Originally posted by MikeOH:
OK, so many of the posters on this thread have written yearly, monthly, daily, hourly, and goals for every minute. The question remains - HAVE YOU ACCOMPLISHED ANYTHING? Have you gotten out of the rat race by meeting those goals? Have you made enough money to retire? Are you meeting those goals or just writing goals?
I understand what your saying. You made it pretty crystal clear. Am I writting or doing. Well as much as I'd just love instant business just add water, it doesn't quite work like that. What I have done is established my LLC, created a buyer webpage, created social marketing pages, bought ads, bought a new webcam for video blogs and added Wordpress for written blogs to drive traffic to my site, and setup all my business numbers/fax for marketing.
I suppose I could just start putting out all my signs and direct mail without the buyers list I am looking for, but I guess I kind of want to have my business in line with the business plan I set up for it. So no, I guess I have done nothing that has created any capital so far.
I listen to motivationals along with RE pods etc. Do I need the motivational to keep going? No, I don't. I know what I'm capable of in life and I really wouldn't care if anyone else thought I was a failure. I never have before. The motivationals are just a 5 hour energy shot sometimes: I can get along and accomplish the same thing without it, but I sure feel good with it.
To be honest, it really doesn't matter if some people did set goals and fail while trying to accomplish them. As long as they get back up and try again then they really haven't failed. You think aside from a couple of questions on here I've had anybody at all show me how to market or get anywhere? Nope. I've gotten my entire education through Google, articles, and podcast. I've read so many articles and books on marketing my brain feels like jelly (and yes I'm not just reading and talking I'm instituting what I've learned).
So in answer to your question no I've made no money, but I'm not just talking either.