Has this happened to anybody else before? this is a first for me.
Bought a property about 4 weeks ago, and then 2 weeks ago mailman brings a certified mail, i open it up and it has a mechanics lein against me for the property i just bought........... so i contact my attorney and scan copy and send it to the sellers attorney, they claim they have " no idea what its about" so I contact the company that filed the mechanic lein and they say "the seller owed us money and was really sleezy, they asked us for more time, then when we contacted them they said they sold the property, so we filed a mechanics lien against the new owner (which is me)"
Can they do that? this previous contractor, i never hired them, or have any agreement with them, or know who they are....... When I looked it up it looks like it is a false mechanics lien against me, and the company needs to do go after seller for money owed between them....
does anybody have experience with this?