First off welcome to bigger pockets! I just got started in wholesaling as well in order to get some experience and capital in order to move into fix and flips and some buy and holds, but don't be fooled, while wholesaling sounds very easy, there is actually a lot more to it. I don't mean to scare you but I say that so you don't think its going to be a cakewalk. The best way to find the owner of the property is to search the address of the property online through google, or by finding the local tax assessor website. This is public information and you should be able to find it fairly easily once you know the owner's name you can find out their address and can send them a letter, postcard, call etc. in order to get your deal moving.
I also highly recomend you look into some other methods of finding deals. while craigslist and driving for dollars is not a bad plan its only a small footprint. Look into a direct mail campaign or bandit signs (if they are legal in your area) in order to gain more exposure.
Best of luck!!