@Shane H. and @Denise Evans how could I verify if it's an easement, leased, or owned by the tax payer? This is a tax deed so I'm assuming since the potential billboard owner did not step into pay the taxes that this particular setup does not include the clause. With this in mind the only option is for them to redeem?
@Denise If there is a permanent easement (prepaid meaning the tax payer received the funds) this would convey with tax deed, if I bought the tax deed (went through the steps for legal possession and ejectment and quiet title). I would have the rights to everything not included what's in the easement? If its a lease with a specified timeframe/length then once the lease ends and I purchased the tax deed (and complete the ejectment and quiet title) I would become the "landlord"? Meaning the lease would be between me and the billboard owner? If there is a quarterly/monthly lease that is active (paying status) and I file ejectment and quiet title would I still have no rights to assume the lease agreement or the land that the billboard is attached to?
@Shane H. how did you "See" the easement?
I see I have a lot to learn and research. I'm up for it as this has now been added to my list of income stream goals. Even if its not with this property particularly but another one. Thank you all for the input. I'm so glad I didn't just jump on this deed.