An update, my experience with Norada went very well, it has been a few years owing Memphis properties. The one big thing I learned which you do not get on any tour, or see on any bus visit, is the back end property management team, their software, thier processes to collect rent, deal with late tenants, and now evictions. 2020 was a strange year for all, all four of my Memphis properties went from positive cash for to negative most of the year. Some have caught up, but I have one rental that did not pay the $1400 rent for 7 months, went bankrupt because of covid, and they are working it out, but the 7-8K loss might not be seen in cash anytime soon.
I have no issue with the turnkey process, the buy, renovate, and flip to me at retail price, but as other have said over and over, the cash flow, which is why we get into this is greatly effected by the boots on the ground. The Property Management team can make or break a long term investment if not done right. PM is a thankless business, and is the main reason I went from self managed to turnkey to begin with.
What would I do differently, is be more involved in lease verification, 3x income, background check verification, credit score verification, I use to hand pick my tenants, which sometimes ended up in one month extra vacancy as I vetted, but at least if something went wrong I could only blame myself. For upcoming lease renewals I want to be more involved, especially since Covid has driven different behavior, some tenants took big advantage of local authorities announcing no evictions, some did not.