Thank you for your advice and suggestions. I am working with the tenant and conducting the showings with her agreement. I am telling every tenant they have to wear disposable gloves and booties that I will provide. I am also going to adopt Brie Schmidt's suggestion of giving a disinfectant wipe to each tenant that they can use to touch door knobs etc. The bed room will be off limits.
@Michael Plante : The tenant decided to move out.
@Eric Weldon-Schilling : She is moving out amicably.
@Brie Schmidt : Thanks for your suggestion on disinfectant wipes. I will definitely do that.
@Kyle J : This is my first multi-unit and second vacancy. Hopefully eventually I will learn to be patient :). Right now, I am rushing to post as soon as I hear a tenant is moving out.
@Jonathan R McLaughlin : Definitely going to take the video when I go to show the place.
@Austen Mueller: Thanks for the suggestion, something I will consider for subsequent weeks.