@James Hamling Not even sure James knows what he's saying anymore. He's just talking himself in circles. This is what he said earlier in this post
James " Math never lies, never. The 08/09 financial collapse was called 24 months BEFORE it started, those who called it with pin point accuracy cited MATH, that it was all in the math and data, inevitable. Matter of fact a major movie was made of those people and that "The Big Short", so I would have to strongly disagree as math does tell all the struggle is only in people listening to the math and not arguing their "feelings" and emotions over the math."
Me clear winner of this debate haha "You said those who cited it with pinpoint accuracy. Who are they. Show me what math they used. Because those who called the last crash are calling it out again. There are economist and fund managers who called this last crash. They called the last economic down turn and they are warning people again. Tell me who called the last crash, who is not warning people about what's coming."
James "Seriously???? "The Big Short", look it up, watch, learn something. I have only detailed this no less than 2/3 times in this thread alone. Your other childish arguing of "prove the sun sets in the west, SHOW ME or else it isn't real", well if your incapable of lifting a finger to learn anything, I am not here to cure your problems."
Me clear winner of this debate haha "Wait a second even Michael Burry the main character of the Movie The Big Short says a crash is coming soon? What do you think about that James. The guy you said that used MATH to call the last crash says another is coming soon?"
James "Ill ignore that question because I don't have an answer to that, but what I will talk about is myself. I'm so good at real estate investing, and I'm so rich, I'm invincible and nothing can happen to me financially ever. So I'll tell everyone else that there wrong and tell them to invest all of there money in stocks and real estate because IM THE BEST."
I don't know James I think your argument is falling apart right in front of everyone on this very post. Not looking to good for you, but keep going. Everyone wants to keep hearing about how many deals you have done and how long you have been in the industry and how rich and powerful you are. Slow clap for you. Its coming.