@Jeff Ang
I hear your frustration I am in the eviction process in Morris County, it is going good though so far. Are you using an attorney? I could refer you to the one I am using. I am not sure if the courts go in any specific order or if attorneys are able to get through quicker since they are there much more often than the average person.
Basically even when you do evict them you should be able to put a judgement on them. Just a heads up when you go to court they will most likely offer them a list of charities to try and work with and give them a month or so to try and get approved. If they get approved and they catch them up on their rent than they can legally stay until being evicted for another reason or if they fall behind again etc. If they can't get approved for charity assistance or anything else than they will get an eviction date. reach out to me if you want I can send you my attorneys info he has been good.
One mistake to make sure you don't make is do not try and evict for payments before they lifted the eviction restrictions. This will have your case denied and you'll have to start over taking even more time. You can however evict for rents after they lifted the eviction restrictions and add anything before the eviction restrictions where lifted to moneys owed through a judgement etc. (I am not an attorney this is just some of the things I have been seeing and strategies I have seen to try and attempt to get money back in NJ)