Yes InvestorFuse is built on top of podio for Real Estate investors, with the help of their staff they can setup your contracts to be printed and mail with a click, e-mail follow, text followup which get's logged back into the activity log for that seller, track activity of each lead (well that's kinda built into Podio anyway) do one off print and mail postcards and track campaign ROI.
Their staff has been super helpful although it email/ticket based, scheduled training calls are available, also there's library of recorded webinars. I use Michael Quarles Alex call center and the staff at InvestorFuse figured out how to parse the seller lead e-mail data directly into InvestorFuse/Podio...boom!
If you have leads on papers/notepads spreadsheets and you know you're not following up Investor Fuse is for you, on day 1 we gathered up 20 leads and started following up which lead to getting one under contract although once we got the appointment (which was mostly due to the fact we were following up through the system) the onsite estimate of repair cost killed the happens.
It's not free or cheap, (although it less expensive of other programs, I'm not going to mention them in public) if you not serious InvestorFuse it's not for you.