How to Work (Way) Less but Accomplish (Way) More in 2020 with Michael Hyatt | BP Podcast 363
Will 2020 be your best year ever?
Today’s episode has all the ingredients to make the answer a big, resounding “Yes!”
Bestselling author and productivity expert Michael Hyatt is here, and he guides us through how real estate investors should approach the year ahead.
You’ll love hearing how Michael’s eliminated virtually everything except his three highest-leverage, revenue-generating activities; how to steer clear of what he calls “drudgery zone” work; and how to find someone who actually enjoys those tasks you can’t stand doing.
And if you’re thinking, “Well, I’m not ready for that yet…” Michael has tips for how to get started by delegating just one task.
Michael has written extensively about three topics that touch every real estate investor: productivity (Free to Focus), goal-setting (Your Best Year Ever), and delegation (Your World-Class Assistant). Today, we cover them all in-depth.
So download this episode, make sure you’re subscribed to the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast, and start 2020 right!
Check the full show notes here: