24 Sep 2020
- 1:18:07

BiggerPockets Podcast 401: Follow these Steps to Get People to Know, Like, and Trust You with Jordan Harbinger
Welcome to the brand new Sunday edition of the show – where we go beyond tactics and focus on the "mind game." In this premiere episode, you'll learn about the easy, free practice that might just be the highest ROI use of your time... and there is no one more qualified to teach this than Jordan Harbinger.
Podcasts- 20 Sep 2020
- 1:27:09

BiggerPockets Podcast 400: “This Advice Changed My Life” with Brandon and David
Over 400 episodes, we've absorbed a lot of hard-won real estate investing wisdom from our guests. Pretty tough to boil down to 10 concepts... but that's exactly what Brandon and David set out to do on today's show!
Podcasts- 17 Sep 2020
- 1:12:49

BiggerPockets Podcast 399: Solving the Investor/Contractor Relationship with Jeff Thorman of HomeRenovisionDIY
Today we’re swerving a bit from tradition to bring you a guest who is not a real estate investor. Jeff Thorman spent years as a general contractor, built his own company, then started his own YouTube channel, HomeRenovisionDIY, to teach people how to renovate their own homes.
Podcasts- 10 Sep 2020
- 1:39:27

BiggerPockets Podcast 398: 22 BRRRR Properties in Under 10 Hours Per Week with Tarl Yarber
Meet Tarl Yarber, a real estate investor who utilizes the BRRRR strategy to create cash flow, wealth & serious profit.
Podcasts- 3 Sep 2020
- 1:09:08

BiggerPockets Podcast 397: Live Calls! A Travel Nurse, a College Student, a High-End Flipper + More BP Members Put Brandon, David, and J Scott on the Hot Seat
In today's episode we open up the phone lines again to field your real estate investing questions... and for an added twist, we bring in the familiar voice of author, BiggerPockets Business Podcast host, and house flipper/investor extraordinaire J Scott.
Podcasts- 27 Aug 2020
- 1:20:49

BP Podcast 396: Post-COVID-19 Investing and Landing Great Deals at Auctions with David and Aaron
No one knows where the real estate market is headed next... but with an estimated 30 million Americans out of work, wouldn't you like to know how to buy foreclosed properties, step-by-step?
Podcasts- 20 Aug 2020
- 1:26:39

BiggerPockets Podcast 395: From Car Valet to $100k/Month… Seriously! with Thach Nguyen
Today: a no-excuses, American Dream story that will get you fired up to go hunt down a deal!
Podcasts- 13 Aug 2020
- 1:15:27

Making a 25 Deal/Year Business (and Marriage) Work... Together! | BiggerPockets Podcast 394
Ever considered partnering up with your spouse or another family member?
Podcasts- 6 Aug 2020
- 1:16:22

BiggerPockets Podcast 393: Campus Maintenance Man to $10M in Real Estate Owned with Rick Jarman
Real estate investing... old school!
Podcasts- 30 Jul 2020
- 1:11:57

BiggerPockets Podcast 392: $12,500 per Month in ‘Pure Cash Flow’ With Todd Baldwin
A $1 million net worth before the age of 30... through frugality and creative real estate investing!
Podcasts- 23 Jul 2020
- 57:07

BiggerPockets Podcast 391: Your Real Estate Questions Answered, Live! with Brandon, David, and BP Nation
Live calls, Dave Ramsey style!
Podcasts- 16 Jul 2020
- 1:00:26

BiggerPockets Podcast 390: 7 Figures From ONE Deal With Leka Devatha
From fashion design work in India, to a corporate career with Nordstrom... to leaving that career to flip 40+ houses in 6 years – all in one of the hottest markets on the planet!
Podcasts- 9 Jul 2020
- 1:25:29

BiggerPockets Podcast 389: He Changed His Strategy & Is Now Making $1M/Year! With Mike Simmons
Are you tired of toiling in the trenches... and ready to run a business that cranks out profits without your constant involvement?
Podcasts- 2 Jul 2020
- 1:30:02

BiggerPockets Podcast 388: The 7-Step “Playbook” for Scaling Your Real Estate Business With AJ Osborne
Do you dream of stepping back from the day to day and working on your business rather than in it? Of course you do!
Podcasts- 25 Jun 2020
- 1:46:16

Time Freedom Through 7 Deals in Her First 3 Years With Megan Greathouse | BiggerPockets Podcast 387
On today's show: the massive impact of just a few flips and a few small multifamily rental properties.
Podcasts- 18 Jun 2020
- 1:26:31

Still Doing Deals... Thanks to These 2 Pivots With Marcus Maloney (Part 2)| BP Podcast 386.5
Yesterday, Marcus Maloney showed us how he built his deal-finding machine. Today, he tells us how he's hanging onto it by making two big shifts in his business.
Podcasts- 12 Jun 2020
- 34:12

Starting Out With $200 and Investing for Profit AND Cash Flow With Marcus Maloney | BP Podcast 386
From "bad drug dealer" in his youth... to earning a master's degree, then jumping into real estate at age 36 and crushing his first deal! Today, Marcus Maloney shares his wild ride in Part 1 of two episodes this week. This one was recorded before the coronavirus pandemic, so we don't discuss that topic. Tomorrow, we'll dive into how Marcus pivoted to keep doing deals in these trying times.
Podcasts- 11 Jun 2020
- 1:03:02

BiggerPockets Podcast 385: Once Homeless, Now Investing in an Expensive Market (With No Money of His Own) With Greg Gaudet
Flipping with no money down... in Hawaii? You heard that right.
Podcasts- 4 Jun 2020
- 1:31:25

BiggerPockets Podcast 384: Losing $60K on His First 2 Flips So You Won’t Have to With Spencer Cornelia
You can put a dollar number on the losses Spencer Cornelia took on his first two long-distance flips... but it's hard to quantify the value of the lessons he learned and is now passing on to you. We noticed Spencer's thread detailing his struggles in the BiggerPockets forums and invited him on the show; he bravely accepted.
Podcasts- 28 May 2020
- 1:12:46

BiggerPockets Podcast 383: Finding Your Perfect Partner and the Top 6 Factors When Choosing a Market with Ben Leybovich & Sam Grooms
Interested in someday making the leap to bigger investments? Don't miss this one!
Podcasts- 21 May 2020
- 2:04:53

BiggerPockets Podcast 382.5: Surviving When the BRRRR Hits the Fan with Josiah Smelser (Part 2, Post-Coronavirus)
What happens to a no-money-down BRRRR investor when a pandemic breaks out, lending standards suddenly tighten, private money lenders get skittish, and property values quickly drop? Today, Josiah Smelser returns to the show and tells all.
Podcasts- 15 May 2020
- 1:04:25

BiggerPockets Podcast 382: No Money Down BRRRR Investing with Josiah Smelser (Part 1, Recorded Pre-Coronavirus)
Today we bring you Part 1 of back-to-back episodes with real estate investor/appraiser/author/all-around good guy Josiah Smelser.
Podcasts- 14 May 2020
- 1:23:40

BiggerPockets Podcast 381: 5 Rules for Investing in a Down Market with Tucker Merrihew
Can you flip, wholesale, and buy rentals throughout a downturn? Yes... IF you heed the advice given out in today's episode.
Podcasts- 7 May 2020
- 1:17:51
- 15K Plays

BiggerPockets Podcast 380: Profitable Landlording in a Crisis with Mike Butler, Chris Clothier, and Dave Poeppelmeier
Feeling like you're in uncharted territory as a landlord? You're in good company! Today's show walks you through how to ethically and profitably manage rentals through the COVID-19 outbreak and beyond.
Podcasts- 30 Apr 2020
- 1:33:25
- 4.7K Plays

What the Numbers Reveal About Today's Rents, Prices, and Top Cashflow Markets | BP Podcast 379
There are plenty of opinions out there about where the real estate market is headed next. But what are the numbers telling us? Today we dig into the data with Dave Meyer, BiggerPockets' VP of Growth and Analytics and a real estate investor himself.
Podcasts- 23 Apr 2020
- 1:13:08
- 13K Plays

A $500MM Syndicator's View on Today's Market and How to Succeed as a Hands Off Investor | BP 378
With a recession already underway, we're turning to an investor with 30 years of experience, 3,000-plus multifamily units acquired, and one of the sharpest minds in real estate.
Podcasts- 16 Apr 2020
- 1:29:36
- 8.1K Plays

BiggerPockets Podcast 377: The Riches Are… on the Radio? How to Dial in Your Marketing & Do 100+ Deals a Year with Chris Arnold
Today's guest does 125 deals a year in Dallas—from his home base in the Caribbean. How? Well, he bailed on direct mail marketing and doubled down on radio ads.
Podcasts- 9 Apr 2020
- 1:21:55
- 3.6K Plays

BiggerPockets Podcast 376: 12 Real Estate Rockstars Reveal Their No. 1 Tip for Surviving (& Thriving) Through a Downturn
Strength in numbers! When you finish this episode, you'll have 12+ action items that could help you withstand the coming economic slump... and perhaps even accelerate your path to financial freedom.
Podcasts- 2 Apr 2020
- 1:03:17
- 8.7K Plays

BiggerPockets Podcast 375: Live Coronavirus Q&A: Resources, Tactics, and Mindset Shifts for Today’s Real Estate Investor
Economic upheaval. Tenants losing their jobs. Entire cities shut down. How should real estate investors operate today?
Podcasts- 26 Mar 2020
- 1:40:26
- 13K Plays

What Real Estate Investors NEED to Know About the Coronavirus | BiggerPockets Podcast 374
Rent's due... or is it? From quarantines to eviction moratoriums to a plummeting stock market, COVID-19 has upended seemingly everything -- and today we talk through what it all means for real estate investors.
Podcasts- 19 Mar 2020
- 2:06:11
- 40K Plays

BiggerPockets Podcast 373: Invest Locally or Out of State? Why Not Both! BRRRRing & Building with Lee Ripma
Four years ago, Lee Ripma was brand new to real estate. She vowed she'd one day appear on the BiggerPockets Podcast. That day has come. And we're all better off for it!
Podcasts- 12 Mar 2020
- 1:29:13
- 10K Plays

Flipping and Rental Property Investing 2,000 Miles Away with Erin Helle | BiggerPockets Podcast 372
Securing financial freedom for her family through long-distance real estate investing!
Podcasts- 6 Mar 2020
- 1:10:03
- 10K Plays

75 Real Estate Deals at The Age of 20 with William Brown | BiggerPockets Podcast 371
Meet William Brown, a 20-year-old real estate investor who has done over 75 real estate deals and amassed a huge rental property portfolio!
Podcasts- 27 Feb 2020
- 1:23:43
- 16K Plays

Tax Hacks to Juice Your ROI with Amanda Han and Matt MacFarland | BiggerPockets Podcast 370
Get to know enough CPAs, and you'll hear the "light bulb" story.
Podcasts- 20 Feb 2020
- 1:21:56
- 9.8K Plays

Escaping the Day-to-Day Grind to Work on Your Business with Jefferson Lilly | BP Podcast 369
Want to step out of your business and finally gain the freedom to think more strategically? Let Jefferson Lilly show you how!
Podcasts- 13 Feb 2020
- 1:15:55
- 11K Plays

$3,500 per Month From One BRRRR Deal With Palak Shah | BiggerPockets Podcast 368
On today’s show: accelerated wealth-building through leverage and systems! Palak Shah walks us through how she built a $4M portfolio in just three years by "supercharging" the BRRRR strategy.
Podcasts- 6 Feb 2020
- 1:21:21
- 26K Plays

Quitting Retail to Flip, BRRRR, and Design with Kara Beckmann | BiggerPockets Podcast 367
7X-ing her income by leaving a so-so job to flip houses!
Podcasts- 30 Jan 2020
- 1:28:59
- 25K Plays

40 Doors in His First 2 Years with Henry Washington | BiggerPockets Podcast 366
From panicked newbie with just $1,000 saved to 40 rental units—in two years’ time! On today’s show, we sit down with Henry Washington, a buy and hold investor from Arkansas who’s built a sizable portfolio while working full-time.
Podcasts- 23 Jan 2020
- 1:17:25
- 52K Plays

Ret. Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on Embracing Discomfort and Leading Through Extreme Ownership | BP 365
Decorated Navy SEAL commander. Author. Podcaster. And house hacker?!
Podcasts- 16 Jan 2020
- 1:29:38
- 12K Plays

Snowballing 6-Figure Short-Term Rental Profits Into Passive Investments with Avery Carl | BP 364
Ever been interested in making money with short-term rentals but feel there’s just too much you don’t know? Welcome to the club!
Podcasts- 9 Jan 2020
- 1:01:40
- 18K Plays

How to Work (Way) Less but Accomplish (Way) More in 2020 with Michael Hyatt | BP Podcast 363
Will 2020 be your best year ever? Today’s episode has all the ingredients to make the answer a big, resounding “Yes!”
Podcasts- 2 Jan 2020
- 1:11:21
- 14K Plays

Big Goals? Here’s How to Get Your Spouse or Partner on Board with Jay and Wendy Papasan | BP 362
Today’s show is centered around a big question we get ALL the time... “How do I get my spouse/partner on board with my real estate investing goals?” It’s the perfect time of year to think through exactly how to do that, and we have the perfect guests to offer some advice.
Podcasts- 26 Dec 2019
- 1:36:45
- 9.3K Plays

Using $3,500 to Kickstart an "Unsexy" Investment Empire with Tristan Thomas | BP 361
Traveling the world on mobile home cash flow at 26 years of age? Yes, it’s possible!
Podcasts- 19 Dec 2019
- 58:08
- 23K Plays

Leveraging Virtual Assistants and Automation to Build a $2M Portfolio with Stephanie Cabral | BP 360
Have you ever wanted to invest in real estate but aren’t ready for a full-time commitment? Today’s guest has figured out just how to do so, and she’s sharing it all with you!
Podcasts- 12 Dec 2019
- 1:06:18
- 13K Plays

Using an Agent to Find Your First (or Next) Deal | BiggerPockets Podcast 359
You asked for it, and we answered! On today’s episode, Brandon and David interview three first-time home buyers, who all utilized the house hacking strategy in different ways!
Podcasts- 5 Dec 2019
- 1:15:57
- 11K Plays

6 Popular Strategies to Make You Money in TODAY’s Real Estate Market | BiggerPockets Podcast 358
Have you been looking for the right way to find deals in today’s tough market?
Podcasts- 28 Nov 2019
- 1:23:53
- 25K Plays

$6M Portfolio Before Age 30 through "Problem" Properties with "Meet Kevin" Paffrath | BP Podcast 357
YouTube sensation alert! On today’s show, Brandon and David sit down with real estate investor and agent Kevin Paffrath of “Meet Kevin” on YouTube.
Podcasts- 21 Nov 2019
- 1:15:49
- 61K Plays

30+ Rentals (in a Pricy Market) Through BRRRR and Section 8 with Joe Asamoah | BP Podcast 356
Want to build massive wealth in a top-end rental market that’s also really expensive—all while minimizing your risk? Don’t we all!
Podcasts- 14 Nov 2019
- 1:15:23
- 76K Plays

1031 Exchanges and Hotel Syndication | BiggerPockets Podcast 354
From single-family to multifamily to hotels! On today’s show, Nichole Stohler sits down with Brandon and David and discusses her journey from purchasing a single family home and utilizing 1031 strategies to eventually be syndicating hotels!
Podcasts- 31 Oct 2019
- 1:07:18
- 7.8K Plays

Turning $5K Into $5K/Mo Passive Income and Retiring at 40 | BiggerPockets Podcast 353
On today’s show, Brandon and David interview retired real estate broker Tim Rhode, who explains how he was able to buy great deals and 1031 exchange them into financial freedom!
Podcasts- 24 Oct 2019
- 1:09:23
- 44K Plays

How Diego Corzo Blazed a Trail to 18 Doors | BP Podcast 352
Eighteen doors by 29 years old by never taking no for an answer! We realize there are a lot of inspirational investors out there, but on today’s show, you’re going to be blown away by one of the best.
Podcasts- 17 Oct 2019
- 1:12:04
- 15K Plays

Unlocking Greater Focus, Creativity, and Happiness Through “Stillness” | BP Podcast 351
Stop whatever you are doing and download this episode right now! Today’s show is highly likely to change your life in ways you may not have even realized it needed changing! Brandon and David sit down for an amazing interview with Ryan Holiday, keynote speaker and bestselling author of Ego Is the Enemy, The Obstacle Is the Way, and Stillness Is the Key.
Podcasts- 10 Oct 2019
- 1:11:14
- 7.0K Plays

How to House Hack Your Way to Financial Freedom in 3 Years with Craig Curelop | BP Podcast 350
Ever wanted to break into real estate but just weren’t sure how to take that first step? You're not alone! On today’s show, Brandon and David dive deep into the mind of Craig Curelop, the author of BiggerPockets Publishing's new book The House Hacking Strategy.
Podcasts- 3 Oct 2019
- 1:04:45
- 29K Plays

Multifamily Flipping and Due Diligence Tips to Save Thousands with Nathan Tabor | BP Podcast 349
Apartment flipping from one of the best in the biz!
Podcasts- 26 Sep 2019
- 1:31:43
- 17K Plays

Full-Time Job, Full-Time Mom, and Full-Time Wealth From Rental Properties | BP Podcast 348
Today’s guest is proof rental property investing can be fun, rewarding, and—with the right systems in place—totally doable… even with a job and a family.
Podcasts- 19 Sep 2019
- 1:17:59
- 26K Plays

Using Multifamily Syndication to Reach 5,000 Units with Mark and Tamiel Kenney | BP Podcast 347
On today’s show, a married couple who scaled to 5,000 units together!
Podcasts- 12 Sep 2019
- 1:21:52
- 14K Plays

34 Units & Six-Figure Wholesale Fees (at 20 Years Old!) with Josiah Pott | BiggerPockets Podcast 346
Attention: this is a must-listen show! Whatever you’re doing, stop and download today’s episode!
Podcasts- 5 Sep 2019
- 1:19:22
- 14K Plays

“Vivid Visions” and 90-Day Sprints—Brandon’s Approach to Mobile Home Park Investing | BP 345
Today, Brandon Turner’s on the other side of the microphone. J and Carol Scott, co-hosts of the BiggerPockets Business Podcast, recently interviewed him… and the result was so epic we wanted to share it here, too!
Podcasts- 29 Aug 2019
- 1:14:22
- 11K Plays

“No Money” Real Estate Investing with Gabriel Hamel | BP Podcast 344
Over 25 seller financed deals in a few short years! Today’s guest, former service member (and diamond pushup world record holder) Gabriel Hamel, sits down with Brandon and David to share how he built a portfolio of over 140 units (in an expensive market) using creative methods and seller financing to make deals where other investors miss them!
Podcasts- 22 Aug 2019
- 1:13:54
- 16K Plays

How To Work Less & Make More Money | BiggerPockets Podcast 343 With Steve Rozenberg
Want to build a cash-flowing portfolio while working a full-time job? Want to work less hours & make more money?
Podcasts- 16 Aug 2019
- 1:12:03
- 20K Plays

From Duplexes to a 64-Unit and Self-Storage Millions with Kris Benson | BiggerPockets Podcast 342
From buying duplexes to a self-storage empire! Today’s guest Kris Benson sits down with Brandon and David to talk about his remarkable journey across all kinds of different real estate asset classes.
Podcasts- 8 Aug 2019
- 1:04:11
- 16K Plays

Getting Started with No Cash to 30+ Deals Per Year and “Free Houses” with Jared Holland | BP 341
Real estate flipper, broker, contractor, and more!
Podcasts- 1 Aug 2019
- 1:29:26
- 28K Plays

How a Mom with a Full-Time Job Bought 10 Houses Her First Year with Whitney Hutten | BP Podcast 340
Would you be interested in taking your retirement account and turning it into 22 cash flowing rental properties? What about doing it with someone else’s capital? Today’s guest did just that!
Podcasts- 25 Jul 2019
- 1:14:31
- 52K Plays

60,000 Tenants?! How Frank Rolfe Built a Mobile Home Empire | BiggerPockets Podcast 339
Over 20 years' experience in mobile home park mastery!
Podcasts- 18 Jul 2019
- 1:28:12
- 17K Plays

From Red Robin Waiter to 250 Units (Using the MLS!) with James Dainard | BiggerPockets Podcast 338
From waiting tables to scaling up to 250 units! Today’s show is going to blow your mind.
Podcasts- 11 Jul 2019
- 1:20:34
- 58K Plays

Next Level Wealth-Building Through Overseas Development and Opportunity Zones | BP 337
Want to learn from two guys who have weathered several real estate market cycles and come out on top?
Podcasts- 4 Jul 2019
- 1:34:14
- 8.7K Plays

BiggerPockets Podcast 336: $900 to $4.5MM Net Worth by 34 with Robert Jones
On today’s show, Brandon and David sit down with Robert Jones, a real estate agent and investor in Colorado who has built a cash flowing portfolio with millions of dollars in equity in an expensive market.
Podcasts- 27 Jun 2019
- 1:14:14
- 75K Plays

70+ Units Per Year and How Exactly to Make a Lowball Offer with Ryan Dossey | BP Podcast 335
A whopping 73 units a year without negotiating your own deals! Today’s guest Ryan Dossey breaks down his business and shares how he built a deal-finding pipeline he runs without doing the work!
Podcasts- 20 Jun 2019
- 1:14:59
- 28K Plays

Using Other People’s Money to Take Down Flips, Multifamily and Self-Storage Deals | BP Podcast 334
Self-storage with OPM! Today’s guest Ben Lapidus sits down and spills the beans on his strategies for buying self-storage units and running an investment fund with other people’s money.
Podcasts- 13 Jun 2019
- 1:22:45
- 15K Plays

A Guide To Getting Started In Commercial Real Estate (+ Laundromats?!) | BP Podcast 333
Commercial real estate like you’ve never heard it before! On today’s episode, Brandon and David sit down with Ken Wimberly, the owner of a Keller Williams commercial brokerage and a commercial investor himself.
Podcasts- 6 Jun 2019
- 1:35:49
- 18K Plays

How to Build a Real Estate Deal-Finding MACHINE | BP Podcast 332
Build a real estate deal finding machine to fuel your business and keep the leads coming!
Podcasts- 30 May 2019
- 1:31:54
- 19K Plays

10 Real Estate Deals on a $20K Waitress Salary With Ashley Hamilton | BiggerPockets Podcast 331
Ten doors free and clear on a blue-collar salary—today’s guest shares exactly how she did just that! Brandon and David sit down with Ashley Hamilton, who shares the incredible story of how she went from poverty to success through real estate investing with very little help or guidance.
Podcasts- 23 May 2019
- 1:08:44
- 125K Plays

How to Stay Focused and Get WAY More Done With Author Cal Newport | BiggerPockets Podcast 330
Incredible show alert! You don’t want to miss this one: Brandon and David sit down with bestselling author Cal Newport (who wrote So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, and so on) to discuss just what makes high performers different than the rest.
Podcasts- 16 May 2019
- 1:45:26
- 13K Plays

Financial Freedom Before 30 Through Just 10 Real Estate Deals | BP Podcast 329
Financially independent before 30 years old! Today’s guest Felipe Mejia sits down with Brandon and David and shares the incredible story of how he scaled from a $3,000 mobile home to 10 units and financial independence!
Podcasts- 9 May 2019
- 1:29:27
- 44K Plays

Your Business Shouldn’t Make You Miserable. How to Ensure It Doesn’t | BP Business 2
Think about your typical workday. Which activities drain you? Which energize you? And which do you wish you were doing more of?
Podcasts- 7 May 2019
- 1:16:22
- 3.9K Plays

How to Laser-Focus on the Wildly Important With Author Chris McChesney | BP Podcast 328
If you’ve ever had an interest in turning your desire to invest in real estate into a well-oiled business machine, today’s episode is for you!
Podcasts- 3 May 2019
- 1:55:25
- 12K Plays

How to Turn a Hobby Into a Booming Business W/ Joshua Dorkin | BiggerPockets Business Podcast Ep. 1
If you think you know Joshua Dorkin’s whole story... think again.
Podcasts- 2 May 2019
- 1:43:27
- 11K Plays

The “Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat” (BRRRR) Method Made Simple | BP Podcast 327
It’s here—THE book on BRRRR! And who better to write it than the leading authority on this strategy: our co-host David Greene.
Podcasts- 25 Apr 2019
- 1:25:52
- 268K Plays

Health, (Big) Wealth, and Total Accountability With GoBundance Founders | BiggerPockets Podcast 326
What does true wealth mean to you? Maybe it’s having control over your time or having the means to donate part of your income to charity. Maybe it means feeling healthy enough to jump out of bed and attack the day.
Podcasts- 18 Apr 2019
- 58:32
- 9.0K Plays

From Major Business Failure to Buying 20 Houses a Month | BP Podcast 325
Awesome show alert! Today’s guest is so full of information you will be blown away. Aaron Amuchastegui sits down with Brandon and David and explains how he buys 20 deals a month while practicing principles of the four-hour workweek.
Podcasts- 11 Apr 2019
- 1:33:53
- 15K Plays

Financially Free in Less Than 5 Years Through Apartment Investing | BP Podcast 324
Do you want to invest in multifamily apartments but feel intimidated by the process? If so, today’s episode is for you!
Podcasts- 4 Apr 2019
- 1:34:50
- 83K Plays

How to Attract Deals and Earn More Through the Magic of Networking | BP Podcast 323
Would getting more deals through your network help your real estate business? Today’s guest specializes in just that! Brandon and David sit down with Travis Chappell, host of the “Build Your Network” podcast, and dive into how to create success through other people
Podcasts- 28 Mar 2019
- 1:31:30
- 8.9K Plays

3 Things Every Leader MUST Do to Scale with Ben Kinney | BiggerPockets Podcast 322
Today’s guest grew up poor, living in a cabin without power or running water. But now he controls millions of dollars in real estate, owns several companies, and leads one of the country’s top-producing sales teams. How did Ben Kinney pull that off?
Podcasts- 21 Mar 2019
- 1:18:58
- 11K Plays

How to Negotiate Real Estate—Expert Deal-Making Tactics | BiggerPockets Podcast 321
Would your real estate investing business benefit from better negotiating tactics? Of course it would! On today’s show, Brandon and David sit down with J and Carol Scott, as well as Mark Ferguson, co-authors of the new BiggerPockets book The Book on Negotiating Real Estate
Podcasts- 14 Mar 2019
- 1:15:43
- 13K Plays

Hands-On BRRRR Investing and DIY Secrets with Instagram Star Brittany Arnason | BP Podcast 320
Imagine building a business around work you’d do for free. Sound pretty great?
Podcasts- 7 Mar 2019
- 1:06:13
- 36K Plays

Avoid These Common Newbie Mistakes! Hard-Earned Lessons from Nathan Brooks | BP Podcast 319
Does finding and closing 15 deals a month sound desirable to you? Today’s guest shares exactly how his team does just that!
Podcasts- 28 Feb 2019
- 1:08:19
- 25K Plays

100 Units in the First 2 Years (Using Bank Financing!) with Collin Schwartz | BP Podcast 318
Interested in buying over 100 units in two years’ time? Today’s guest did just that!
Podcasts- 21 Feb 2019
- 1:01:27
- 45K Plays

How to Become a Millionaire Through Real Estate by 26 with Graham Stephan | BP Podcast 316
Want to know how to become a millionaire through real estate investing? Of course you do! Today’s guest did just that—by age 26!
Podcasts- 19 Feb 2019
- 1:20:13
- 77K Plays

Building a $300MM Real Estate Empire from Scratch with Chad Doty | BP Podcast 317
Ever dreamed of being a successful multifamily investor who owns millions of dollars in real estate while others manage your assets?
Podcasts- 14 Feb 2019
- 1:23:28
- 29K Plays

Utilizing The Laws Of Human Nature for Success W/ Bestselling Author Robert Greene | BP Podcast 315
Interested in learning techniques that will virtually guarantee you success, regardless of your field of interest? Of course you are!
Podcasts- 31 Jan 2019
- 1:15:51
- 12K Plays

How to Find Rockstar Contractors and Manage Like a Boss with Andresa Guidelli | BP Podcast 314
Would your real estate business benefit from better rehab/construction knowledge or tactics? Well, that’s the focus of today’s show, where Andresa shares her story of moving from Brazil to America and crushing it in the real estate space!
Podcasts- 24 Jan 2019
- 1:04:36
- 13K Plays

How to Be Happy AND Grow a Massive Business with Entrepreneur Jesse Itzler | BP Podcast 313
Do you want to crush your goals, grow your business & BE HAPPY while doing it? Can it be done? Our guest today on this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast says, “YES!”
Podcasts- 17 Jan 2019
- 1:09:36
- 13K Plays

Conquering Nightmare Rehabs While Working Full-Time with James Masotti | BP Podcast 312
Excited about real estate investing and looking for a blueprint to follow? Well, you’re in luck! Today’s guest James Masotti is a well-rounded investor who’s piling up properties while working a full-time job.
Podcasts- 10 Jan 2019
- 1:10:57
- 9.1K Plays

6 Rules for Investing in Real Estate in the Coming Economic Shift with J Scott | BP Podcast 311
Are you a real estate investor concerned with the potential of a shifting economy? These concerns are understandable, and today’s guest has some great techniques for both protecting your money and taking advantage of deals in any market!
Podcasts- 3 Jan 2019
- 1:17:34
- 32K Plays

A Straightforward, Repeatable Path to Early Retirement with Jennifer Bayless | BP Podcast 310
Looking to find financial independence through real estate but don’t want to be responsible for a portfolio of 100 homes? Well, that’s exactly what today’s guest is doing!
Podcasts- 27 Dec 2018
- 56:38
- 31K Plays

Closing 75 Deals Your First Year by Simply Modeling Others with Steven Pesavento | BP Podcast 309
Have you ever considered flipping houses for cash but aren’t sure where to start?
Podcasts- 20 Dec 2018
- 1:02:08
- 19K Plays

From 0 to 400 Units in 3.5 Years with Sterling White | BiggerPockets Podcast 308
Would your life be positively impacted by owning over 400 rental units? What if you could get there in under four years?
Podcasts- 13 Dec 2018
- 1:10:42
- 125K Plays

The Science Behind Setting and Achieving Big Goals | BiggerPockets Podcast 307
If there is one episode you listen to all year, let it be this one!
Podcasts- 6 Dec 2018
- 12K Plays

How to Go From a Few Units to Over 1,000 | BP Podcast 306
Are you looking to take your investing from casual to serious someday? Have you ever thought about what it would take to own thousands of units without having real estate run your life? Well you’re in luck!
Podcasts- 29 Nov 2018
- 1:26:18
- 34K Plays

Financial Independence in Your 30s Through Just 5 Investment Properties | BP Podcast 305
Are you interested in retiring early with real estate but don’t want to manage 100s of properties to do so? Today’s guest has managed to travel to 54 countries in the last 3 years after retiring in his 30’s by owning just FIVE properties.
Podcasts- 22 Nov 2018
- 1:07:14
- 35K Plays

Using Incredible Strength of Mindset to Succeed Despite Overwhelming Obstacles | BP Podcast 304
If you’re looking to have your mind completely blown and walk away feeling like you can and WILL do anything, this show is for you!
Podcasts- 15 Nov 2018
- 1:05:21
- 7.2K Plays

Ouch! Brandon & David's 10 Biggest Investing Mistakes (& How to Avoid Them) | BP Podcast 303
Are you a little tired of hearing about all the “successes” of real estate investors and wondering how realistic this is in the real world? Well, on today’s show, Brandon and David share the 10 biggest mistakes they’ve made in their investing careers—warts and all!
Podcasts- 8 Nov 2018
- 1:23:15
- 20K Plays

From Small-time to 1000+ Units Under Contact | BP Podcast 355
From Bangor, Maine to Maui... by providing massive value!
Podcasts- 7 Nov 2018
- 1:13:53
- 11K Plays

Making $100k/Deal Using Other People's Money, Time & Experience with Cory Nemoto | BP Podcast 302
Ever had an interest in house flipping but felt you needed help getting started? Today’s show covers that exact topic!
Podcasts- 1 Nov 2018
- 1:29:03
- 9.8K Plays

The Incredible Power of Long-Distance BRRRR Investing with Alex Felice | BP Podcast 301
Looking to get started investing but don’t have millions of dollars and notice there’s not a lot of opportunity in your market? Well, this is the episode for you!
Podcasts- 25 Oct 2018
- 1:12:55
- 35K Plays

How to Invest in Real Estate—The Ultimate Show for Getting Started | BP Podcast 300
What is the best way to get started investing in real estate? The problem with this question is that there are SO many different pieces of advice.
Podcasts- 18 Oct 2018
- 2:24:58
- 133K Plays

No Money Investing – Four Techniques with Brandon Turner and David Greene | BP Podcast 299.5
Would you like to invest in real estate but lack the capital? In this powerful episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, Brandon and David dive deep into the topic to cover four unique strategies for building a real estate empire using other people’s money.
Podcasts- 11 Oct 2018
- 1:31:03
- 19K Plays

HGTV Star Ken Corsini on Flipping, Rehabbing, & Building Homes Like a Pro! | BP Podcast 299
Have you ever wondered about the REAL story behind the house flipping tv shows?
Podcasts- 4 Oct 2018
- 1:14:40
- 7.2K Plays

Thriving in Multifamily Investing (Even in a Hot Market) with Michael Becker | BP Podcast 298
Interested in building giant wealth through multifamily real estate investing?
Podcasts- 27 Sep 2018
- 1:24:42
- 22K Plays

Mastering the Decision-Making Process with Annie Duke | BP Podcast 297
In today’s epic show, we interview World Series of Poker bracelet champion Annie Duke. Annie is a nationally sought-after speaker who combines her mastery of poker with a study of the cognitive sciences in a truly unique and brilliant way.
Podcasts- 20 Sep 2018
- 1:50:46
- 7.4K Plays

From Farm Boy Beginnings to $15M in Real Estate Holdings with Rock Thomas | BP Podcast 296
What does it take to truly find financial independence? Money? Deals? Mentors? Or could it be something else entirely… something intangible?
Podcasts- 13 Sep 2018
- 1:22:05
- 9.7K Plays

Using the Web to Land 8-12 Deals a Month with Melissa Johnson | BP Podcast 295
Are you interested in learning how to flip 8-12 houses a month at $30k a pop? Well, this episode may be just what you’ve been looking for!
Podcasts- 6 Sep 2018
- 1:16:48
- 4.1K Plays

Meet Property Management Extraordinaire, RE Investor & Hotel Owner Jesse McCue | BP Podcast 294
Are you happy with the current state of your real estate business? If you’re like most people, the answer is no.
Podcasts- 30 Aug 2018
- 1:26:32
- 7.2K Plays

How to Retire Early With Real Estate & Do What Matters More with Chad Carson | BP Podcast 293
Have you ever thought about retiring early, traveling, and living your best life now? On today’s show, we interview Chad Carson, author of the new BiggerPockets Publishing book Retire Early With Real Estate.
Podcasts- 23 Aug 2018
- 1:07:47
- 14K Plays

200+ Deals in the First Four Years with Ryan Pineda | BiggerPockets Podcast 292
Can you really create a massive real estate empire in a short time when starting with almost nothing
Podcasts- 16 Aug 2018
- 1:16:22
- 11K Plays

How to Build a Business That Helps Find Deals Before Anyone Else with Neal Collins | BP Podcast 291
Are you struggling with finding deals in today’s market, where the best properties go fast?
Podcasts- 9 Aug 2018
- 1:18:03
- 8.0K Plays

7 Paths to Financial Independence with Brandon & David | BP Show 290
Are you ready to get really excited about the life possible through real estate?
Podcasts- 2 Aug 2018
- 1:59:57
- 17K Plays

Raising Private Money to Build Your Real Estate Empire with Matt Faircloth | BP Podcast 289
Building a real estate business can be one of the best ways to achieve financial freedom. The problem for most, however, is money:
Podcasts- 26 Jul 2018
- 1:11:03
- 11K Plays

75 Rental Units in Their Early 30s with Jason and Carrie Harris | BP Podcast 288
It takes a long, long time to become successful in real estate and financially free — doesn’t it?
Podcasts- 19 Jul 2018
- 56:44
- 19K Plays

Putting Together Real Estate Deals Using Creativity Instead of Cash: BP Podcast 287
How much money does it take to invest in real estate? Is there really such a thing as “No or Low Money Down?”
Podcasts- 12 Jul 2018
- 1:20:26
- 13K Plays

$13M in Equity from One Deal & Cash Flowing Despite Being Comatose with AJ Osborne | Bp Podcast 286
Ever have a conversation that is just SO impactful on your life you wish you could share it with everyone?
Podcasts- 5 Jul 2018
- 1:20:46
- 7.1K Plays

Three Reasons Multifamily Rentals Might be the Perfect Investment with Paul Moore | BP Podcast 285
Is there such thing as a “Perfect Investment?” According to today’s guest: YES!
Podcasts- 28 Jun 2018
- 1:03:53
- 15K Plays

The “Miracle” Behind Becoming a Millionaire with Hal Elrod and David Osborn | BP Podcast 284
Wealth is not an accident, it’s a choice. And on today’s powerful episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, you’ll learn exactly how to make that choice each and every day.
Podcasts- 21 Jun 2018
- 57:35
- 13K Plays

18 Houses in the First 18 Months with Paul Thompson | BiggerPockets Podcast 283
Start slow—or take off like a rocket? When it comes to real estate investing, the choice isn’t the same for all.
Podcasts- 14 Jun 2018
- 1:23:26
- 67K Plays

How to Create the Perfect Partnership | BiggerPockets Podcast Show 282
When does one plus one equal WAY more than two? Real estate partnerships!
Podcasts- 7 Jun 2018
- 1:25:56
- 7.3K Plays

How to Get Your First Deal—An Episode For New Investors With Bill, Jacob, and David! | BP 281
Your first real estate deal might just be your most important — because it leads to all the rest.
Podcasts- 31 May 2018
- 1:54:30
- 43K Plays

The Key to Making Great Deals with Mark Hentemann | BiggerPockets Podcast 280
On today’s show, we sit with Mark Hentemann, a writer and producer for TV’s Family Guy who also invests in Los Angeles real estate!
Podcasts- 24 May 2018
- 1:22:35
- 10K Plays

How to Find Overlooked Opportunities in a Hot Market with Andrew Cushman | BP Podcast 279
Are you ready to jump into real estate investing, but don’t believe you can find deals in today’s hot market?
Podcasts- 17 May 2018
- 1:16:16
- 15K Plays

How the New Tax Code Affects Your Real Estate Investments | BP Podcast 269
Big changes are underway in the US Tax code - and it could make a huge difference to your bottom line.
Podcasts- 17 May 2018
- 1:03:03
- 14K Plays

The “Boring” Path to Massive Real Estate Success | BP Podcast 278
The secret to massive real estate investing success is actually very boring. On today’s show, we sit down with Charles Roberts, an investor and agent from the Denver market.
Podcasts- 10 May 2018
- 1:14:08
- 35K Plays

Building a Six-Figure Family Real Estate Business with Ashley Wilson | BP Podcast 277
Many families can’t even enjoy a holiday meal together — but today’s guest has built a real estate empire with hers!
Podcasts- 3 May 2018
- 1:08:09
- 16K Plays

Achieving Early Retirement by Age 35 | BP Podcast 276
If you are looking to get out of the rat race and achieve early retirement, this is one episode you can’t afford to miss.
Podcasts- 26 Apr 2018
- 1:22:43
- 72K Plays

Buying 300 Homes While Working a Full-Time Job with Attorney Rob Oliver | BP Podcast 275
In this show, we sit down with real estate investor and attorney Rob Oliver to learn how he went from helping other investors buy real estate to owning over 300 condo units while working full-time.
Podcasts- 19 Apr 2018
- 1:17:54
- 19K Plays

Because of These 3 Simple Rules, I’ve Bought Over 600 Units and Never Lost Money | BP 274
What rules govern your real estate investing strategy? For most, it’s a tough question to answer.
Podcasts- 12 Apr 2018
- 1:29:24
- 65K Plays

An Introduction to Passive Income Through Real Estate Note Investing with Dave Van Horn | BP 273
Investing in real estate notes is a niche that can provide massive cash flow and profits without the headaches!
Podcasts- 5 Apr 2018
- 1:07:52
- 16K Plays

No Money, No Deals, No Time? Overcoming Real Estate’s “Big Three” | BP Podcast 272
Struggling to build your real estate empire? Not after this show! It’s time to put the “no money,” “no deals,” and “no time” excuses to rest.
Podcasts- 28 Mar 2018
- 1:30:56
- 25K Plays

Buying 12+ Real Estate Deals Every Month (And How to Lose $750,000) with Sam Craven | BP 271
Real estate investors love to talk about their successes, but most refuse to talk about their failed deals.
Podcasts- 22 Mar 2018
- 1:02:23
- 9.3K Plays

Turning Your Primary Residence Into 40 Units & Financial Independence with Amy Arata | BP 270
Plenty of people can purchase a house to live in. But how can you leverage that single home into many more real estate deals—enough to achieve financial independence?
Podcasts- 15 Mar 2018
- 1:13:34
- 31K Plays

Acquiring 20 Long-Distance Rental Homes (on a Military Salary!) with Rich Carey | BP Podcast 268
Many people feel that because their local market isn’t great for rental property cash flow, they can’t invest. Don’t tell that to today’s guest, who for the past decade has been doing just that—even while working full-time in the U.S. Military
Podcasts- 28 Feb 2018
- 1:29:28
- 11K Plays

How We Used a Partnership to Buy 900 Units with Jake and Gino | BP Podcast 266
We’re not going to lie: It was hard to come up with a title for this episode because we covered SO much—productivity strategies, morning routines, growing from zero to 900 units, partnerships, 1031 exchanges.
Podcasts- 14 Feb 2018
- 1:14:03
- 9.4K Plays

Kidnapped by Russian Mobsters and How to Manage 13,000 Rental Units with Andrew Propst | BP 265
Yes, really. Today’s guest was kidnapped in Russia by mobsters and not only lived to tell the tale, but he even went on to invest in rental real estate in a big way, building a massive property management business!
Podcasts- 7 Feb 2018
- 1:37:24
- 7.9K Plays

Gary Vaynerchuk on Finding Deals Through Social Media & Crushing It as an Entrepreneur | BP 264
In today’s world, anyone can call themselves an entrepreneur. But what does it really take to find success as one?
Podcasts- 31 Jan 2018
- 45:47
- 14K Plays

College Dropout to Owning 900+ Units with Bruce Petersen | BP Podcast 263
Many people have dreams of owning large multifamily properties—but fail to get beyond small deals. Not today’s guest!
Podcasts- 24 Jan 2018
- 1:20:33
- 13K Plays

$600,000 in Gross Rents from Mobile Home Parks with Jefferson Lilly | BP Podcast 262
Mobile Home Parks can be one of the most profitable business models around, but learning to scale without losing all your time can be tough.
Podcasts- 17 Jan 2018
- 1:49:33
- 33K Plays

16 Tips for Selling Properties Faster and for More Money with Mindy Jensen | BP Podcast 261
Here on The BiggerPockets Podcast we spend a lot of time talking about buying properties… but what about needing to sell them?
Podcasts- 10 Jan 2018
- 1:24:52
- 6.6K Plays

The Ultimate Guide to Negotiating With Former FBI Hostage Negotiator Chris Voss | BP Podcast 260
One of the most impactful moments for most real estate investors is meeting a “mentor,” someone older and wiser who can share with them the lessons they’ve learned.
Podcasts- 3 Jan 2018
- 1:36:48
- 51K Plays

Old-School Investing Wisdom from 60+ Years with Mike Anderson | BP Podcast 259
One of the most impactful moments for most real estate investors is meeting a “mentor,” someone older and wiser who can share with them the lessons they’ve learned.
Podcasts- 27 Dec 2017
- 1:31:20
- 14K Plays

Six-Figure House Flipping with Gabe DaSilva | BP Podcast 258
Massive goals encourage massive action—and a massive plan to get there.
Podcasts- 20 Dec 2017
- 1:05:13
- 8.9K Plays

“But My Market is Too Expensive!” (How to Become a Long-Distance Real Estate Investor) | BP 257
Investing outside of your local market can strike fear into the hearts of even the most savvy real estate investor. But long-distance investing doesn’t need to be extra risky!
Podcasts- 13 Dec 2017
- 1:27:19
- 39K Plays

The Surprising (Scientific) Truth Behind What Makes You Successful with Eric Barker | BP Podcast 256
Why do some people achieve incredible success while most others struggle?
Podcasts- 6 Dec 2017
- 1:17:06
- 12K Plays

Six-Figure Real Estate Investing in Just 20 Hours a Week with Elliot Smith | BP Podcast 255
How many hours per week does it take to be a successful real estate investor?
Podcasts- 29 Nov 2017
- 1:27:57
- 15K Plays

Tim Ferriss on Real Estate, Becoming a Top Performer and His Tribe of Mentors | BP Podcast 254
Today’s guest needs no introduction, but this would look funny without one, so here we go!
Podcasts- 22 Nov 2017
- 2:16:52
- 24K Plays

Recession-Resistant Investing & the Benefits of Buying Shopping Centers with David Puchi | BP 253
Most of the guests here on the BiggerPockets Podcast have focused on residential properties—but there is a whole different world to explore in the commercial real estate space.
Podcasts- 15 Nov 2017
- 1:11:18
- 11K Plays

House Hacking (Your First Deal) & Life Hacking with Craig Curelop | BP Podcast 252
People spend years thinking about buying real estate - but many never take the first step.
Podcasts- 8 Nov 2017
- 1:13:32
- 26K Plays

Replacing Your Income with Real Estate as a DIY Landlord with Eric Drenckhahn | BP Podcast 251
How do you build up an arsenal of relevant landlording knowledge? Through hands-on experience.
Podcasts- 1 Nov 2017
- 1:05:07
- 16K Plays

Grant Cardone on Multifamily Investing and Why You Should Never Buy a House! | BP Podcast 250
It’s the episode you’ve been waiting for: Grant Cardone is BACK on the BiggerPockets Podcast!
Podcasts- 26 Oct 2017
- 1:35:27
- 224K Plays

House Hacking, Live-In Flips, and Investing Purposefully with Josh Daniels | BP Podcast 249
Why do you want to invest in real estate? Is it just about having a lot of units - or is it about creating a life you can be proud of?
Podcasts- 19 Oct 2017
- 53:39
- 12K Plays

From Shop Teacher to Multifamily Syndicator with Todd Dexheimer | BP Podcast 248
Looking to scale up your real estate investing business? If so, don’t miss this incredibly powerful episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast.
Podcasts- 11 Oct 2017
- 1:19:13
- 11K Plays

The 90 Day Challenge! (Buy Your First Real Estate Deal in 90 Days!) | BP Podcast 247
Today’s podcast is unlike anything you’ve heard before. Today, we’re not interviewing anyone. Instead, we’re going to motivate, educate, and inspire you to take some MASSIVE ACTION and sprint to the end of the year!
Podcasts- 5 Oct 2017
- 1:41:14
- 22K Plays

Surviving the Coming Crash, Earning 20% Returns, and Buying Mobile Home Parks with Kevin Bupp
When most investors hear the words “mobile home park,” they turn and run the other way.
Podcasts- 27 Sep 2017
- 1:30:52
- 30K Plays

Creating Wealth that Lasts Generations with Bestselling Author Ryan Holiday | BP Podcast 245
Are you in this business to make a quick buck—or are you looking to build generational wealth for you and your family?
Podcasts- 20 Sep 2017
- 1:41:42
- 14K Plays

“Unfair” Taxes and Unfair Advantages with Linda Weygant, CPA | BP Podcast 244
There are a lot of reasons to love being a real estate investor. One of the most impressive is the “unfair” tax treatment investors get by the US Government – and we mean that in a good way!
Podcasts- 13 Sep 2017
- 1:18:35
- 12K Plays

"How I Built 7-Figures of Wealth on a Working-Class Salary” with Joe “JD” Martin | BP Podcast 243
Let’s be honest: not everyone is trying to buy hundreds or thousands of properties. In fact - just a small handful of incredible deals can help build impressive wealth AND great income.
Podcasts- 6 Sep 2017
- 1:08:54
- 33K Plays

How to Live an Incredible Life Now & Achieve Early Retirement with Josh Randall | BP Podcast 242
Money doesn’t buy happiness - but it can give you the freedom to live a truly extraordinary life , something our guest today can really speak to!
Podcasts- 30 Aug 2017
- 1:13:46
- 16K Plays

From Local Flips to Raising Funds and Turnkey Investing with Jeff Wallenius | BP Podcast 241
Is it possible to go from firefighter to real estate mogul?
Podcasts- 23 Aug 2017
- 1:14:25
- 7.3K Plays

Flipping Your Way Out of Debt & the Transition to Rentals with Brentin Hess | BP Podcast 240
Financial debt (like student loans or credit cards) is irritating, expensive, and flat-out dangerous. But you don’t have to be stuck paying the minimum payments for decades like most Americans.
Podcasts- 16 Aug 2017
- 1:21:22
- 23K Plays

Achieving Financial Freedom at Age 32 with Austin Fruechting | BP Podcast 239
Many people dream of achieving financial freedom, but how many actually get there?
Podcasts- 9 Aug 2017
- 1:17:50
- 23K Plays

Becoming a Real Estate Millionaire on a Teacher’s Salary with Michael “Swanny” Swan | BP Podcast 238
Is it possible to invest in real estate if you live in an expensive market—and earn a teacher’s salary?
Podcasts- 3 Aug 2017
- 1:30:18
- 33K Plays

Partnerships & BRRRR Investing While Working Full-Time With Ian Reeves | BP Podcast 237
In this episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, we’re excited to talk about two incredibly powerful strategies any real estate investor (new or experienced!) can use to grow their business: partnerships and BRRRR investing
Podcasts- 26 Jul 2017
- 1:22:10
- 25K Plays

From Tragedy to Broke to $400,000 a Month with Lance Wakefield | BiggerPockets Podcast 236
How does one scale a real estate investing business to hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit in under two years?
Podcasts- 19 Jul 2017
- 1:36:13
- 45K Plays

How to Find and Fund Real Estate Deals with Anson Young | BP Podcast 235
From the millions of people who come to BiggerPockets each month, there are two issues that we hear about over and over and over: People can’t find deals, and they can’t find money.
Podcasts- 12 Jul 2017
- 1:12:25
- 17K Plays

Tenants, Evictions, & The Dark Side of No Money Down with Ryan Murdock | BP Podcast 234
People often toss around the term “passive income” when it comes to owning rental properties.
Podcasts- 5 Jul 2017
- 1:08:39
- 16K Plays

15 Deals in the First 18 Months with Arianne Lemire | BP Podcast 233
Some investors get started slowly - a deal here, a deal there. But for Arianne Lemire, going slow was not an option.
Podcasts- 28 Jun 2017
- 54:50
- 52K Plays

The Four Lead Sources Nathan Brooks is Using to Flip 120 Houses a Year | BP Podcast 232
Why do some people struggle finding one single real estate deal, when others are finding dozens each month?
Podcasts- 21 Jun 2017
- 1:36:43
- 11K Plays

A Simple Strategy for Doing 25 Deals a Month with Brett Snodgrass | BP Podcast 231
There are a lot of “shady” people in the real estate space, and wholesalers tend to be the worst offenders.
Podcasts- 14 Jun 2017
- 1:21:40
- 36K Plays

Real Estate Investing as a Side Hustle with Grammy-Winning Producer Seth Mosley | BP Podcast 230
Real estate doesn’t need to be a full-time business, but it can be a fantastic side hustle!
Podcasts- 7 Jun 2017
- 1:07:01
- 9.4K Plays

Early Retirement Through Short-Term Rental Properties with Zeona McIntyre | BP Podcast 229
Not everyone wants to work a “real job” – but luckily, real estate investing can offer financial freedom for those willing to put in the work- and today’s guest on The BiggerPockets Podcast exemplifies this perfectly!
Podcasts- 31 May 2017
- 1:30:53
- 55K Plays

Partnerships, Landlording, and Getting Started in Real Estate with Meghan McCallum | BP Podcast 228
A lot of newbies get stuck when trying to get their first few deals. After all - figuring out how to find properties, how to get the money needed to buy them, and making sure you don’t mismanage the property are all big tasks.
Podcasts- 24 May 2017
- 1:13:35
- 14K Plays

From Single Family Houses to $130,000,000 in Multifamily with Joe Fairless | BP Podcast 227
Scaling: it’s a term often tossed around in business and real estate, but what does it actually look like?
Podcasts- 17 May 2017
- 1:23:23
- 65K Plays

From “D-Student” to $400,000 in Annual Cash Flow with David Osborn | BP Podcast 226
What does true wealth look like? Is it simply money… or something more?
Podcasts- 10 May 2017
- 1:15:31
- 55K Plays

Surviving a Real Estate Crash and Investing Out-of-State with Kathy Fettke | BP Podcast 225
A lot of investors love to talk about the good times. But for life-long real estate investors, failure is often inevitable, especially during real estate crashes.
Podcasts- 3 May 2017
- 1:18:23
- 21K Plays

Building a Process to Buy 17 Deals a Week with Chris Clothier | BP Podcast 224
What does it take to buy 17 deals a week? What if we told you it was the exact same process needed to buy just one deal per year?
Podcasts- 26 Apr 2017
- 1:18:08
- 8.9K Plays

How to Become “Set for Life” with Scott Trench | BP Podcast 223
A lot of people want to achieve financial freedom - but many who start the journey never arrive.
Podcasts- 20 Apr 2017
- 1:33:59
- 70K Plays

Lessons Learned from 40+ Years as a Real Estate Investor with Jay Hinrichs | BP Podcast 222
Success leaves clues! Rather than trying to figure it all out on your own – why not listen to someone who has been involved with nearly every aspect of real estate for decades?
Podcasts- 12 Apr 2017
- 1:21:33
- 21K Plays

Buy and Hold Real Estate—What Works and What Doesn’t with Tim Shiner | BP Podcast 221
A lot of people want to invest in rental properties - but a lot of people also fail when they jump in. Why?
Podcasts- 5 Apr 2017
- 1:18:41
- 43K Plays

Student Rentals, Multifamily, & the Silent Cash Flow Killer with Jesse Fragale | BP Podcast 220
Many people buy real estate hoping to make great cash flow. But all too often - that cash flow is quickly eaten away by a silent, but deadly, thief. I
Podcasts- 29 Mar 2017
- 1:13:35
- 20K Plays

Private Lending, Turnkey, and Crowdfunding Real Estate with Dr. Kenyon Meadows | BP Podcast 219
Many people invest in real estate hoping to make “passive income” but instead find they work more than they would at a day job!
Podcasts- 22 Mar 2017
- 1:01:43
- 13K Plays

Driving for Deal Flow and Remarkable Educational Marketing with Erik Stark | BP Podcast 218 BiggerPockets BiggerPockets
Why is it some investors buy deals every single month - when others look for years without landing a single great real estate deal?
Podcasts- 15 Mar 2017
- 58:47
- 7.6K Plays

How to Work Less and Earn More Using the 80/20 Rule with Perry Marshall | BP Podcast 217
Every day, our lives are consumed by things that simply don’t amount to much. In fact, most of your successes will come from a very small percentage of your activities.
Podcasts- 8 Mar 2017
- 1:08:59
- 23K Plays

Buying 150 Houses and Experiencing a Financial Meltdown with Damion Lupo | BP Podcast 216
On today’s episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, we’re pumped to introduce you to Damion Lupo, an experienced real estate investor and hard money lender who has seen it all in real estate—both the good and bad!
Podcasts- 1 Mar 2017
- 1:11:49
- 10K Plays

Condo Conversions & Student Rentals in a Hot Market with Ricky Beliveau | BP Podcast 215
Boston is a tough market. Prices are high, but even high rents aren’t enough to make it profitable to invest.
Podcasts- 22 Feb 2017
- 59:37
- 8.2K Plays

Investing in Real Estate without Being a Landlord with Noah Kagan | BP Podcast 213
If there is one thing you can know for sure by listening to the BiggerPockets Podcast, it’s this: there are a LOT of ways to invest in real estate!
Podcasts- 18 Feb 2017
- 1:08:11
- 14K Plays

Building a $30M Fund to Invest in Real Estate with Joel Sherlock | BP Podcast 214
Some investors buy a single house. Some buy a small multifamily. But today on The BiggerPockets Podcast we sit down with someone who jumped into real estate in a much bigger way!
Podcasts- 15 Feb 2017
- 52:20
- 8.7K Plays

Buying a 115-Unit Apartment Complex for No Cash Out of Pocket with Brian Murray | BP Podcast 212
How much does it cost to buy a large apartment complex? Millions? Think again!
Podcasts- 1 Feb 2017
- 1:19:13
- 21K Plays

Investing in Out-of-State Rentals and Notes with Bob Malecki | BP Podcast 211
What’s the best way to invest in real estate when the numbers don’t make sense in your backyard?
Podcasts- 25 Jan 2017
- 1:06:59
- 10K Plays

“My First Deal Changed My Life!” A Newbie Show with Sunny, SunMarie, and Sam | BP Podcast 210
Can a single real estate deal change your life? Definitely!
Podcasts- 18 Jan 2017
- 1:06:06
- 33K Plays

BP Podcast 209: Flipping 83 Homes in the Last 18 Months with Kevin Carroll
Is small thinking holding you back? Not after this episode!
Podcasts- 11 Jan 2017
- 1:07:10
- 11K Plays

Buying 41 Units on Your First Deal + Mobile Home Park Investing with Jack Baczek | BP Podcast 208
Most people begin their real estate investing with a small single family purchase.
Podcasts- 4 Jan 2017
- 56:51
- 13K Plays

How to Achieve Greater Success by Doing Less with Devin Elder | BP Podcast 207
Real estate investors wear a lot of hats- especially in the beginning. Contractor, bookkeeper, receptionist, and more. But if you truly want to grow your business - you must do LESS.
Podcasts- 28 Dec 2016
- 1:00:29
- 10.0K Plays

Taking Massive Action to Do 20+ Deals in Two Years with Joe England | BP Podcast 206
Two years ago, Joe England was just a full-time military guy, dreaming about financial freedom.
Podcasts- 21 Dec 2016
- 1:05:13
- 19K Plays

Snowballing from Single Family Houses to Apartment Complexes with Jered Sturm | BP Podcast 205
How does one transition from doing simple houses to more complex deals?
Podcasts- 14 Dec 2016
- 1:09:26
- 24K Plays

Flipping 30+ Deals by Age Twenty-Five with Chris Gill | BP Podcast 204
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast you’ll hear from Chris Gill, a real estate investor in the San Antonio market who has only been investing for three years but has already done over thirty deals - mostly fix and flips.
Podcasts- 7 Dec 2016
- 1:02:55
- 12K Plays

Finding Deals, Funding, Contractors, and Mentors with Matt and Liz Faircloth | BP Podcast 203
When learning how to invest in real estate successfully, most people struggle finding four things: mentors, contractors, deals, and funding.
Podcasts- 30 Nov 2016
- 1:24:17
- 18K Plays

Escaping the Rat Race Through Rental Properties with Mark Walker | BP Podcast 202
Most people dream of getting out of the “rat race,” quitting their day job, and living on passive income sources.
Podcasts- 23 Nov 2016
- 1:02:38
- 32K Plays

Flipping 100+ "Zombie" Houses with Justin Stamper | BP Podcast 201
Dead “zombie” houses are everywhere -- just waiting for you to bring them back to life if you are willing to take the risk!
Podcasts- 16 Nov 2016
- 1:17:41
- 13K Plays

A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying Your First Real Estate Investment | BP Podcast 200
Welcome to the BiggerPockets Podcast show 200!
Podcasts- 9 Nov 2016
- 1:26:59
- 267K Plays

25 Doors by Age 25 with Houssein Al-Eidan | BP Podcast 199
Real estate investing is no longer just for older generations!
Podcasts- 2 Nov 2016
- 1:02:14
- 14K Plays

Financial Freedom Through Small Multifamily Rentals with Eric Bowlin | BP Podcast 198
How many rental units does it take to achieve “Financial Freedom?” Maybe not as many as you think!
Podcasts- 26 Oct 2016
- 1:01:00
- 31K Plays

Starting with $10k and Buying 52 Units in 3 Years with Chris Heeren | BP Podcast 197
Get ready to be inspired, amazed, and blown away with today’s BiggerPockets episode!
Podcasts- 19 Oct 2016
- 1:08:20
- 382K Plays

LLCs, House Hacking, and Saving on Taxes with Brandon Hall | BP Podcast 196
What has five letters but causes so much fear that millions of wannabe investors never get started?
Podcasts- 12 Oct 2016
- 1:29:04
- 44K Plays

BP Podcast 195: Financing College Rentals & Mobile Home Parks Using Remarkable Creativity with Rudy Curtler
Trying to build a real estate empire while working a full-time job can be tough, which is why many people decide to use a partner to maximize their results.
Podcasts- 5 Oct 2016
- 1:13:19
- 9.5K Plays

Achieving Impressive Spreads Through High-End Flips with Justin Silverio | BP Podcast 194
Is your ultimate goal to increase the spreads of your investments to the point where you can comfortably quit your job?
Podcasts- 28 Sep 2016
- 56:23
- 5.1K Plays

Finding and Managing Rental Properties While Working Full-Time with Steve Garner | BP Podcast 193
Everyone knows rental properties can be a great way to build wealth and cash flow.
Podcasts- 21 Sep 2016
- 1:01:00
- 14K Plays

Income from Cash Flow but Wealth from Appreciation with Russel Brazil | BP Podcast 192
“I can’t invest in real estate - everything is too expensive” is a common phrase used by newbie real estate investors across the world. But is it true?
Podcasts- 14 Sep 2016
- 1:05:37
- 14K Plays

Buying Out-of-State Rentals and Investing Later in Life with Bill Manassero | BP Podcast 191
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, we’re excited to introduce you to a man who didn’t start investing until later in life but has built an impressive portfolio in the past few years.
Podcasts- 8 Sep 2016
- 1:04:24
- 17K Plays

BP Podcast 190: Building 61 Different Passive Streams of Income with Pat Hiban
Are you building vertical or horizontal income in your life?
Podcasts- 1 Sep 2016
- 1:13:25
- 27K Plays

500 Deals, the $100,000 Wholesale Paycheck, & the Systems That Make it Work | BP Podcast 189
Are you looking to ultimately work less, travel more, and life proactively rather than reactively?
Podcasts- 24 Aug 2016
- 1:26:42
- 18K Plays

Using 20+ Years of Studying Market Cycles to Buy Low & Sell High | BP Podcast 188
Is the real estate market about to collapse? Do we have 10 more years? What’s the future hold?
Podcasts- 17 Aug 2016
- 1:22:49
- 22K Plays

Building Wealth Through Older Small Multifamily Properties with Dana Bull | BP Podcast 187
In this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we talk about a subject many investors debate about: investing in OLD properties
Podcasts- 10 Aug 2016
- 1:01:07
- 49K Plays

How to Get Your First Few Properties — Even in a Competitive Market with Dave Meyer | BP Podcast 186
There are a lot of excuses people use for why they don’t invest in real estate.
Podcasts- 3 Aug 2016
- 1:07:16
- 96K Plays

How “Rent-to-Own” Can Increase Cash Flow and Maximize Equity with Bill Powers | BP Podcast 185
On today’s episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, Josh and Brandon sit down with Bill Powers
Podcasts- 27 Jul 2016
- 57:18
- 21K Plays

From Real Estate Agent to 800+ Deals with Bill Lublin | BP Podcast 184
In today’s humorous episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, you’ll meet Bill Lublin
Podcasts- 20 Jul 2016
- 58:10
- 6.2K Plays

Achieving Financial Independence Through Rental Properties with Sarah Pritchett | BP Podcast 183
What does it take to achieve financial independence? Thousands of deals and a 100+ hour work-week hustle?
Podcasts- 13 Jul 2016
- 1:03:42
- 40K Plays

674 Multifamily Units in Three Years with Jake & Gino | BP Podcast 182
Whether you own a single property or 1,000 units, systematizing your business is the key to growth.
Podcasts- 6 Jul 2016
- 1:07:57
- 30K Plays

Finding Deals & Scaling in a Competitive Market with Lauren Hardy | BP Podcast 181
Let’s be honest: It can be tough to find a great deal in today’s competitive real estate market
Podcasts- 29 Jun 2016
- 59:22
- 32K Plays

58 Deals by Age Twenty-Three with Devan McClish | BP Podcast 180
What were you doing at 23 years old? Probably not building 17 houses like today’s guest!
Podcasts- 22 Jun 2016
- 1:03:44
- 24K Plays

Doing the “Impossible” by Buying 100+ Units in His First Two Years with Dale Hensel | BP Podcast 179
What stops most people from achieving massive success through real estate?
Podcasts- 16 Jun 2016
- 1:07:01
- 37K Plays

From House Hacker to House Flipper & Landlord with Charlie Kao | BP Podcast 178
Trying to build a real estate portfolio when you are brand new and work a full-time job can be tough.
Podcasts- 8 Jun 2016
- 1:02:28
- 9.9K Plays

Using Fixer-Upper Rentals to Achieve Financial Independence with Ben Walhood | BP Podcast 177
When you hear the phrase, “BRRRR” what comes to mind? Winter?
Podcasts- 1 Jun 2016
- 59:01
- 38K Plays

How to Close 100+ Deals In Your First 18 Months with Tom Krol | BP Podcast 176
Everyone knows it’s tough to find deals in today’s real estate market - but somehow our guest today, Tom Krol, didn’t get that memo! In his first 18 months
Podcasts- 25 May 2016
- 1:08:34
- 40K Plays

The Power of a Team to Build a Multifamily Real Estate Empire | BP Podcast 175
Building a real estate portfolio can be challenging — but taking others along for the ride can help everyone achieve incredible results
Podcasts- 18 May 2016
- 1:06:08
- 10K Plays

Lessons Learned From 2,000+ Transactions Over 44 Years with Dave Short | BP Podcast 174
Around BiggerPockets, we often encourage newer investors to sit down with an experienced real estate investor to “pick their brain” and soak up their wisdom.
Podcasts- 11 May 2016
- 1:13:35
- 7.9K Plays

Flipping 100+ Houses in an Expensive, Competitive Market with Steve Jones | BP Podcast 173
House flipping can be incredibly profitable and fun — but for many people, trying to make it work is next to impossible because of the high cost of homes.
Podcasts- 5 May 2016
- 1:07:59
- 6.8K Plays

Breaking Into Apartment Investing with a 100-Unit First Deal with Jonathan Twombly | BP Podcast 172
Have you ever dreamed of owning large apartment complexes?
Podcasts- 27 Apr 2016
- 1:16:49
- 16K Plays

How to Overcome a Devastating First Flip, Scale to 300+ Deals with Ryland Taniguchi | BP Podcast 171
How would you feel after losing $150,000 on one of your first deals?
Podcasts- 21 Apr 2016
- 1:16:26
- 7.3K Plays

Finding Your “Freedom Number” with Clayton Morris | BP Podcast 151
On today’s episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with Clayton Morris, a real estate investor and host of the weekend edition of Fox and Friends on the Fox Cable News Network.
Podcasts- 16 Apr 2016
- 1:27:40
- 35K Plays

Designing a Lifestyle-Based Real Estate Business with Luke Swab | BP Podcast 150
For some, the goal of real estate is to make tens of millions of dollars. For others, like today’s guest, it’s a way to finance an incredible life.
Podcasts- 14 Apr 2016
- 1:05:39
- 6.8K Plays

The Journey From Flipping Houses to Owning 1,470 Units with Andrew Cushman | BP Podcast 170
On this inspiring episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with real estate entrepreneur Andrew Cushman
Podcasts- 13 Apr 2016
- 1:08:33
- 22K Plays

Early Retirement, Real Estate Bubbles, and Dangerous Scams with Clark Howard | BP Podcast 149
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, we’re excited to sit down with an individual many people already know from television, radio, and the newspaper — Clark Howard.
Podcasts- 12 Apr 2016
- 44:54
- 13K Plays

From 0 to 51 Units Despite Living in a Crazy Expensive Location with Nazz Wang | BP Podcast 148
How do you build up a sizable real estate portfolio when you live in one of the most expensive cities in America?
Podcasts- 10 Apr 2016
- 58:48
- 16K Plays

Turning “Weird” Properties Into Cash-Flowing Monsters with Johnny Youssef | BP Podcast 147
Sometimes to find success, you have to think outside the box!
Podcasts- 8 Apr 2016
- 1:05:45
- 8.0K Plays

Using Hustle and Persistence to Build Wealth Through Real Estate with David Greene | BP Podcast 169
What does it take to truly find success in real estate — especially when you make an average salary and live in an expensive city?
Podcasts- 7 Apr 2016
- 1:05:33
- 13K Plays

Buying 100+ Units Through Word of Mouth Marketing with Enrique Jevons | BP Podcast 146
Finding deals can be tough in today’s real estate market, but one technique that works in every market is word of mouth marketing!
Podcasts- 5 Apr 2016
- 1:02:55
- 2.7K Plays

Creative Investing in an Expensive Market with Grammy-Nominated Jeremy Jones | BP Podcast 145
On this episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with an investor who’s also a Grammy-nominated musician!
Podcasts- 4 Apr 2016
- 1:10:55
- 4.7K Plays

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone and Kicking Butt at Real Estate with Danny Johnson | BP Podcast 144
Do you have an “A-type” personality? If not, don’t worry–you can still build wealth through real estate!
Podcasts- 31 Mar 2016
- 1:16:22
- 7.4K Plays

Quitting a 6-Figure Job to Go Full-Time in Real Estate with Nick Baldo | BP Podcast 143
On this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast we sit down with a real estate investor who quit his six-figure full-time job at a Fortune 100 company to pursue his real estate investing dreams.
Podcasts- 30 Mar 2016
- 59:04
- 13K Plays

Building Hundreds of Homes to Sell or Rent with Cameron Skinner | BP Podcast 168
Today we’re excited to bring you an interview with a savvy investor who’s done over 500 deals -- Cameron Skinner.
Podcasts- 30 Mar 2016
- 56:17
- 9.0K Plays

22 ½ ACTIONABLE Tips for Beginner Real Estate Investors With Josh and Brandon! | BP Podcast 142
WARNING: We’re sorry, but there is no way you’ll be able to listen to today’s show without taking MASSIVE ACTION immediately after!
Podcasts- 27 Mar 2016
- 43:00
- 15K Plays

7 Ways to Find Incredible Real Estate Deals with Chad Carson | BP Podcast 141
In today’s busy real estate world, great deals can be hard for investors to find.
Podcasts- 26 Mar 2016
- 57:11
- 11K Plays

The Riches are in the Niches (Like Student Housing) with Bill Syrios | BP Podcast 140
Real estate investing is a BIG field, and there are hundreds of ways to build wealth.
Podcasts- 23 Mar 2016
- 1:10:50
- 13K Plays

0 to 25 Units in Your First Year (Part-Time!) with Kevin Wood | BP Podcast 167
People have a lot of excuses why they aren't’ investing in real estate. “I work too much.” “I live in an expensive area.” “I don’t know enough.”
Podcasts- 23 Mar 2016
- 1:20:52
- 90K Plays

Getting Started as a Businessman, Not a Handyman with Fat Tony | BP Podcast 139
Many people struggle to get started, especially when they live in an expensive market.
Podcasts- 21 Mar 2016
- 58:00
- 5.1K Plays

Self Storage, Systems, and SEO with Michael Rogers | BP Podcast 138
Self storage is one of the most passive forms of real estate investing out there, but only if it’s run correctly.
Podcasts- 18 Mar 2016
- 1:09:05
- 7.4K Plays

How Modeling Greatness Can Get You To 100+ Deals with Matt Aitchison | BP Podcast 166
One of the best ways to achieve incredible results in your life is to model others who have come before.
Podcasts- 17 Mar 2016
- 1:37:32
- 7.0K Plays

Building an Incredible Real Estate Pipeline with Shawn Holsapple | BP Podcast 136
Having trouble finding good deals?
Podcasts- 14 Mar 2016
- 58:35
- 2.8K Plays

How to Use Systems to Scale Your Real Estate Business with Sam Craven | BP Podcast 137
On this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we want to introduce you to a real estate investor who has figured out the secret to scaling his business: systems.
Podcasts- 13 Mar 2016
- 1:04:56
- 4.6K Plays

Raising Money to Buy 1,000 Apartment Units with Brian Adams | BP Podcast 135
How does someone shift from buying single family houses to buying hundred+ unit apartment complexes?
Podcasts- 11 Mar 2016
- 1:13:07
- 10K Plays

Limiting Beliefs That Hold You Back From Incredible Wealth with Natali Morris | BP Podcast 165
Real estate investing is a powerful tool for building wealth — but without firm personal finance skills, an investor could lose everything!
Podcasts- 10 Mar 2016
- 1:13:20
- 32K Plays

Creative Finance and Gaining a Millionaire Mindset with Pro BMX Rider Terry Adams | BP Podcast 134
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and dig into the life of a professional BMX bike rider Terry Adams
Podcasts- 9 Mar 2016
- 1:26:33
- 6.2K Plays

Scaling Your Business From Scratch to $50 Million in Assets with Jason Cohen | BP Podcast 133
How does a new real estate investor go from zero properties to over 1,000 units in under a decade?
Podcasts- 7 Mar 2016
- 1:10;27
- 7.2K Plays

How Brie Schmidt Grew Her Real Estate Portfolio by 50 Units in 1 Year | BP Podcast 132
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, we are excited to bring back Brie Schmidt, a real estate investor from the Chicago market who has absolutely DOMINATED her goals over the past twelve months.
Podcasts- 5 Mar 2016
- 53:14
- 4.7K Plays

Investing in Multifamily Properties in a HOT Real Estate Market with Serge | BP Podcast 131
Everyone wants to invest in multifamily properties. (Well, almost everyone.)
Podcasts- 3 Mar 2016
- 1:23:59
- 5.6K Plays

Scaling from 0 to 400+ Deals Through Real Estate Entrepreneurship with Steve Mills | BP Podcast 164
What’s it truly take to go from beginner to advanced in real estate?
Podcasts- 2 Mar 2016
- 1:17:20
- 4.8K Plays

Ten Smart Tips for Making $1M+ Flipping Houses with Will Barnard | BP Podcast 130
Will Barnard recently closed on a seven-figure profit house flip (that’s right… over $1M on one single house!)
Podcasts- 25 Feb 2016
- 1:09:46
- 8.1K Plays

Making Your Real Estate Business Soar While Working a Full-Time Job with Bill Allen | BP Podcast 163
Having a full-time job can make investing in real estate tough.
Podcasts- 24 Feb 2016
- 1:10:07
- 13K Plays

Live-in Flips, Frugality, and Finance with Mindy Jensen | BP Podcast 129
On this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we’re going to talk about a unique strategy that combines the power of house flipping with the benefits of home ownership.
Podcasts- 19 Feb 2016
- 1:11:16
- 8.2K Plays

How to Pay Less to the IRS with Amanda Han, CPA | BP Podcast 162
No one likes paying taxes, so let’s talk about how you can pay FAR less to the IRS!
Podcasts- 18 Feb 2016
- 1:10:26
- 38K Plays

Foreclosures, Quitting Your Job, and Getting More Than 10 Loans with Anca | BP Podcast 128
On this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and talk with a real estate entrepreneur who recently was able to quit her job and travel the world thanks to her real estate ambitions!
Podcasts- 13 Feb 2016
- 55:39
- 13K Plays

How to Use a Partnership to Acquire (and Manage) 100+ Units with James Wise | BP Podcast 127
As you grow your real estate business, a partner can help you achieve incredible levels.
Podcasts- 11 Feb 2016
- 55:35
- 5.9K Plays

Turning Good Income Into Incredible Legacy Wealth with NFL Star Ryan Broyles | BP Podcast 161
A lot of people make good income from their jobs… But few are able to turn that income into lasting, generational wealth.
Podcasts- 10 Feb 2016
- 55:08
- 12K Plays

From 0 to 400+ Units Through Value-Add Investing with Brian Murray | BP Podcast 126
Building a real estate empire takes time, effort, and significant amounts of capital.
Podcasts- 8 Feb 2016
- 1:14:48
- 5.6K Plays

From 0 to 50 Flips in 5 Years (While Still Working a Job!) with Stefanie Marshall | BP Podcast 160
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and chat with Stefanie Marshall, an investor from Northern California who has flipped more than 50 properties in the last five years, all while working a job as an accountant!
Podcasts- 3 Feb 2016
- 1:16:00
- 18K Plays

The Key to Business Success with Bestselling Author of The E-Myth Michael Gerber | BP Podcast 125
What if you could sit down with one of the best-selling business authors of all time and pick their brain?
Podcasts- 27 Jan 2016
- 1:10:24
- 6.7K Plays

How to Build a Real Estate Business That Buys 60 Deals a Year with Nathan Brooks | BP Podcast 159
Anyone can buy a house. However, it takes a special kind of business (and business owner) to buy dozens of deals every year.
Podcasts- 27 Jan 2016
- 1:08:24
- 11K Plays

Building a Real Estate Empire At a Young Age with Jered Sturm | BP Podcast 124
Is it possible to invest in real estate when you don’t have decades of life-experiences?
Podcasts- 23 Jan 2016
- 1:05:33
- 17K Plays

Overcoming an Ugly Past to Become a Cash Flow King with Justin Escajeda | BP Podcast 123
Today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast is different than any other we’ve done, and probably not one to listen to with the kids in the car.
Podcasts- 22 Jan 2016
- 57:08
- 11K Plays

An Easy-to-Follow Blueprint for Building Your Real Estate Deal Pipeline with Jeff | BP Podcast 158
Great real estate deals can be hard to find in a competitive market… so how do some investors manage to find multiple deals every month?
Podcasts- 20 Jan 2016
- 1:12:27
- 20K Plays

5 Myths Holding Investors Back From Real Estate Greatness with Chris Clothier | BP Podcast 122
On this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we’re talking about myths. No, not about Sasquatch, elves, or the abominable snowman.
Podcasts- 15 Jan 2016
- 1:27:12
- 7.2K Plays

A Simple Morning Ritual to Help You Dominate Every Area of Your Life with Hal Elrod | BP Podcast 157
He was clinically dead for six minutes. No heartbeat. No sign of life.
Podcasts- 14 Jan 2016
- 1:27:54
- 24K Plays

Creating the IDEAL Real Estate Investing Business with Andrew and Phillip Syrios | BP Podcast 121
In this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, learn how to build an incredibly successful real estate business using the “IDEAL” system.
Podcasts- 8 Jan 2016
- 1:18:33
- 9.0K Plays

How to Find, Analyze, and Finance an Incredible Real Estate Deal! | BP Podcast 120
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, we’re changing things up and doing something we’ve never done before!
Podcasts- 7 Jan 2016
- 1:19:58
- 11K Plays

Lifestyle Engineering Through Commercial, Residential, and Vacation Rentals | BP Podcast 156
On this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with Mark Spidell, an investor from the great state of Colorado, to discuss how he uses real estate to engineer his ideal lifestyle!
Podcasts- 6 Jan 2016
- 1:01:23
- 4.6K Plays

From Pro Athlete to Pro Real Estate Entrepreneur with Graham Mink | BP Podcast 119
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we are excited to introduce you to Graham Mink
Podcasts- 1 Jan 2016
- 1:26:00
- 1.9K Plays

From Zero to 200+ Deals in Five Years with Sharad Mehta | BP Podcast 155
Boom! Prepare to be blown away by this unbelievable interview with an investor who’s gone from nothing to more than 200 deals in just five years!
Podcasts- 31 Dec 2015
- 1:13:47
- 15K Plays

Finding Incredible Deals to Flip or Rent from 3,000 Miles Away with Bob Couture | BP Podcast 154
Finding deals in your own backyard can be tough — but today we’re talking to a guest who finds incredible deals from across the country!
Podcasts- 24 Dec 2015
- 58:15
- 4.5K Plays

Condos, Multifamily, and Dealing with Management with Himanshu Jain | BP Podcast 118
When getting started, should you go BIG or go small?
Podcasts- 23 Dec 2015
- 49:13
- 5.0K Plays

From $600k in Debt to 108 Single Family Rentals with Linda McKissack | BP Podcast 153
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we are excited to bring you an interview with a prolific investor (and author of one of the world’s biggest real estate books), Linda McKissack!
Podcasts- 16 Dec 2015
- 59:36
- 42K Plays

Building Wealth & Passive Income Through Rental Property Investing | BP Podcast 152
http://www.biggerpockets.com/show152 - How would you like to own ten, fifty, or a thousand rental units?
Podcasts- 10 Dec 2015
- 1:21:19
- 49K Plays

Maximizing Productivity to Get Things Done with David Allen | BP Podcast 117
Real estate entrepreneurs are busy people… but this doesn’t have to mean getting overwhelmed!
Podcasts- 9 Dec 2015
- 41:25
- 4.0K Plays

How to Quit Your Job Through Wholesaling and Flipping with Nasar Elarabi | BP Podcast 116
On this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, learn what it took for Nasar Elarabi to quit his dead-end job and become a full time wholesaler, flipper, and landlord.
Podcasts- 4 Dec 2015
- 1:02:18
- 20K Plays

Getting Started with Apartment Complex Investing with Jeff Greenberg | BiggerPockets Podcast 115
Have you ever wanted to invest in apartment complexes, but were unsure how to start?
Podcasts- 3 Nov 2015
- 53:49
- 22K Plays

How to Invest in (& Have Fun with) Vacation Rentals with Scott Sutherland | BP Podcast 114
Have you ever been on vacation and thought, it sure would be nice to own some property down here?
Podcasts- 19 Oct 2015
- 1:00:44
- 13K Plays

“Little Old Lady House” Investing with Mark Updegraff | BP Podcast 112
Get ready for another incredible episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast!
Podcasts- 12 Oct 2015
- 1:09:16
- 4.0K Plays

A Unique (and Profitable) Real Estate Niche You’ve Probably Never Considered | BP Podcast 111
In this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we dig into a real estate niche that, until today, you’ve probably never considered.
Podcasts- 7 Oct 2015
- 1:14:00
- 9.3K Plays

Eliminating the Hassle Factor As a Landlord with Glenn McCrorey | BP Podcast 110
Everyone knows rental properties can be a great way to build wealth — but they also generally come with significant hassle and stress.
Podcasts- 6 Oct 2015
- 1:01:53
- 5.2K Plays

You Will Get Sued. Here’s How To Survive with Attorney Scott Smith | BP Podcast 109
No one wants to get sued, but if you plan to build a real estate empire, the question is not so much “if” but “when.”
Podcasts- 4 Oct 2015
- 1:16:25
- 7.6K Plays

Grant Cardone on the BP Podcast: Building a $350 Million Real Estate Empire Using the 10X Rule
Prepare to laugh, groan, and be inspired.
Podcasts- 1 Oct 2015
- 1:09:23
- 125K Plays

Building a Successful House Flipping Business with Marty Boardman | BP Podcast 01
Today we’re excited to announce the launch of the brand new BiggerPockets Radio Podcast.
Podcasts- 27 Sep 2015
- 54:25
- 3.7K Plays

Subject To, Direct Mail, and Investing from a Woman’s Perspective | BP Podcast 02
Today we’ve got another great new BiggerPockets Podcast interview to bring to you, packed full of actionable tidbits and great conversation.
Podcasts- 22 Sep 2015
- 46:58
- 9.6K Plays

Getting Started in Real Estate and Raising Money with Brian Burke | BP Podcast 03
In today’s show we talk with Brian Burke, a house flipper and real estate investor from Northern California with a fantastic story and fascinating business model.
Podcasts- 21 Sep 2015
- 53:47
- 10K Plays

Commercial Real Estate Investing With Frank Gallinelli | BP Podcast 04
Commercial real estate is a powerful way to build and sustain wealth – yet is often feared or misunderstood by real estate investors.
Podcasts- 17 Sep 2015
- 54:40
- 17K Plays

Making $47,000 On Your First Deal with Jonathan Makovsky | BP Podcast 107
Many new investors lose money on their first, second, and third deal.
Podcasts- 16 Sep 2015
- 1:00:30
- 2.8K Plays

Dealing with Death – A Financial Discussion with CFP Neal Frankle | BP Podcast 05
Many new investors lose money on their first, second, and third deal.
Podcasts- 15 Sep 2015
- 48:57
- 2.4K Plays

How to Do 100+ Deals Without a Bank with Mike Sumsky | BP Podcast 106
Is it possible to build a large real estate business without the use of banks?
Podcasts- 14 Sep 2015
- 1:14:19
- 12K Plays

Investing While Holding a Full Time Job with Arthur Garcia | BP Podcast 06
Investing in real estate while holding a full time job may not always get the most discussion in the real estate investing world - but there are thousands (if not millions) of investors who do just that.
Podcasts- 11 Sep 2015
- 57:29
- 11K Plays

From Minimum Wage to Full Time Flipper with Ophelia Nicholson | BP podcast 105
repare to be inspired and motivated after listening to today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast!
Podcasts- 10 Sep 2015
- 1:01:22
- 7.1K Plays

Making Appraisals Work For You with Ryan Lundquist | BP Podcast 07
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we sit down with Ryan Lundquist, a professional real estate appraiser in the Sacramento area.
Podcasts- 9 Sep 2015
- 52:49
- 3.3K Plays

Learning to Be a Profitable but Ethical Landlord with Al Williamson | BP Podcast 08
Being a Landlord can often be challenging, expensive, and stressful.
Podcasts- 7 Sep 2015
- 58:47
- 5.5K Plays

Using Hard Money Lenders to Grow Your Business with Ann Bellamy | BP Podcast 09
Hard Money Lending is a fundamental tool for many real estate investors, but is often misunderstood and difficult to find.
Podcasts- 2 Sep 2015
- 57;14
- 21K Plays

How to Build a Scalable Real Estate Business and Design an Incredible Lifestyle | BP Podcast 104
Real estate investing has the power to change your life.
Podcasts- 1 Sep 2015
- 1:17:12
- 4.0K Plays

Building a Long Distance Real Estate Empire One House at a Time | BP Podcast 103
Is it possible to invest in real estate at a distance — successfully?
Podcasts- 29 Aug 2015
- 1:06:28
- 6.5K Plays

Flipping Houses 101 with J Scott | BP Podcast 10
Real estate investing has the power to change your life.
Podcasts- 28 Aug 2015
- 1:02:32
- 26K Plays

The Ultimate Beginner’s Podcast For Real Estate Investors | BP Podcast 11
Getting started with real estate investing can seem overwhelming,
Podcasts- 27 Aug 2015
- 1:16:05
- 33K Plays

Wholesaling and Marketing with Sharon Vornholt | BP Podcast 12
Wholesaling real estate is a popular topic on BiggerPockets and often one of the first strategies used by newbies to build cash reserves.
Podcasts- 25 Aug 2015
- 52:08
- 9.6K Plays

How to Struggle and Still Succeed at Real Estate with Scott Costello | BP Podcast 102
Have you ever struggled to get to the next level with your real estate investing?
Podcasts- 24 Aug 2015
- 50:56
- 3.0K Plays

Buying Real Estate with Seller Financing and Speculating with Leon Yang | BP Podcast 13
Traditional cash flow investing and bank loans are the most common methods used for buy-and-hold investors, but it’s not the only way.
Podcasts- 20 Aug 2015
- 1:03:32
- 11K Plays

Cash Flow, Creative Finance, and Life with Ben Leybovich | BP Podcast 14
Creativity and real estate go together like peanut butter and jelly – but for many investors, learning how to get creative can be tough.
Podcasts- 13 Aug 2015
- 1:06:31
- 15K Plays

From $80k in Credit Card Debt to 100+ Deals with Glenn and Amber Schworm | BP Podcast 15
On today’s show, Glenn and Amber share a ton of great tips and advice about flipping, wholesaling, and marketing for real estate investors – both new and seasoned.
Podcasts- 12 Aug 2015
- 1:07:52
- 8.4K Plays

Finding Mentors, Facing Retirement, and Note Investing with Jeff Brown | BP Podcast 17
Real estate investing is about more than just making money in the here and now – it’s also about setting up your future for a solid retirement with minimal hassel and maximum wealth.
Podcasts- 7 Aug 2015
- 1:09:52
- 2.6K Plays

Flipping, Marketing, and Wholesaling with Danny Johnson | BP Podcast 18
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we sit down with fix and flipper Danny Johnson to talk about running a successful real estate investing business.
Podcasts- 5 Aug 2015
- 1:07:00
- 4.5K Plays

Short Sales Tips, Starting Out in Real Estate, & Working w/ Virtual Assistants | BP Podcast 19
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we are joined by Arizona real estate investor Tracy Royce to discuss all things related to short sales, getting started, and the best ways to run your real estate investing business.
Podcasts- 3 Aug 2015
- 1:09:39
- 3.9K Plays

20 Deadly Mistakes For Real Estate Investors to Avoid | BP Podcast 20
While it's unlikely that you are going to make a mistake in real estate that will kill you - there is a much higher chance that you'll make a mistake that's going to kill your chance of finding success.
Podcasts- 30 Jul 2015
- 59:33
- 64K Plays

From Real Estate Agent to Profitable Landlord with Dawn Brenengen | BP Podcast 101
Ever wonder what real estate investing looks like from a real estate agent’s perspective?
Podcasts- 28 Jul 2015
- 1:05:54
- 2.8K Plays

Building a Marketing Machine, Spec Houses, Flipping & Wholesaling | BP Podcast 22
While most investors think of real estate investing as buying an ugly property and making it look good.
Podcasts- 26 Jul 2015
- 1:01:36
- 4.8K Plays

The 1st Deal, Management Drama, and the Birth of BiggerPockets with Joshua Dorkin | BP Podcast 100
For the 100th episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we bring you the interview that you’ve been asking for since the beginning: the story of Joshua Dorkin, CEO of BiggerPockets and host of the BiggerPockets Podcast.
Podcasts- 24 Jul 2015
- 1:46:44
- 5.4K Plays

Flipping While Working a Job, Partnerships, and Military Investing | BP Podcast 23
One of the biggest issues that most investors face is the issue of investing while holding a full time job.
Podcasts- 22 Jul 2015
- 1:05:43
- 2.4K Plays

House Flipping and Deal Analysis with Michael LaCava | BP Podcast 024
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we talk with active house flipper and real estate investor Michael LaCava about flipping houses in today’s rapidly changing real estate market.
Podcasts- 20 Jul 2015
- 59:48
- 3.1K Plays

Four Newbies and Their Very First Real Estate Success Stories | BP Podcast 025
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast – we’re going to change things up.
Podcasts- 17 Jul 2015
- 1:06:04
- 13K Plays

3 Personal Finance Bloggers & Their First Real Estate Investment | BP Podcast 099
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we’re excited to bring you another “newbie podcast” with 3 new real estate investors who are excited to share with you the story of their very first real estate deal!
Podcasts- 15 Jul 2015
- 1:36:15
- 2.7K Plays

Building a Scalable Real Estate Business and Tenant Management Tips | BP Podcast 026
Successful real estate investing involves a lot more than just tenants, toilets, and trouble.
Podcasts- 10 Jul 2015
- 1:16:57
- 3.4K Plays

Fix and Flipping, Wholesaling, Marketing, and More with Jason and Katherine Grote | BP Podcast 027
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we talk with the dynamic husband and wife team of Jason and Katherine Grote about their adventures in flipping and wholesaling, while specifically dealing with some of the unique ways they find deals for their real estate investing business.
Podcasts- 7 Jul 2015
- 1:07:02
- 2.0K Plays

Note Investing and Raising Private Money with Dave Van Horn | BP Podcast 028
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets, we’re going to dive into an area of real estate investing that is largely unknown, yet can be one of the most passive forms of earning lucrative returns: note investing.
Podcasts- 6 Jul 2015
- 1:05:56
- 9.0K Plays

Quitting Your Job and Overcoming Real Estate Obstacles with Kyle Pettit | BP Podcast 97
Itching to quit your 9 to 5 to become a full time investor, but don’t know how to get there?
Podcasts- 2 Jul 2015
- 1:08:48
- 2.7K Plays

Using Peer-to-Peer Lending to Finance Deals, Cash Flow, and Fix and Hold Investing | BP Podcast 29
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we are going to dive into some really fascinating new ways to finance your real estate investing while talking with residential investor Dawn Anastasi.
Podcasts- 30 Jun 2015
- 1:12:32
- 2.9K Plays

Conservative Real Estate Investing and Starting Out with Kenny Estes | BP Podcast 030
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we want to share an interview with someone who runs his investment business in a unique but powerful way – and it’s sure to both inform and entertain you.
Podcasts- 28 Jun 2015
- 1:20:45
- 3.1K Plays

Finding Deals, Wholesaling and House Flipping in a Hot Market With Anson Young | BP Podcast 96
Real estate investing isn’t always about the speed of the chase – sometimes patience is key and the amount of deals you close might not be as important as the quality of each deal.
Podcasts- 25 Jun 2015
- 1:22:17
- 3.3K Plays

House Hacking, Partnerships, and Investing in Multifamilies with Michael Siekerka | BP Podcast 94
Starting out in the world of house flipping and landlording can be taxing and a lot to take on at first, but it’s all a learning experience, which is why we want you to get to know a master at both, Michael Siekerka.
Podcasts- 25 Jun 2015
- 1:11:43
- 1.4K Plays

Multifamily Investments, Partnerships, and Raising Your Kids to Be Entrepreneurs | BP Podcast 95
If nothing else, investing in real estate is an adventure, as well as an ever-evolving learning process, where you can alter your focus to align with the needs of yourself, your clients, and your family
Podcasts- 23 Jun 2015
- 1:10:43
- 2.2K Plays

Building a Professional Wholesaling Business with Lamar Cannon | BP Podcast 031
On today’s show, we want to introduce you to a relatively new investor who is building a really awesome wholesaling business through the use of smart marketing, savvy business skills, and persistence.
Podcasts- 22 Jun 2015
- 1:07:34
- 11K Plays

Luxury House Flipping, Finding Deals, and Discovering Your Niche with Will Barnard | BP Podcast 032
Many house flippers focus on small, cheap properties – but on today’s show we look at the other end of the flipping world: luxury house flipping.
Podcasts- 17 Jun 2015
- 1:11:25
- 2.9K Plays

How to Close 27 Deals in Your First Year While Working Full Time with Sam Craven | BP Podcast 033
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with a relatively new investor who is absolutely crushing it as a flipper and wholesaler – Sam Craven.
Podcasts- 16 Jun 2015
- 1:05:32
- 11K Plays

Virtual Real Estate Investing and How to Find Great Deals in a Hot Market| BP Podcast 034
Many investors find themselves trapped by a heated market – but today’s guest shows that it is fully possible to invest in real estate – even in a hot real estate market.
Podcasts- 15 Jun 2015
- 1:08:59
- 2.6K Plays

Value-Add Investing and Doing $1 Billion in Real Estate Transactions | BP Podcast 098
What does it take to buy, sell, and broker over $1,000,000,000 in real estate?
Podcasts- 11 Jun 2015
- 1:16:29
- 1.5K Plays

Quitting Your Job, Lifestyle Design, and Being a Traveling Landlord with Paula Pant | BP Podcast 035
On today’s Podcast, we sit down with blogger, investor, BiggerPockets contributor, and perhaps “the most interesting woman in the world”- Paula Pant.
Podcasts- 11 Jun 2015
- 1:03:04
- 8.8K Plays

How to Be an Awesome and Profitable Landlord with Kevin Perk | BP Podcast 036
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we look at the topic of landlording and get some great advice from long-time landlord Kevin Perk.
Podcasts- 6 Jun 2015
- 1:20:35
- 8.3K Plays

Full Time Income, Part Time Lifestyle Real Estate Investing with Aaron Mazzrillo | BP Podcast 037
Not all real estate investors need to work 80 hours a week to put food on the table and build their wealth.
Podcasts- 2 Jun 2015
- 1:26:12
- 12K Plays

Unique Strategies for Buying Real Estate with Travis Daggett | BP Podcast 038
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we want to dive into some really great buying strategies for picking up properties for the best deals.
Podcasts- 31 May 2015
- 1:28:06
- 6.6K Plays

Dirt Cheap Land Flipping and Reaching Motivated Sellers with Seth Williams | BP Podcast 39
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with Seth Williams, a real estate investor from Michigan, who shares with us his story of finding and flipping vacant land.
Podcasts- 30 May 2015
- 1:15:26
- 14K Plays

40 Quick Tips for Buying Your First (or Next) Investment Property | BP Podcast 040
Today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast is a little different than normal – in a great way.
Podcasts- 26 May 2015
- 50:30
- 40K Plays

How to Profit Through Long Term Flipping and Lease Options with Douglas Larson | BP Podcast 041
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we are excited to bring you a fascinating interview with real estate investor Douglas Larson.
Podcasts- 25 May 2015
- 1:19:21
- 5.0K Plays

Building a Monster Wholesaling Business with Mike Nelson | BP Podcast 042
The concept of wholesaling still confuses a lot of people – and learning how to do it correctly to make great income confuses even more.
Podcasts- 24 May 2015
- 57:09
- 21K Plays

Creating Systems to Flip Houses While Still Employed with Michael Woodward | BP Podcast 44
Trying to investing in real estate while holding a full time job is tough – but trying to flip houses can be even tougher.
Podcasts- 21 May 2015
- 1:10:32
- 5.1K Plays

Finding Your Unfair Advantage, Rural Investing, & Getting Started with Tom Sylvester | BP Podcast 45
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we cover a huge variety of really interesting topics with real estate investor Tom Sylvester (yes, that rhymes!)
Podcasts- 15 May 2015
- 1:09:15
- 4.2K Plays

Six Figure Profit Spec Building and Marketing for Incredible Deals with Jon Klaus | BP Podcast 046
On today’s special Thanksgiving Day show, we sit down with one of BiggerPockets’ most active members and biggest success stories, Jon Klaus.
Podcasts- 12 May 2015
- 1:23:10
- 6.6K Plays

Duplex Investing, Finding Great Properties, and Tips for Managing Tenants | BP Podcast 048
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we talk with real estate investor Darren Sager about his fascinating business model involving buy and hold real estate, live-in flips, and managing properties with minimal hassle.
Podcasts- 4 May 2015
- 1:24:42
- 68K Plays

Real Estate Tax Tips, Jokes, and Loopholes With Amanda Han | BP Podcast 49
In today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we are going to talk about something you may think is a bit boring… taxes..
Podcasts- 30 Apr 2015
- 1:19:33
- 12K Plays

Getting Started and No Money Down House Flipping with Mike Simmons | BP Podcast 50
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and talk about the best ways to get started with real estate investing, as well as some killer tips for investing without using your own money.
Podcasts- 28 Apr 2015
- 1:31:29
- 8.5K Plays

Small Multifamily Properties and Working a Full Time Job with Mike Sherwood | BP Podcast 51
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we cover a huge range of really important topics with real estate investor Mike Sherwood, including investing while holding a full time job, working with a partner to grow quickly, getting started with a small multifamily property, and a lot more.
Podcasts- 28 Apr 2015
- 1:04:49
- 26K Plays

Buying Apartment Complexes, Raising Millions, and Building a Profitable Business | BP Podcast 52
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we talk with one of the most influential voices in the real estate investing world today – Ken McElroy.
Podcasts- 25 Apr 2015
- 1:15:10
- 41K Plays

Getting Started, Making Offers, and Crazy Properties with Shaun Reilly | BP Podcast 043
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast we sit down with real estate investor Shaun Reilly to talk about a wide range of topics – from getting started while living in an expensive area to wholesaling, putting in offers, flipping houses, buy and hold, and a lot more.
Podcasts- 24 Apr 2015
- 1:08:41
- 2.6K Plays

Investing Without Loans and Retiring Early with Jason Hull |BP Podcast 53
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast we have an incredible chat with financial planner, real estate investor, and an all-around great guy – Jason Hull.
Podcasts- 22 Apr 2015
- 1:34:42
- 14K Plays

Investing in Under $30k Real Estate and Working a Day Job with Lisa Phillips | BP Podcast 54
How much money does it really take to buy a rental property? $200,000? $100,000? $75,000?
Podcasts- 20 Apr 2015
- 1:10:08
- 43K Plays

Managing Tenants For Maximum Profit & Minimal Stress with Phil Dwyer | BP Podcast 62
Managing tenants can be a real pain.
Podcasts- 19 Apr 2015
- 1:16:03
- 5.3K Plays

The Five Steps Needed to Get Any Lender to Say “Yes” with Jimmy Moncrief | Podcast 55
Simply put – this podcast could change your financial life.
Podcasts- 16 Apr 2015
- 1:14:02
- 5.8K Plays

Syndicating Deals, Investing without Tenants, and Tax Liens with Ankit Duggal | Podcast 56
Dealing with tenants can be a pain… which is why on today’s show we’re going to go beyond tenants and look at some “no-tenant” methods of investing in real estate.
Podcasts- 14 Apr 2015
- 1:18:08
- 4.4K Plays

An Introduction to Investing in Vacation Rental Properties with Matt Landau | Podcast 57
The sand between your toes, the soft roar of the waves crashing on the beach, the beautiful people sunbathing on the shore. If this is your vision of a vacation rental… it’s about to change!
Podcasts- 13 Apr 2015
- 1:08:20
- 17K Plays

Flipping and Wholesaling Homes While Working Full Time with Justin Silverio | Podcast 58
For anyone who’s flipped a house before, you understand how much work it can take.
Podcasts- 8 Apr 2015
- 1:07:24
- 7.3K Plays

Mastering Multiple Real Estate Investing Niches with Paul Tschetter | BP Podcast 59
Most of the guests we’ve had on the BiggerPockets Podcast have specialized in one niche of real estate.
Podcasts- 6 Apr 2015
- 1:03:29
- 2.8K Plays

From 0 to 68 Rental Units in Just Four Years with Serge Shukhat | Podcast 60
Today we are pumped to bring you one of the most exciting conversations yet on the BiggerPockets Podcast when we sit down with Serge Shukhat, a real estate investor from the Arizona area who is absolutely crushing it in real estate.
Podcasts- 4 Apr 2015
- 1:46:30
- 99K Plays

Automating Your Investing, Long Distance Rehabs and Spec Building with J Scott | BP Podcast 63
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we are thrilled to bring back one of the most popular guests we’ve ever had, J Scott
Podcasts- 25 Mar 2015
- 1:28:39
- 4.3K Plays

50 Units in 5 Years while Working a Full Time Job with Josh Sterling | BP Podcast 64
Working a full time job while investing in real estate is not always easy – but as our guest today shows us: it’s totally possible.
Podcasts- 25 Mar 2015
- 1:10:02
- 127K Plays

Flips, Apartments, & Protecting Yourself From Professional Tenants | BP Podcast 66
On today’s show, we sit down with real estate entrepreneur Michael Blank to talk about his journey from a successful house flipping business and his entrance into apartment buildings… and the systems needed to run his investments well.
Podcasts- 19 Mar 2015
- 1:13:05
- 5.9K Plays

Overcoming Inaction, Direct Mail, and Becoming an Successful Wholesaler | BP Podcast 67
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and chat with a real estate investor who wasn’t seeing a lot of action in his business – until a friend challenged him to take his investing seriously and start treating it like a business.
Podcasts- 17 Mar 2015
- 1:10:23
- 18K Plays

Getting Your First Deal, Quitting Your Job, and Successful Marketing | BP Podcast 69
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and chat with a real estate investor who is a successful wholesaler and rehabber out of the Grand Rapids, Michigan area.
Podcasts- 16 Mar 2015
- 1:14:26
- 9.6K Plays

Being a Superhero House Flipper, Investor, and Team Leader with Mark Ferguson | BP Podcast 68
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we sit down with real estate investor Mark Ferguson to talk about his adventures in flipping and renting single family homes in the Colorado market.
Podcasts- 16 Mar 2015
- 1:18:20
- 3.0K Plays

Becoming a Millionaire Real Estate Investor Using The One Thing with Jay Papasan | BP Podcast 113
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we’re excited to bring you another fantastic interview by one of the most successful real estate authors in America.
Podcasts- 12 Mar 2015
- 58:15
- 50K Plays

Apartment Complexes, NNN Leases, and Commercial Real Estate with Joel Owens | BP Podcast 047
How do you like the idea of making double digit returns while not needing to lift a finger with your investments?
Podcasts- 11 Mar 2015
- 1:33:37
- 7.5K Plays

From Zero to Hundreds of Deals in Under Two Years with Grant Kemp | BP Podcast 70
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and chat with a real estate investor who is absolutely CRUSHING IT in a very unique niche.
Podcasts- 10 Mar 2015
- 1:21:25
- 8.9K Plays

Finding Great Deals and Getting Started as a Wholesaler with Phillip Vincent | BP Podcast 71
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we have Phillip Vincent, an acquisition specialist who hails from the St. Louis, Missouri area.
Podcasts- 5 Mar 2015
- 1:19:32
- 14K Plays

Managing Hundreds of Tenants and Getting Uncle Sam to Pay the Rent with Mark Ainley | BP Podcast 72
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we jump straight into the nitty-gritty with a real estate broker, investor and property manager from the greater Chicago area
Podcasts- 4 Mar 2015
- 1:06:48
- 13K Plays

Investing in Rental Properties When Your Local Area is Too Expensive | BP Podcast 73
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we are excited to welcome back a repeat guest coming to us from The Los Angeles area!
Podcasts- 3 Mar 2015
- 58:57
- 23K Plays

Buying My First Investment Property- A Newbie Podcast with Jordan, Jacob and Jeromie | BP Podcast 74
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast – we’re going to change things up- again!
Podcasts- 2 Mar 2015
- 1:25:40
- 53K Plays

Mobile Home Investing and Getting Started With John Fedro | BP Podcast 75
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we are excited to welcome a guest who specializes in an aspect of real estate that no other guest has covered before!
Podcasts- 1 Mar 2015
- 1:29:28
- 43K Plays

Growing Your Real Estate Company Into a $30 Million Dollar Business with Brian Burke | BP Podcast 76
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we are excited to welcome back Brian Burke, who we last talked to back in episode number 3
Podcasts- 26 Feb 2015
- 1:31:23
- 14K Plays

Negotiating Your Way to 1000 Wholetail Real Estate Deals with Michael Quarles | BP Podcast 77
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we are excited to welcome Michael Quarles to the show. Michael is an active investor coming out of California’s Central Valley who has done so many deals that he has lost count!
Podcasts- 24 Feb 2015
- 1:34:36
- 12K Plays

BiggerPockets Podcast 078 - Quitting Your Job and Buy & Hold Investing w/ Brie Schmidt
http://www.biggerpockets.com/show78 - Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we are excited to sit down with a real estate investor who just said “you’re fired!” to her day job and became a full-time real estate investor!
Podcasts- 23 Feb 2015
- 1:15:58
- 20K Plays

Low Income Landlording and Investing to Make a Difference | BP Podcast 079
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we are excited to sit down with a couple who together, intentionally invest where most landlords fear to tread . . . low income housing.
Podcasts- 20 Feb 2015
- 1:07:23
- 12K Plays

Smart Rental Property Investing, Getting Your License, and Investing For Retirement | BP Podcast 080
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we are excited to sit down with a Jonna Weber, a buy-and-hold investor and real estate agent out of the Boise, ID area.
Podcasts- 18 Feb 2015
- 1:09:12
- 19K Plays

Generating Real Estate Leads Through Direct Mail with Michael Quarles | BP Podcast 081
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we are excited to welcome back Michael Quarles to the show.
Podcasts- 17 Feb 2015
- 1:23:12
- 19K Plays

Profitable Landlording with Integrity with Marcia Maynard | BiggerPockets Podcast 083
http://www.biggerpockets.com/show83 - Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we are excited to sit down with Marcia Maynard, a hands-on landlord who hails from Vancouver, Washington.
Podcasts- 16 Feb 2015
- 1:20:36
- 5.6K Plays

From 0 to 800 Real Estate Deals with David Krulac | BiggerPockets Podcast 082
http://www.biggerpockets.com/show82 - Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we are excited to sit down with David Krulac,
Podcasts- 16 Feb 2015
- 1:12:30
- 5.7K Plays

Getting Started with Creative Finance and Designing Your Ideal Lifestyle | BiggerPockets Podcast 084
http://www.biggerpockets.com/show84 - Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we sit with Chad Carson
Podcasts- 14 Feb 2015
- 1:12:00
- 12K Plays

Hybrid Investing, Long Distance Rentals, & Management w/ Mike McKinzie | BiggerPockets Podcast 085
http://www.biggerpockets.com/show85 - Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we chat with Mike McKinzie, a full time real estate investor from Garden Grove, CA.
Podcasts- 13 Feb 2015
- 1:07:56
- 3.2K Plays

House Hacking Your Way to 97 Units (While Holding a Full Time Job!) | BiggerPockets Podcast 086
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we sit down with Cory Binsfield, a multifamily rental property investor who comes from Duluth, MN.
Podcasts- 10 Feb 2015
- 1:01:25
- 31K Plays

How to Thrive After The Collapse of a Real Estate Empire | BiggerPockets Podcast #87
Failure is no stranger in the real estate industry which is why we are excited to bring Nathan Brooks to The BiggerPockets Podcast today, an investor who knows firsthand that real estate can be tough!
Podcasts- 9 Feb 2015
- 1:14:24
- 2.5K Plays

Investing in Real Estate with Your Spouse with Matt and Liz | BiggerPockets Podcast #88
Today we’re thrilled to chat with New Jersey real estate investors Matt and Liz Faircloth on The BiggerPockets Podcast, covering everything from the challenges of working with a spouse to purchasing a 10,000 square foot office space!
Podcasts- 9 Jan 2015
- 1:17:19
- 5.1K Plays

High School Dropout to Real Estate Investing Superstar | BiggerPockets Podcast #89
Looking to be inspired?
Podcasts- 10 Dec 2014
- 1:07:11
- 19K Plays

Your First Real Estate Investment | BiggerPockets Podcast #90
Don’t miss this special feature, as we come to you live from FinCon 2014 for Podcast 90!
Podcasts- 26 Nov 2014
- 51:18
- 35K Plays

Introduction to Real Estate Wholesaling | BiggerPockets Podcast #91
Getting your first few real estate deals can be exceptionally tough — which is why today we wanted to introduce you to an investor who is just wrapping up his first INCREDIBLE year as a wholesaler: Ben Grise.
Podcasts- 19 Nov 2014
- 1:22:30
- 50K Plays

Investing in Real Estate with No Money Down | BiggerPockets Podcast #92
What would you do if you didn’t need money to invest in real estate anymore?
Podcasts- 12 Nov 2014
- 1:37:29
- 169K Plays

Real Estate Investor Marketing (& Zero to 400 Deals!) | BiggerPockets Podcast #93
Many people take their time in building their real estate investing… but not today’s guest, who has used his incredible marketing skills to do more than 400 deals in the past five years!
Podcasts- 5 Nov 2014
- 1:07:40
- 19K Plays

BiggerPockets Podcast 061: How to Succeed in Multifamily Investing
BP Podcast 061: How to Succeed in Multifamily Investing -- A Unique Conversation with Josh, Brandon, and Ben
Podcasts- 19 Mar 2014
- 1:59:55
- 86K Plays