@Steve Bracero
Thanks! You're absolutely right, starting early will make a Profound difference in the future. Every single person I have talked to about REI has stated that they had wished they would have started earlier.. That should be a clue to us young folks!! lol
Yes, sadly I've seen the "new shiny object" syndrome many times. Even colleagues of mine on bigger pockets! 6 months ago they were balls to the wall lets get 4 properties by the end of the year! Following up with how they're doing now they say that "life caught up to them" or they "could never catch a break" I feel sorry for them and their experience.. But when I ask how long they tried to find a deal and i'm replied with "a solid month man!"
In reality these people want instant gratification. If it takes longer than a month to land a deal they walk!
And you are spot on about not being afraid of problems my friend.
But here's what "will be" investors need to understand..
Problems happen to you even if you aren't in the Real estate investing game!! Might as well build financial freedom, fortune and a legacy while doing it! Am I right?