Hey Ryan, I know that neighborhood. And I'm going to be honest, please don't take it personally. Many times in My life I would have paid cash for honesty.
If I came over to Your house as a guest, I would think cool, Ryan has some nice stuff.
If I was looking to buy that home, I would wonder how My kids would brush their teeth in the sink, it would be a mess, how do you clean that thing? I wouldn't want to shave in the master sink either, it's about 4 inches deep and water slides out easy from both sides. The bathrooms are just not practical to Your target buyer.
You've personally decorated someone else's house. And they don't want to fix it.
The kitchen is a hit, the sitting room ceilings a hit and that would have been enough to do what You needed to do. The faux tray ceiling molding light thing is a bit over the top and just reinforces the fact that You've put a half million dollar condo interior into a 200k blue collar house.
And please please, get rid of the clock most kids cant even read a real clock anyway. The tile wainscot in the bedrooms also needs to go.
You keep saying, "This house is WAY better than anything around it". Your probably right, but that's not what selling in Oak Forest IL.
If I have offended You, I apologize, it was not My intent. I'm just giving You an Honest opinion.