@Cody Godfrey Pretty simple for most deals.
1) Put target property under contract. Take a bunch of pics and create a detailed scope of work while onsite
2) Creating marketing piece for property that includes address, asking price, pictures, scope of work, ARV with comps to back it up
3) Send marketing email to potential buyers. Use a blitz campaign, post on any real estate investing FB groups in your area, post on Craigslist and also call anyone investors you think might be interested
4) Conduct some showings and get end buyer to sign an assignment contract in which they agree to assume the buyer's rights of the original contract for a set fee. If the assignment is larger than $10,000 might be better to just sign a new and separate contract with the buyer at the higher price and then do a double close. That way the buyer doesn't know how much you are making.
5) Once contracts are signed send them over to closing attorney to run title search and get closing scheduled
6) Attend closing and collect check