This is an interesting thread and while I've only skimmed through a few posts here or there I'd drop my .02 cents. I believe we are about 2-5 years away from any sort of major adjustment, but I don't think it will be as bad as it has been in the past. As someone else has mentioned one of the major factors was an over use of the ARM mortgage which spiraled out of control. interested rates are low right now so its a great time to borrow but the banks are doing a better job at lending to qualified buyers.
If something happens it will probably be in the single family/luxury space. In the areas within and surrounding major cities the only building going on is for high-end luxury homes and apartments. Its too expensive to build "affordable" housing. and when I say affordable,, I mean rents that are 1200-1800/ month. Some of you in other parts of the country will think that number alone is high and call me crazy, that 1800 a month is considered affordable, but in the New York metro area you can barely touch a studio apartment for less than $2000 a month. Now that we're in the age of instagram and facebook and twitter, millenials want to be flashy and show off their awesome new modern apartment with manhattan views but what happens when the'yre stuck in these apartments with crippling student debt and subpar office jobs.
There's a growing void in housing that young people and even some middle class can afford in desirable areas.