I'd go Remington 870 myself, but either one would work.
A lot of times break-in's are done by misguided youth and drug addicts, not exactly people who watched the Thomas Crowne Affair over and over looking for pointers. They are really after an easy score, something to brag about or easily sellable. Common sense prevails most of the time, don't flaunt expensive items, good lighting, a dog, neighbors looking out for each other, but if everything else fails, you need a way to put someone down.
Security systems are hit or miss. We are required to have one at work for insurance reasons and have more issues with false alarms, locking doors, then forgetting thus tripping the alarm and police locked and loaded showing up. It's more hassle than its worth.
If you make yourself look like a tough target using simple techniques, the high junkie will probably go after the neighbor's unlocked shed, instead of your fortress of solitude.