As a parent, I want my sons (I'm not sexist - I have no daughters) to be better off and do better than I did. I think that's a natural inclination for most parents. With that said, I'm all for helping them achieve that goal by providing them with insights gained from my own experiences and looking out for opportunities that they can use. What drives me crazy (call me jealous if you want) are the people who just hand everything to their kids - there's a difference between giving someone a boost to climb up to the next level and buying them a helicopter and hiring a pilot so they can completely forego the climb and any hard work needed to make it to the top. I'll get down off my soapbox now and get to my point.
What are you doing to help your daughters and sons become financially independent at a younger age through Real Estate Investing? I'm looking for any and all suggestions - that's the reason for this forum, right? As a lender, I know I have a lot of vehicles available to investors that are helpful in getting parents to assist their kids in this, and I look forward to sharing my expertise with anyone, but I really want to know what you're finding or have found to be a successful and meaningful learning experience for your kids in this arena. I'm all ears!!!