Daniel Paloscio listsource.com is a great resource, however the amount of parameters you can choose from can be overwhelming.
As a starting point for screening absentee owners, I suggest these parameters:
- 40% equity or more
- at least 7 years ownership
- 3-5 bedrooms (I'm assuming you're looking for SFH)
- Not corporate or trustee owned
A cool feature from Listsource is the ability to find properties based on geography. e.g. area code, city, county, etc. I particularly like the zip code + radius feature.
Play around with all the settings and see real time how many addresses your parameters give you.
Their cost seems to be competitive as well. Using the parameters above, I just purchased a list of about 290 addresses for about $50.
To purchase online you have to use PayPal, but can call with a CC #. You can choose to download the file in multiple formats, like Excel.
Good luck and make sure you cruise the forums for great info to help make your direct mail campaign a success!