30% is a lot. Though different depending on how much the revenue actually is. Probably worth it to look at the actual dollar amount and figure out if that amount of work is worth it to you.
If it's doing $20,000 annually then maybe the $6,000 is worth it to you to have it be completely passive. If it's doing $100,000 annually then paying $30,000 for something you could do yourself for a lot less than $30,000 worth of effort.
It sounds like you're planning on managing some other listings already anyway. I don't think it makes sense to have 1 of multiple properties passive when the rest are going to be active anyway. Especially for 30%. The hard part is getting everything figured out. Once you have that, adding another property isn't that much more work. So if you're going to be doing the hard part anyway, why pay $30k/yr to avoid doing the easy part?
Maybe see how it goes with the new listings you're planning on doing and once you're into it, if you've decided it's not that bad to save an extra $30k or whatever it is, you could pull the trigger on this property at that point?