Here are some brutal truths about South Florida: What did not cash flow in 2015 or even 2019 is cash flowing nicely now. So if you are not cash flowing now, you very likely will in a year or two ESPECIALLY if willing to put some sweat equity, creativity, a bit of money & time.
Advice from other areas doesn't apply here so well - we are almost a different country with different concentration of realtors; investors; and CASH buyers (either 1st or 2nd in the country - consistently).
As you stated yourself, almost everyone knows they are sitting on gold... EVERY now & then, you get lucky (you can always help your luck with lots of looking!) and get something better than average. Something no one talks about is the TIME = money it will take you to find that one gem AS well as the opportunity cost. Maybe by looking for some kind of a hit out of the park, you pass on some decent deals that will cash flow in a matter of months (with some creativity).
Trust answering those questions will help - always like to offer a contrarian view...