Okay, I have a thought... I am thinking I am going to abandon the old water line and install new ones. I have a whole bunch of poly left over from my other six meter installs. Outside of both units there is a drain for the relief valve which runs through the interior walls from right nearby where the incoming water shutoff valve is. I am thinking I am going to run poly through the yards to the area where that relief valve is and then saw cut the exterior concrete up to the exterior sheathing and then pop the new line into the unit and run it adjacent to the relief valve back to the main water faucet and connect into that. This would make it so I don't have to mess with any concrete and I would be working with a fresh line. I might even install a new meter while I am at it so the units are individually metered, TBD on that part.
New question, if I am running the poly to the house, and the house is all plumbed with copper, should I switch to copper at the house or can I continue to run my poly up to the water shutoff through the walls? It would seem that should be okay as it's kind of a nice flexible pipe compared to copper.
Thank You!