you had me at "obviously something I would not be interested in doing for good"
So I have always been the "oddball" in my family. The "free thinking" if you will. I have NEVER believe in doing anything because you "have to". or supposed to. Life is short. Every day is not guaranteed. You should spend any of the precious moments doing what you don't enjoy doing.
That is how most of the world get stuck in the vicious cycle of doing a job they hate, wishing for the weekend or the miserable 2 weeks vacation a year... then back to do it all over again and wait for next year. Are we really meant to only enjoy 2 of the 56 weeks a year just for some promised happiness if you save and work hard.. someday?
Why can't we have both? Why cant we enjoy every single day ... AND still work for something great.
So... it is not clear if you are excited about the job because of the job... or because of the $26 an hour.
But no one could pay me enough to spend 8 hours a day doing something I don't enjoy. This is coming from someone who walked out on a 6 figure corporate job after they just gave me another raise. that was 8 years ago and I have never looked back since
If you think you will enjoy the job and the experience... I say take it. If the job sounds like ... just a job and you are doing it only or the money... I would say absolutely never! You will only resent it later