I'll add to what Brandon said, that you need to be sure to get title insurance (whether you need lenders title insurance or owner's title insurance, will be determined by how you set up your "partnership"). You also need to be named as "additional insured" on any/all insurance on the property if you are the lender.
Now a few words from "The Devil's Advocate":
- Real estate is not a liquid asset. It takes time to sell or refinance (when you can refinance). Do you have big plans for what you will do with that money and or the proceeds in less than a year?
- Refinancing to get your money back is only an option if you qualify for financing.
- If you qualify for financing, why would you sink all of that cash in the deal instead of using leverage?
- All partnerships start in agreement. Be prepared for the 4 BIG D's - Death, Divorce, Disability & Disagreement - what happens if either of those commonly occurring life events happens to either or both of you?
- Almost every experienced investor I know has experienced a "Flip" that ended up taking over a year. That's never "supposed" to happen, but it's one of the things that can go wrong.