They have all been good. I would not say I am pursuing additional ones; however, I am not opposed to properties which can work as both vacation rental and long-term rental. I do vacation rental because right now the market supports them very well and they are turning good cash-flow. In the end, I prefer the long-term rental route with a good tenant though and over time when I start traveling for extended periods again, I will likely shift them back to long-term.
I personally, would not purchase a property for the sole purpose of being a vacation rental - it's just not part of my investment strategy though, I have met people who do quite well with that model.
They give me problems every now and then, just like my long-term rentals. The long-term rentals just generally speaking have less problems overall as it's less wear and tear on the units. I had someone smoke inside a unit, that kind of really sucked to clear out. I had two people come after who both hated the smell and I gave them full refunds and let them stay there so it didn't kill my ratings I had - it's very much so a business of customer service. There are companies out there that manage the whole process for you, which I am considering, though until now, I have really wanted the understand all aspects of the vacation rental myself. I don't hire property managers for my longer-term rentals as I don't see the value; however, I could definitely see the vale in a good vacation rental property manager!