To save afew bucks
Found stove,fridge,microwave cheap with bonus baby roaches"sweet"
Memo to self: buy new or look the stuff over
One tenant is going to get the rest of my money to me no later than saturday:) I accepted only shy $40
he has helped me without taking any pay onetime on a sewer and also getting appliances off truck
Heres a great possible tenant
three phone numbers that aren't working
his employer doesn't know him that's weird because
he is a supervisor second shift and is making tons and been there for years and the office f$&ked up He will straighten this sh@t out and have them call me! (Bet his landlord says he's a winner and pays ontime every time and been there a million years and sure hates to loose him)
Now Phone rings its a tenant who said "I'm sure you can wait til their income tax comes in! "it's not like you need it!"
I declined that offer but have to wonder how so many people know I don't need money (Is this ability common?). Are people are smart enough to know by talking over phone or looking at me that I do this for kicks
This was my favorite After several days with little sleep yesterday I met with two couples at a rental The good and the bad
First couple the woman started up her mouth coming in the door, at full volume screeching how she didn't like light colored carpet. blah blah . and proceeded to inform me about what changes I was going to be making. (In total awe I ponder if she is a mind reader and sees what I'm thinking before I even catch a glimmer or perhaps a seer and sees future events?)
She lets the other couple know its already rented she is taking the place!
( "Is she psychic????")
Then I smile and tell her "It Looks like we are done here" she said "What?" I reply "I wasn't going to rent to them and wouldn't and couldn't tolerate her bitching " she seemed to love that! And so did he.
I was offered beating :) by her husband that I declined and told him "I didn't call her a *****" and maybe he could tolerate her mouth I wouldn't.
I have received an offer somewhat like that not long ago from another guy.
is that a good sign?
this is so sad Learned that an a$&hole MF like me is not going to see heaven!
Seems I will be heading in another direction.
I learned that I am a member of a supremacist group and that this was going to cost my ***. Just as I escorted them out . (I just wish everyone was this charming!)
Back to second couple hmmmm low volume mouth and polite and seems they have money! And Real Jobs!
She said they needed another bedroom and heard about the place at city office
And the husband did step over by me during the little debate
And they now will have a new place to live
So ... I have new friend or several at city hall
i know one lady there has plenty of info about everyone and everything
From her I learned that joe blow never had a job over three weeks in his life the whole family lie about everything will tell me they work abc,and rent from xyz and that Abc and xyz are uncles and told me where they really lived . She was right!
A cop there told me about several props around the area acouple weeks ago
and on monday while I was in the office offered to showed me one he thought I could get cheap he said "The owners didn't have much luck renting it " and so we went and I had a short talk with the wife who said something like " In that area no one pays rent and they just tear your place up" haven't met her husband yet he was at work Wonder if they will carry it?