Hi @Santiago Coppoletta, I would recommend investing the time to go and visit the area that you plan to invest in. Here’s why:
1) Risk Reduction - for a typically small cost in terms of time and money you can gain a ton of context about an area and the surrounding areas that will help you to reduce the risk of getting into a poor investment
2) Relationships - you can leverage your time there to meet with local market participants like property managers, brokers, other investors, contractors, potential tenants etc.
3) Business expenses - you should be able to deduct the cost of the trip as a business expense
4) Context / Perspective - you simply get better context and perspective by being there is person
I don’t mean to say that you can’t do OK by investing remotely but I am 100% certain that you will get outsized benefits from visiting your assets periodically and definitely initially.
When I invest in multifamily deals I always visit the area, the comps and the asset itself, this takes time but because we buy 100’s of units at a time it is an efficient use of time.
I’d also be wary of anyone who isn’t personally invested in a deal alongside you telling you that you don’t need to visit, particularly if they get compensated by you making a transaction.
Investing out of state allows us to find the best returns but don’t be mistaken into thinking that you shouldn’t plan on spending time in your target market. Good luck!