I have dialed in every thing I need just about to print my own yellow letters. It took a while but this should save me quit a bit of money on my marketing costs. I'm new to trying to find sellers direct so not having any deals can be very costly getting started. So I wanted to find a way to cut my yellow letter mail marketing costs down so I could send out more letters with my marketing budget.
I'm now testing my marketing to see what works best. Printed envelopes vs hand written. I have hired a girl from where I work to hand address my envelopes for $100 per 1000. This includes stuffing the letter, putting a bulk mail stamp on them, hand writing my return address and the sellers address, and sealing the envelope.
I have also created my own hand writing font, I made 2 different fonts out of my own hand writing to make the letter look as hand written ( random letters just like hand writing ) as possible. I use mail merge to change the address on every letter or envelope ( just the printed envelopes ) and it works great. The only problem is, is that when mail merge puts the addresses on the letter or envelope from the excel file sometimes there's 2 or 3 of the same letter or number rite next to each other in some addresses. This looks very fake especially on the envelope. I can't have the envelope looking like it was printed, it has to look as hand written as possible. Because then people will just throw it in the trash. I would prefer the same with my letter that's inside the envelope.
Is there any random font generator or a way to have mail merge or any other program make my own font random? Like it wouldn't put 2 letters or numbers from my font rite next to each other it would in a way randomize or choose a letter from my other font of the same handwriting.
Sorry for the long post. This post will be very specific to people that are printing there own letters. It is possible though and actually very easy to do. @Jerry Puckett , @Michael Quarles any suggestions. I remember Michael talking about this in a previous post. Thanks.