I think the response varies case by case, goals by goals, and tenant by tenant.
Some tenants are ....liers....
Some tenants are....trustworthy...
Which one might you have? How many times are they late? Do you want to keep this tenant?
Now What's up with the PM? That's great you got a message, that was honest. Is the DB safe? What's their policy about the DB?
Due the the laws around money, receipt of money, and so on, I don't allow my office to have a drop box cause their isn't a way to "prove" drop off and avoid theft of the drop box. And in theory, it was dropped off and now in the "hands of the PM". So does the PM owe you money?
(If there is a person that knows the law about that theory of "who's money is it" while supposedly sitting in a drop box, I'd like to know)
There isn't a way to give receipts with a drop box. Now, if one day I can afford the fancy "bank atm" style, where they "deposit" and get receipt and the money is safe, I would consider it for my business.
Until then, if a tenant can't pay online, they need to come in person.
Besides, I like meeting and speaking with a tenant face to face. They remember work orders to submit. We can talk and see how it is going. We can give them status updates. We can remind them of their lease. We can FINALLY get them to schedule the inspection....so on.
The "no" dropbox makes PM build relations with the tenants that pay in cash. Don't you want a relationship with those types of tenants?