It depends.. You will learn which sellers are more serious than others.. Obviously if the property is 300 miles away you can forget about that. But you can pre-screen the sellers.. Ask them questions before you go out there..
Like.. What did you pay for it? How long have you owned it? What's your mortgage balance? What do you think the property would bring if you listed it? Have you listed it before?
The pre-screening of the seller will help you a lot. If they are 100K upside down, then don't waist your time.
If you do get out there, then repeat their price and ask "Is that the best you can do?" Then shut up and wait! If they say "ok ill take 100K?" then you respond with.. Ok.. Then wait a minute ask a couple other questions then hit them again with "Is that the best you can do?"
Finally, when they are not budging any lower on the price you use something like. .. "You know I'm a cash buyer and can close fast, but I need to make sure this deal fits our criteria, and we are currently looking at several properties in your area. The bad news is that we can only buy one of those properties. So I want to make sure that when I propose to my partner that we buy YOUR property, that your property is the most attractive. Is that the BEST rice you can do?" THEN SAY NOTHING!!! WAIT!! The pause in good.. Wait for them to respond.. Then when they give you a number.. SAY NOTHING!!! Count to yourself to 50.. Typically, the sellers will lower their price again while you are silent..
Good Luck