Originally posted by @Sean Dolan:
@James HollandI was pretty confused at first with these use-cases, but after looking at your site, you sell real estate education consulting. For finding a deals, I've yet to see how this would be a viable option. For a real estate crowd funding venture (OP's topic) I also don't yet see how this would be viable, or related to SEO. If you're selling enough $97 consulting packages from the traffic you get from Project Wonderful to turn a nice profit, why not measure it?
"Yeah I have so many ads I am always getting new leads. I don't pay attention to conversion rate or how many clicks it takes because when it is costing me about $10 a month for 100,000 views (roughly) it doesnt even matter."
Let's just say, for every $10/month you spend on Project Wonderful, you sell 3 packages ($291 revenue), you're looking at a $281 ROAS (return on advertising spend) each month. Why wouldn't you be tracking this? If you make $281 in revenue on every $10 you spend, you should be spending $100, or $1000 or more on this channel every month (to the point of saturation, which would require tracking).
If it's converting so well for you, why are you only spending $10/month?
Sure. Let me clear up a few things no problem
1. Those were hypothetical examples. I just threw out $10 for numbers sake. Yes I am spending more than $10 a month on advertising. That really isn't much of an investment at all
2. I don't have a $97 consulting package. Must have just skimmed whatever video you saw.
3. I have been a full time investor and online marketer for nearly a decade now and over the years have created many many different online revenue streams. So different ads go to different sites in many different mediums. My main projects are in personal development, self-help and life improvement. But the sites I advertise (or help clients setup and make profitable) range from parenting blogs to e-commerce electronics.
But I wasn't going to go into all of those details here because the primary focus is real estate. Was just trying to say that over the years I have experience ALL of the google "slaps" of penguin and panda updates and have probably tried every single SEO ranking strategy known to man only to finally realize it is almost nearly wasted effort. Not scalable. Not trackable and you have zero control over your traffic. It is purely "try this. cross your fingers and hope" strategy. Once I gave up relying on google and SEO completely... EVERYTHING took off.
And by default, because of all the targeted traffic I was sending and natural social shares and low bounce rate, my sites started ranking by default anyway. Without any backlinking or keywork stuffing or any of that crap people teach. Hope that helps clear up any confusion.
Bottom line about project wonderful is if you have a well written page/offer that is highly desirable (great copy), matched with a strategic bidding strategy, you should just about ALWAYS make more than you spend on a site like project wonderful... or any other similar site where you can get very "low cost" traffic on demand
So. Summary to the original OP and Your questions of viability I was simply saying: Try paid traffic or linkbuilding with the hopes of maybe it will rank in google
Can be google adwords. Can be facebook ads. Can be Bing Ads. Can be project wonderful. Adroll. Twitter ads. Infolinks. Buysellads, LInkedIn.... doesn't matter. What service you use wasn't my point. Only that it is more reliable and you are directly in control of who sees your site and how many people and when