@Anthony Greco I have had great success chatting with the seller like an old friend. I ask general questions about the property that I need to know first hand, as well as asking why they are selling. But if you want to close more of your call backs just treat the lead like a human and don't rely so much on a script.
If the seller brings up something about her dog.. ask questions about the dog and talk about your dog. If the seller talks about her dad's 1970 Corvette.. talk about the Corvette. Because when you do that and connect with a seller, she'll turn down 3 other higher offers and take yours because you took a few extra minutes to get to know her and her Cocker Spaniel named Charlie. And for extra brownie points keep a jar of milk-bones in your car for when you go walk the property..
Yes I am speaking from personal experience if you were wondering haha!
Invest a few more minutes in a conversation and it will pay dividends in the future, because most people don't take the time to connect with a seller, you'll stand out from anyone else he or she has talked to about the property and they will literally WANT to sell to you.
Happy hunting!