@Mike Alder Congratulations on your success with private money lenders, and yes treat them like gold as you said so eloquently the PML will brag to other people with money, then shortly you truly will have more money than deals. Our mindset should be that there are a lot of people out there with money who have set up a self directed IRA, they have liquidity, etc. and are around us daily, but we never have conversations with people, hang out at cigar shops, as their is money in those shops, if not there take up golf, go to country clubs, and sit in the lobby, surround your self with people who make more than you.
I want to leave everyone with a script I use daily(everywhere) with everyone, as you never know who your next lender is. Always listen to people speak, don't be so quick to speak, after you have asked what they do for a living, and then they ask you. ( You say) I put together lucrative real estate transactions so that my investment partners can make safe consistent profits.
(qualify question) You do like real estate don't you? If not hey it was nice meeting you, have a great day, if yes, here is my card let's have coffee next week, I can explain in detail how your money is protected, and how you can continue making safe returns on your money. Call me Friday to schedule a time we can talk. ( always get their number) but thus far 93% of the time they call me.
Mike, and others another great idea we use is every single week do a video of the progression of the house to show your investor what has been accomplished. The other side of the coin if there is a challenge with the property ( you fired contractors, discrepancies, whatever always let the PML know as soon as possible, but have a solution for the complication.
John, hey this is Bernie we had to fire our 1st set of workers, because they stole material, but the good news is we have already replaced them, and we won't miss any progress.
It truly is not difficult to find money, we must change our mindset, and believe we are doing them the favor, not the other way around. I pray that helps you folks to take action