@Nicholas Aiola Hi again. Wanted to get some input on the following. Let's say I borrow 40K from a friend (written agreement with a 5% simple interest rate for 6 months (personal loan made directly to me). I used that money to invest in real estate or whatever. At the end of the 6 months I pay back 42k. Do I have to provide any kind of tax related document to my friend for when they file their tax return? Or do they just declare the 2k in interest payments on their tax return? If I have to provide documentation what kind of documentation and would that mean I need to work with a tax pro or can I generate it?
Second scenario, if I borrow 40K from a relative overseas, same terms as above then pay back 42K at the end of the 6 months, Do I have any potential tax issues? Would I have to do any kind of tax withholding on the interest I'm paying to the overseas relative? I'm thinking not since there would be a written agreement...I'm thinking as long as I send the money and keep documentation it would be up to my relative to ensure they follow the tax laws in their filing country? Are there any other issues I might be missing? tia!