I would have to suspect someone receiving 89 letters is in a time sensitive distressed situation or a highly targeted easily accessible lead that just hit the radar. Or possibly in an area where through the manipulation of our city government has deemed it historic and buyer demand that has increased the ARV value and is now through the roof Purely speculation on my part though. The less enlightened investor seeing that 88 other speculators are mailing as well would say why bother. What are the odds. Not good maybe not maybe so
Let's take for example the seller that is on a distressed list but doesn't have to act now. At the moment she doesn't want to part with the house she inherited that she grew up in. To many fond memories. A few months go by and reality necessity and common sense sets in
How many of those 89 investors are still mailing monthly since the seller received those initial letters let's say 4 months down the road. I would venture to say very few
I also started cold calling recently. With a few almost but no direct contracts yet. I will continue because it produces results
If I was on a limited budget say 200 a month I would cold call a highly probable seller list. This would take time and research. How many triggers does this seller have as far as distressed factors or motivators.
If I had a budget of 1000 a month or more I would do both most importantly keep sellers on a drip campaign of 6 months. As soon as I can I would reinvest some profit and grow that list
Everything done properly works and nothing doesn't