This was the reason I let my license go. Short answer, no. Not really. Depending on the state and the broker. But there are different disclosures when the agent is buying. It is not EXACTLY the same as an investor. The simple way we used to get around this was take title under a Land Trust. Simple form. Simple to get recorded. To keep track of all the deals we would simply name the land trust the property address. Because it really isn't that important for what we were doing. And usually just temporary and that land trust was only attached to that property. Next deal was a different land trust. Different then a DBA or using your LLC.
Example: 177 Front Street Land Trust.
As always.... Disclaimer:
this is not legal advice. This is not even regular advice. This is purely for entertainment purposes only. Everything stated above should be taken as a joke and should be ignored completely. These statements have not been quantified by the FDA. Allergy warning: May contain nuts. check with your attorney and your local regulations.