Larry, what you are going through is very common, especially in real estate, which is an industry with an abundance of options. The range of options is a great thing, but it can be distracting and create the overused term analysis paralysis.
As for your timeline, I would not say it is impossible, but it will require a ton of hard work, a very good plan and some excellent timing and luck. I think your short term goal is excellent, fix that debt issue. Doing so will also help your ability to invest.
A couple questions:
- is they anything else you can do to increase your income? Get a second job, use skills you have to do work on the side, etc? If not, you are on the right track with wholesaling...although it is much more difficult than most people think.
- can you decrease your debt by selling anything? cars? jewelry? A lot of people have a lot of stuff, and a lot of really nice stuff...if you can sell some things you do not use to pay that debt down you can really accelerate things.
Other than that, keep educating yourself on real estate. The more you learn the more clear your focus will become and the confusion will start to go away. I hope that helps. Good luck!