@Darsh Patel
Before you setup an LLC make sure you seek out some legal advice on the protection and liabilities that your specific state or the state of the purchase will be held. Some states don't offer LLCs in the way of much protection and have higher tax rates. It can be a great benefit but you should have more information before you dive into it completely. A few questions to ask yourself: What kidn of investor are you? Do you plan to have enormous growth in the next year? What benefit would you have from setting up a LLC beside for liability purposes? Do you have a team member, Lawyer & CPA who could assist you in the setup and ask questions? What are the other kind of protections and reduction of liability that can be pursued to decrease your overall personal responsibility and assets? What type of Landlord are you or your Property Manager? What states offer the greatest amount of tax and liability protections for LLCs.
Also, Have liability insurance and a umbrella policy is a great thing; GREAT IDEA! Cost is not bad.
The other decision you would have to think about is how you are going to structure the LLC and how the flow through processes will be conducted.
@Andrew Holmes
I would agree that have one property for Each LLC would a hassle and think you have a good idea in limiting the number per LLC. Why you do have a limit per LLC? Why do you have 4 time the amount in personal liability vs property? Why have it per property and what kind of account would be need to accomplish this strategy?