I appreciate the compliment. The knowledge came from lots of due diligence, hard work and study. The data I ask for is Owner's name, property address, mailing address (since the owner doesn't live in the property you want to make an offer on), just value, price they paid, sale date. The file will be very large so they may have to give it to you on a disc. This method works, you'll get tired landlords contacting you, probate deals, divorce deals......pretty much every type of deal you have read about. The key is learning how to talk with them and negotiate the deal. The only way to do that is to pick up the phone and talk with them and practice. Remember, I never bought a house that I didn't make an offer on so make an offer on every one of them, even if you think they'll say you're ridiculous. The key is the level of motivation. If they want to get rid of the property they'll make the deal. Good luck and let us know how you're doing......Dube