@Heather Harelik What kind of approach are you using to find a tenant? Craigslist only? Other sites / signs in the yard? This can be tough if you're attempting to sort through hundreds of email and then do one-off showings in your spare time. There are some good ways to filter through to well-qualified tenants and then maximize your time in regards to showings, glad to share some insights via PM if interested.
I think the real question is whether you want this home to be part of your long term / retirement strategy. 20 or 30 years down the road, the property will likely provide far more value for you than the $270k you may be able to pull out now. For instance, if both this property and your primary residence is paid off in 15-30 years, depending on your retirement window, think of the value provided there in terms of regular income and equity available for liquidation. However, if the whole idea of rental property is burdensome to you, you may not want to entertain that strategy.