I am reading "GettingThings Done" by David Allen and I am only about 50 pages in and finding it very helpful to not only clearing y desk but my head.
Whether you are just getting started in investing or a seasoned pro I recommend reading this book.
I have always made time for family work and REI but my problem has always been freeing my mind. When I am at work I am thinking about my marketing campaign, did I post my ads or did I call everyone back" when I am at home I am thinking did I tell Jim over in Accounting about ...
Second, I am always re writing my to do list and I am always searching for the all encompassing organizational system. I have not finished the book but I have picked up several awesome nuggets like only put items that can be done in one step on your to do list which Allen calls your Next Step List. Another, key point is anything that takes more than 2 steps to complete is a "Project" and goes on your Project List.
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